
朱文國,博士,副研究員,碩士生導師。2011年於中山大學物理科學與工程技術學院獲得理學學士學位,2016年於中山大學光電材料與技術國家重點實驗室獲得光學博士學位,2014-2015年到澳大利亞國立大學物理與工程學院訪問學習。2016.07加入暨南大學光電工程系。主要從事光纖光電集成器件、光自旋(與圓偏振態相關)和軌道(與螺旋相位相關)角動量的產生、調控及其套用研究。以第一作者或通信作者身份在ACS Photonics、Nonaphotonics、Photonic Research、Optics Letters、Optics Express、Sensors and Actuators B等國際權威期刊發表學術論文共25篇。擔任Optics Express和Applied Optics、Optics Communications等國際期刊審稿專家.

重視碩士生、本科生培養工作,指導多名研究生獲國家獎學金;指導本科生第一作者在Nonaphotonics、Optics Express等國際期刊上發表論文5篇。


  • 中文名:朱文國
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:中山大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:光纖光電集成器件、光自旋和軌道角動量的產生等










  1. H. Lin, M. Jiang, L. Zhuo,W. Zhu, H. Guan, J. Yu, H. Lu, J. Tan, J. Zhang, and Z. Chen, "Enhanced Imbert–Fedorov shifts of higher-order Laguerre–Gaussian beams by lossy mode resonance," Opt. Commun. 431, 136–141 (2019).
  2. H. Lin, B. Chen, S. Yang,W. Zhu, J. Yu, H. Guan, and H. Lu, "Photonic spin Hall effect of monolayer black phosphorus in the Terahertz region,"Nanophotonics7, 1929–1937 (2018).
  3. J. Yu, L. Chen, H. Dong, X. Liu, H. Huang, W. Qiu, S. Huang,W. Zhu, H. Lu, J. Tang, Y. Xiao, Y. Zhong, Y. Luo, J. Zhang, and Z. Chen, "Sensing and exploiting static femto-Newton optical forces by a nanofiber with white light interferometry,"ACS Photonics5, 3205–3213 (2018).
  4. W. Zhu, H. Guan, H. Lu, J. Tang, Z. Li, J. Yu, and Z. Chen, "Orbital angular momentum sidebands of vortex beams transmitted through a thin metamaterial slab," Opt. Express 26, (2018).
  5. L. Zhuo, W. Long, M. Jiang,W. Zhu, H. Guan, J. Tang, J. Yu, H. Lu, J. Zhang, and Z. Chen, "Graphene-based tunable Imbert-Fedorov shifts and orbital angular momentum sidebands for reflected vortex beams in the terahertz region," Opt. Lett. 43, 2823 (2018).
  6. Z. Chen, L. Zhuo,W. Zhu, L. Chen, J. Yu, H. Guan, H. Lu, J. Dong, W. Qiu, and Z. Chen, "Measurement of Giant Spin Splitting of Reflected Gaussian Beams," IEEE Photonics J. 10, 4500307 (2018).
  7. M. Jiang, H. Lin, L. Zhuo,W. Zhu, H. Guan*, J. Yu, H. Lu, J. Tan, and Z. Chen, "Chirality induced asymmetric spin splitting of light beams reflected from an air-chiral interface," Opt. Express 26, 6593 (2018).
  8. H. Lin,W. Zhu, J. Yu, M. Jiang, L. Zhuo, W. Qiu, J. Dong, Y. Zhong, and Z. Chen, "Upper-limited angular Goos-Hänchen shifts of Laguerre-Gaussian beams," Opt. Express 26, 5810 (2018).
  9. Y. Huang,W. Zhu, Z. Li, G. Chen, L. Chen, J. Zhou, H. Lin, J. Guan, W. Fang, X. Liu, H. Dong, J. Tang, H. Guan, H. Lu, Y. Xiao, J. Zhang, H. Wang, Z. Chen, and J. Yu, "High-performance fibre-optic humidity sensor based on a side-polished fibre wavelength selectively coupled with graphene oxide film,"Sensors Actuators B Chem. 255, 57–69 (2018).
  10. W. Zhu, L. Zhuo, M. Jiang, H. Guan, J. Yu, H. Lu, Y. Luo, J. Zhang, and Z. Chen, "Controllable symmetric and asymmetric spin splitting of Laguerre – Gaussian beams assisted by surface plasmon resonance," Opt. Lett. 42, 4869–4872 (2017).
  11. W. Zhu, M. Jiang, H. Guan, J. Yu, H. Lu, J. Zhang, and Z. Chen, "Tunable spin splitting of Laguerre–Gaussian beams in graphene metamaterials,"Photonics Res.5, 684 (2017).
  12. D. Zhang, H. Guan,W. Zhu, J. Yu, H. Lu, W. Qiu, J. Dong, J. Zhang, Y. Luo, and Z. Chen, "All light-control-light properties of molybdenum diselenide (MoSe2)-coated-microfiber," Opt. Express 25, 740–746 (2017).
  13. M. Jiang,W. Zhu,H. Guan, J. Yu, H. Lu, J. Tan, J. Zhang, and Z. Chen, "Giant spin splitting induced by orbital angular momentum in an epsilon-near-zero metamaterial slab," Opt. Lett. 42, 3259 (2017).
  14. W. Zhu, J. Yu, H. Guan, H. Lu, J. Tang, J. Zhang, Y. Luo, and Z. Chen, "The upper limit of the in-plane spin splitting of Gaussian beam reflected from a glass-air interface," Sci. Rep. 7, 1150 (2017).
  15. W. Zhu, J. Yu, H. Guan, H. Lu, J. Tang, Y. Luo, and Z. Chen, "Large spatial and angular spin splitting in a thin anisotropic ε-near-zero metamaterial," Opt. Express 25, 5196–5205 (2017).
  16. W. Zhu, N. Eckerskorn, A. Padhya, A. Rode, and W. Lee, "Dynamic axial control over optically levitating particles in air with an electrically-tunable variable-focus lens," Biomed. Opt. Express 7, 2902–2911 (2016).
  17. W. Zhu, V. Shvedov, W. She, and W. Krolikowski, "Transverse spin angular momentum of tightly focused full Poincaré beams," Opt. Express 23, 34029 (2015).
  18. W. Zhuand W. She, "Tightly focusing vector circular airy beam through a hard aperture," Opt. Commun. 334, 303–307 (2015).
  19. W. Zhuand W. She, "Enhanced spin Hall effect of transmitted light through a thin epsilon-near-zero slab," Opt. Lett. 40, 2961 (2015).
  20. W. Zhuand W. She, "Improved nonparaxial accelerating beams due to additional off-axis spiral phases," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 31, 2365 (2014).
  21. W. Zhuand W. She, "Transverse angular momentum and transverse barycenter shift of a focused light field due to nonuniform input angular momentum," Opt. Lett. 39, 1337 (2014).
  22. W. Zhuand W. She, "Electrically tunable generation of inhomogeneously polarized light beam," Opt. Commun. 311, 212–215 (2013).
  23. W. Zhuand W. She, "Generation of tunable three-dimensional polarization in 4Pi focusing system.," Opt. Express 21, 17265–74 (2013).
  24. W. Zhuand W. She, "Electro-optically generating and controlling right- and left-handed circularly polarized multiring modes of light beams," Opt. Lett. 37, 2823 (2012).
  25. W. Zhuand W. She, "Electrically controlling spin and orbital angular momentum of a focused light beam in a uniaxial crystal," Opt. Express 20, 25876 (2012).






