該物種由真菌學家Dennis Desjardin 和 Don Hemmes 所作的首次科學描述於2011年刊載於《Mycologia》(真菌學雜誌)上。其模式標本於2009年1月由Dennis Desjardin 採集於考艾島的寇基州立公園。其種加詞vinosobrunneum 指的是暗紅褐色的子實體顏色。
The species was first described scientifically by mycologists Dennis Desjardin and Don Hemmes in 2011 inMycologia. Desjardin collected theholotypespecimen in Kauaʻi, inKōkeʻe State Parkin January of 2009. Thespecific epithetvinosobrunneumrefers to the dark reddish-brown color of the fruit bodies.
孢子無色,光滑,卵圓形,薄壁,內含一油滴,(6.5-8.0)μm × (5-6.5)μm。擔子棒狀。小梗長2.5-5μm,小梗與四孢子(27-36)μm × (8-10)μm。
The shape of the cap is convex to flattened, and it is translucent with slight grooves, reaching a diameter of 14–20mm (0.55–0.79in). The cap surface is smooth, moist, and hygrophanous. Dark reddish-brown near the center, the color fades slightly approaching the margin. Thefleshis thin—between 0.5 and 1mm—and pale grayish to reddish brown. The gills are adnexed or sinuate, seceding in maturity. They are somewhat distantly spaced, with two to four series of interspersed lamellulae (short gills). The gills are reddish brown, and may have a lavender tint. The stem, which is roughly the same color as the cap, measures 2.5 to 3.0cm (1.0 to 1.2in) long by 2–2.5mm thick, and is either more or less equal in width throughout its length or is slightly enlarged in the lower part. The mushroom lacks any distinctive taste or odor.
The spores are ovoid (egg-shaped), smooth,hyaline(translucent), thin-walled, and contain one oil droplet; they measure 6.5–8 by 5–6.5μm. The basidia (spore-bearing cells) are club-shaped, four-spored with sterigma that are 2.5–5μm long, and measure 27–36 by 8–10μm.
Callistosporium vinosobrunneumgrows solitarily to scattered on the rotting wood of the flowering evergreen treeʻōhiʻa lehua(Metrosideros polymorpha). It is endemic to the islands ofHawaiʻiandKauaʻi.
黃褐色孢菌(Callistosporium luteoliraceum)子實體小。菌蓋直徑1-2. 5cm,至扁平或邊緣有時翻起,中央稍凹,表面黃褐色,中部色深,乾時變淺色,濕時邊緣有細條紋。菌肉同蓋色,薄。菌褶淺黃褐色或污黃色,不等長。菌柄長2-3.5cm,粗0. 2-0.3cm,色紋同蓋色。孢子微帶淡黃色,橢圓形,(4.5-6.5)μm×(3-4 .5)μm。夏秋於林地腐枝落葉層上群生。分布於香港等地。
C. purpureomarginatum
拉丁學名:Callistosporium luteo-olivaceum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Singer
C. luteo-olivaceum
拉丁學名:Callistosporium luteo-olivaceum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Singer