1. Non-contact and Non-destructive Analysis of the Quality of Phenolic Resin by Near-Infrared Spectroscop,Journal of Testing and Evaluation ;2012.02; Volume 40 ;
2. Analysis of rapid method for the quality index of phenolic resins and benefit,Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing;2012.01;Volume 48, Number 1 (2012) ;
3. 多任務目標條件下商業銀行激勵契約最佳化研究,預測;2012.06 ;
4. After crisis the incentive contracts of commercial banks in China: A study based on Holmstrom-Milgrom model,International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE2011);2011.09 ;
5. Research to the “Conceal Finance ” for Administration Enforce Unit; Proceedings of International,Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2011); 2011.03;Volume 4 ;
6. Early Warning Methods of Real Estate Bubbles- Empirical Research Based on Binary Response Model,International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management(ICCREM2011);