



  • 中文名:曹存根
  • 國籍中國
  • 主要成就:1999年7月入選中國科學院“百人計畫”
  • 職稱:中科院計算所研究員


1993年5月在中國科學院數學研究所獲得計算機專業理學博士。 同年6月進入中國科學院計算所博士後流動站, 從事知識工程方面的博士後研究工作, 1995年7月完成科研任務出站。幾年來,曹存根先後出訪澳大利亞昆士蘭大學計算機系、德國不萊梅大學格催頁人工智慧實驗室、新加坡國立大學、日本大阪大學哈佛大學醫學院、麻省理工學院計算機科幾疊旋學實驗室、愛丁堡大學。1999年7月入選中國科學院“百人計畫”, 並於同年10月份回國工作。2004年擔任KEST04國際會議程式主席。


大規模知識處理課題組正在研究的是一個具有基礎性和前瞻性的課題,即國家知識基礎設施(National Knowledge Infrastructure,簡稱NKI)。NKI是中科院計算所於1995年在國際上首先提出的一個重要研究方向。NKI是一個龐大的、可共享的、操作化的知識群體,不僅集成了各個學科的公共知識,而且還可融入府微邀了各學科專家的個人知識。這種知識基礎設施將為科研、教學、科普和知識服務提供了有效的知識基礎,對中國國民經濟的持續發展和國民教育將發揮很大的作用。圍繞NKI,本課題組將在以下3個方向開展拘芝影凝研究:


《面向專家的知識獲取》是由科學出版社出版的書籍。作者曹存根 。





C.Cao H.Wang and Y Sui: Knowledge modeling and acquisition of traditional Chinese herbal drugs and formulae from text. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
C.Cao and Y.Sui (eds): Knowledge economy meets science and technology. Tsinghua University Press
X.Yue and C.Cao: Meta-level elicitation and analysis of knowledge requirements
X. Yong, C.Cao, D.Zhang and S.Tang: A formal representational model of emotion knowledge. Proc
X Yue and C.Cao: Knowledge design. Proc. KEST03.
C.Cao, N.McIntosh and I.Kohane: Artifact detection in PO2 and PCO2 data streams. International J. Clinical Monitoring and Computing
C.Cao,T.-Y. Leong, et al.: Dynamic decision analysis in medicine: a data-driven approach. International J. Medical Informatics
C.Cao and T.-Y. Leong: Learning conditional probabilities for influence views. Proc. of the IJCAI Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine
C.Cao,T.-Y. Leong, et al.: Induction of diagnostic strategies with multi-level information measures. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Medical Informatics
T.-Y.Leong and C.Cao: Modeling medical decisions in DynaMol: A new general framework of dynamic decision analysis. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Medical Informatics
C.Cao: Looking at the other side of knowledge. Proceedings of Pacific Asian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
C.Cao: Liveness characterization of WEFC net systems (I), Science in China, Series E
C.Cao: Liveness characterization of WEFC net systems (II), Science in China, Series E
R.Lu, C.Cao, et al.: A PNLU approach to ICAI system generation, Science in China, Series A
C.Cao: AI developments in China, IEEE Expert
R.Lu, C.Cao, et al.: On automatic generation of ICAI systems. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Artificial Intelligence in Education
C.Cao: The knowledge-cloud hypothesis. Chinese J. Software





C.Cao H.Wang and Y Sui: Knowledge modeling and acquisition of traditional Chinese herbal drugs and formulae from text. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
C.Cao and Y.Sui (eds): Knowledge economy meets science and technology. Tsinghua University Press
X.Yue and C.Cao: Meta-level elicitation and analysis of knowledge requirements
X. Yong, C.Cao, D.Zhang and S.Tang: A formal representational model of emotion knowledge. Proc
X Yue and C.Cao: Knowledge design. Proc. KEST03.
C.Cao, N.McIntosh and I.Kohane: Artifact detection in PO2 and PCO2 data streams. International J. Clinical Monitoring and Computing
C.Cao,T.-Y. Leong, et al.: Dynamic decision analysis in medicine: a data-driven approach. International J. Medical Informatics
C.Cao and T.-Y. Leong: Learning conditional probabilities for influence views. Proc. of the IJCAI Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine
C.Cao,T.-Y. Leong, et al.: Induction of diagnostic strategies with multi-level information measures. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Medical Informatics
T.-Y.Leong and C.Cao: Modeling medical decisions in DynaMol: A new general framework of dynamic decision analysis. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Medical Informatics
C.Cao: Looking at the other side of knowledge. Proceedings of Pacific Asian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
C.Cao: Liveness characterization of WEFC net systems (I), Science in China, Series E
C.Cao: Liveness characterization of WEFC net systems (II), Science in China, Series E
R.Lu, C.Cao, et al.: A PNLU approach to ICAI system generation, Science in China, Series A
C.Cao: AI developments in China, IEEE Expert
R.Lu, C.Cao, et al.: On automatic generation of ICAI systems. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Artificial Intelligence in Education
C.Cao: The knowledge-cloud hypothesis. Chinese J. Software


