


  • 書名:普通高等教育"十二五"規劃教材:商法
  • 作者:李栗燕
  • 出版社:國防工業出版社
  • 頁數:246頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:國防工業出版社
  • 外文名:Commercial Law
  • 類型:人文社科
  • 出版日期:2012年9月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:7118083267, 9787118083262



《普通高等教育"十二五"規劃教材:商法(英文)》講述了在全球化的大背景下,中國的法治建設與時俱進。在我國法學教育方面也應當推陳出新,與國際接軌。基於提升我國法學雙語教學水準,培養國際化的法律人才,作者集結歷年來的研究成果,編著商法(Commercial Law)雙語教材,希望能為我國的法學雙語教學提供一本高質量的教材。


李栗燕 湖北武漢人,華中科技大學法學碩士。現任南京航空航天大學人文學院法律系副主任,中國行政管理學會會員。江蘇省法學會會員。在《江漢論壇》、《科技進步與對策》等刊物上發表論文二十餘篇,已主持兩項法學課題的研究,參與多項省級課題的研究及教改項目和精品課程建設。2002年獲全市法制知識競賽專業組第一名,2005年公派赴澳大利亞交流、進修,2006年獲南京航空航天大學教學優秀二等獎。


Chapter 1 Introduction
Section 1 Legal Systems and Law
Section 2 About Commercial Law
Section 3 Choice of Business Organizations
Section 4 Introduction to Contracts
Chapter 2 Partnerslup Law
Section 1 Partnerships
Section 2 Sole Proprietorship and Partnership
Section 3 Partnership Law of England
Chapter 3 Company Law
Section 1 About Corporation
Section 2 The Article of Incorporation
Section 3 Management of Corporation
Section 4 Veil of Incorporation
Section 5 Stock
Section 6 The Director as a "Fiduciary"
Section 7 Officers of Corporation
Section 8 Merger,Consolidation and Termination of Corporation
Section 9 The Company Law of China
Chapter 4 Bankruptcy Law
Section 1 History of Bankruptcy Law
Section 2 Liquidation Bankruptcy
Chapter 5 Negotiable Instrument Law
Section 1 Negotiable Instruments
Section 2 Rights of Holder in Due Course
Section 3 Check Collection
Section 4 The Bank and Its Customer:Rights,Duties and Liabilities
Chapter 6 Securities Law
Section 1 General Introduction
Section 2 The securities Markets
Section 3 State and Federal Securities Laws
Section 4 The Securities and Exchange Commission
Chapter 7 Insurance Law
Section 1 History of Insurance
Section 2 Fundamental Principles of Insurance Law
Section 3 The Contract of Insurance
Section 4 Classes of Insurance
Chapter 8 Banking Law
Section 1 Banks and Banking
Section 2 Banking Law in Canada
Section 3 When Banks Collide
Chapter 9 Dispute Resolution
Section 1 Arbitration
Section 2 Civil Procedure Law
Section 3 Criminal Procedure Law
Company Law of the People's Republic of China
Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China

