


  • 中文名:曾浩生
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生地:湖南永州
  • 出生日期:1965年4月
  • 職業:教師








12.記憶環境中的量子信息處理 (11275064),國家自然科學基金面上項目,2013.1-2016.12 (主持)。
11.量子非馬可夫過程及其套用研究(20124306110003),高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金聯合資助課題, 2013.1-2015.12 (主持)。
10.囚禁冷離子量子信息處理的典型問題研究(10347128), 國家自然科學基金科學部主任基金,2004.1-2004.12(主持)。
9.囚禁離子系統中的消相干、糾纏、及其它物理問題的研(206103), 教育部重點科研項目, 2006.1-2008.12(主持)。
8.消相干、EIT和囚禁離子量子信息處理(2005037695), 教育部博士後科研項目, 2005.1-2006.12(主持)。
7.囚禁離子相干信息處理中的典型問題研究(04JJ3017), 湖南省自然科學基金項目, 2004.9-2006.12(主持)。
6.量子複雜系統的量子消相干量子糾纏和量子關聯研究(11075050), 家自然科學基金面上項目 , 2011.1-2013.12(參與)。
5.基於自旋的量子計算原理和方法的研究(2007CB925204), 973 子課題, 2007.-2012(參與)。
4.幾個大粒子數(巨觀)系統的量子相干性和量子消相干研究(10775048), 國家自然科學基金面上項目, 2008.1-2010.12(參與)。
3.經典物理學和量子理論(10325523), 國家傑出青年科學基金項目, 2004.1-2007.12(參與)。
2.多體系統的巨觀量子信息過程及其物理基礎的理論研究(90203018), 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫項目, 2003.1-2005.12(參與)。
1.量子計算:理論及其在量子物理學中的套用(69873015), 國家自然科學基金面上項目, 1999.1-2001.12(參與)。


30. Non-Markovian dynamics and quantum interference in open three-level quantum systems(通訊作者)
Quantum Inf. Process 18 (2019) 378
Hao-Sheng Zeng, Yu-Kun Ren, Xiao-Lan Wang, Zhi He
29. Multipartite quantum coherence and monogamy for Dirac fields subject to Hawking radiation(通訊作者)
Quantum Inf. Process 18 (2019) 305
Shu-Min Wu, Hao-Sheng Zeng
28. Quantum coherence of Gaussian states in curved spacetime(通訊作者)
Results in Physics 14 (2019) 102398
Shu-Min Wu, Hao-Sheng Zeng, Tong-Hua Liu
27. Non-Markovian dynamics of a dephasing model in a squeezed thermal bath(通訊作者)
Laser Physics Letters 16 (2019) 065204
Zhi He, Hao-Sheng Zeng, Yu Chen, Chunmei Yao
Xiao-Lan Wang, Yu-Kun Ren, Hao-Sheng Zeng
26. Dynamical control of population and entanglement for open Λ-type atoms by engineering the
Chin. Phys. B 28 (2019) 030301
25. The influence of the Earth’s curved spacetime on Gaussian quantum coherence
Laser Physics Letters 16, 095201 (2019)
Tong-Hua Liu, Shuo Cao, Shu-Min Wu, Hao-Sheng Zeng
24. Protection of quantum Fisher information for multiple phases in open quantum systems(通訊作者)
Quantum Inf. Process 17 (2018) 5
Yu-Kun Ren, Xiao-Lan Wang, Hao-Sheng Zeng
23.Non-Markovianity measure based on the relative entropy of coherence in an extended space(通訊作者)
Phys. Rev. A 96 (2017) 022106
Zhi He, Hao-Sheng Zeng, Yan Li, Qiong Wang, Chunmei Yao
22. Protection of quantum Fisher information in entangled states via classical driving (通訊作者)
Quantum Inf. Process 15 (2016) 5011-5021
Yu-Kun Ren, La-Mei Tang, Hao-Sheng Zeng
21. Concurrence as a measure of Markovianity: concurrence versus distinguishability and divisibility (通訊作者)
Quantum Inf. Process 15 (2016) 3043-3053
Ze-Yu Gao, Yu-Kun Ren, Hao-Sheng Zeng
20. Entanglement and non-Markovianity of a multi-level atom decaying in a cavity (通訊作者)
Chin. Phys. B 25 (1) (2016) 010303
Zi-Long Fan, Yu-Kun Ren, Hao-Sheng Zeng
19. Environmental coherence and excitation effects in non-Markovian dynamics (通訊作者)
Optics Express 23 (2015) 23021
Ying Liu, Wen Cheng, Ze-Yu Gao and Hao-Sheng Zeng
18. Improving the quality of noisy spatial quantum channels (通訊作者)
Quant. Inf. Comput.16 (2015) 0568-0581
Ning Tang, Zi-Long Fan and Hao-Sheng Zeng
17. Rotation of Bloch sphere induced by Lamb shift in open two-level systems (通訊作者)
Chin. Phys. B 24 (2015) 050302
Guo-You Wang, Ning Tang, Ying Liu and Hao-Sheng Zeng
16. Phase effect on dynamics of quantum discord modulated by interaction between qubits (通訊作者)
Chin. Phys. B 24 (2015) 090303
Guo-You Wang, You-Neng Guo and Hao-Sheng Zeng
15. Discontinuity and Protection of Quantum Fisher Information for a Two-Qubit System (通訊作者)
Commun. Theor. Phys 64 (2015) 495-500
Guo-You Wang, Ji-Bing Yuan and Hao-Sheng Zeng
14. Coherence, correlation and non-Markovianity in qubit systems (通訊作者)
Eur. Phys. J. D 68 (2014) 278
Ning Tang, Wen Cheng and Hao-Sheng Zeng
13. Entanglement and non-Markovianity of a spin-S system in a dephasing environment(通訊作者)
Chin. Phys. B 23 (2014) 060303
Zi-Long Fan, Jing Tian and Hao-Sheng Zeng
12. Comparison between non-Markovian dynamics with and without rotating wave approximation(通訊作者)
Chin. Phys. B 22 (2013) 030304
Ning Tang, Tian-Tian Xu and Hao-Sheng Zeng
11. Measurement-induced nonlocality and geometric discord in the spin-Boson model(通訊作者)
J. Quantum Inform. Sci 3 (2013) 34-41
Guo-You Wang, Zi-Long Fan and Hao-Sheng Zeng
10. Non-Markovian dynamics of an open two-level system with amplitude-phase damping(通訊作者)
J. Quantum Inform. Sci 3 (2013) 27-33
Ning Tang, Guo-You Wang, Zi-Long Fan and Hao-Sheng Zeng
9. Correlation quantum beats induced by non-Markovian effect(通訊作者)
Quantum Inf. Process 12 (2013) 1637-1650
Hao-Sheng Zeng, Yan-Ping Zheng, Ning Tang and Guo-You Wang
8. Roles of dephasing in the population transfer in stimulated Raman adiabatic process(通訊作者)
Eur. Phys. J. D 67 (2013) 151
Qiong Wang, Jian-Jun Nie and Hao-Sheng Zeng
7. Non-Markovian dynamics for an open two-level system without rotating wave approximation:
indivisibility versus backflow of information(通訊作者)
Eur. Phys. J. D 66 (2012) 255
Hao-Sheng Zeng, Ning Tang, Yan-Ping and Tian-Tian Xu
6. Dark states and Aharonov Bohm oscillations in multi-quantum-dot systems (通訊作者)
Chin. Phys. B 20 (2011) 010303
Wang Qiong, Liu Jun, Tang Ning and Zeng Hao-Sheng
5. Distribution of non-Markovian intervals for open qubit systems (通訊作者)
Chin. Phys. B 20 (2011) 110301
Zheng Yan-Ping, Tang Ning, Wang Guo-You, and Zeng Hao-Sheng
4. Equivalence of the measures of non-Markovianity for open two-level systems (通訊作者)
Phys. Rev. A 84 (2011) 032118
Hao-Sheng Zeng, Ning Tang, Yan-Ping Zheng, and Guo-You Wang
3. Universal quantum gates between distant quantum dot spins (通訊作者)
Physics Letters A 374 (2010) 2129-2132
Hao-Sheng Zeng , Qiong Wang, Xi-Ming Fang, Le-Man Kuang
2. Distributed quantum information processing via quantum dot spins (通訊作者)
Chin. Phys. B 19 (3) (2010) 030313
Liu Jun, Wang Qiong, Kuang Le-Man, and Zeng Hao-Sheng
1. Quantum thermal discord in a two-spin-1/2 XXZ model (通訊作者)
Chin. Phys. B 19 (10) (2010) 100311
Wang Qiong, Liao Jie-Qiao, and Zeng Hao-Sheng




