中華美食家協會(Chinese Gastronomy Association)於2017年7月在中國香港創立,2018年2月正式加入國際美食家協會成為其大中華區唯一協會。獲得全球四十多個國家級美食家協會官方認證。中華美食家協會面向大中華地區凝聚中華美食家,致力於中華美食文化傳承創新與國際推廣,樹立中華美食家權威平台與中華美食國際新形象。
- 中文名:中華美食家協會
- 外文名:Chinese Gastronomy Association
- 所在地:香港
- 成立時間:2017年8月
國際美食家協會(International Academy of Gastronomy)由西班牙、法國、舟凳催院英國、義大利及瑞士五國美食家協會共同創辦,於 1983 年正式成立,其總部位於法國巴黎。
- 聯合國糧食及農業組織,羅馬
- 世界衛生組織,日內瓦
- 聯合國教科文組織,燥雅烏巴黎
- 歐盟,布魯塞爾
- 地中海聯盟, 巴塞隆納
截止至 2016 年,駝蘭請熱全球已有超過 30 個成員國加入該協會。各成員國美食家協會享有充分自治管拳灑才理許可權。
任何成員國所在地區的嘗墓辣美食家個人,戶腳抹均需通過成員國協會申請,方可加入美食家協會組織並參與國際美食家協會各項活動。中華美食家協會於 2018 年 2 月正式加入成為其中國唯一會員協會。
What is the International Academy of Gastronomy (AIG*)?
It is a transnational network of men and women with a privileged interest in gastronomy.
Founded in 1983 by five national Academies of Gastronomy, representing five different countries (Spain, France, Britain, Italy and Switzerland),it can only include as members national or regional Academies of Gastronomy. AIG is an international federation of Gastronomic Academies.
In 2016 about thirty Academies from around the world have joined IAG, each retaining autonomy and management.
Member countries can be found inthe European Union, the Middle East, Japan, the Americas (North, Central and South) and Africa, which allows an indisputable international recognition.
From a legal standpoint, IAG is a private, non-profit association under French law. It isheadquartered in Levallois-Perret (France), asuburb of Paris and registered in the Hauts-de-Seine district.
The official language of AIG is French. However, most documents are also published in English.
It has a budget, voted annually by the General Assembly. It is funded by contributions from Member Academies and by voluntary grants from corporations and individuals. Its accounts areapproved by a Certified Public Accountant, a member of the French National Chamber of auditors.
As a result, any person interested in the activities of the AIG must first contact the national Academy of his country of residence of nationality and apply for individual membership. When an individual member is admitted in a National Academy, then he can apply for any AIG activity, in particular gastronomic trips it organizes or supervises.
IAG has not claimed as yet to become a private NGO (Non-Governmental Organization). Nevertheless, it maintains an ongoing relationship with several international organizations,including:
- FAO in Rome. (Information Note n° 7)
- WHO (World Health Organization), Geneva.
- UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), Paris.
- The European Union (Commission and Parliament), Brussels.
- The Union for the Mediterranean, Barcelona.
From a legal standpoint, IAG is a private, non-profit association under French law. It isheadquartered in Levallois-Perret (France), asuburb of Paris and registered in the Hauts-de-Seine district.
The official language of AIG is French. However, most documents are also published in English.
It has a budget, voted annually by the General Assembly. It is funded by contributions from Member Academies and by voluntary grants from corporations and individuals. Its accounts areapproved by a Certified Public Accountant, a member of the French National Chamber of auditors.
As a result, any person interested in the activities of the AIG must first contact the national Academy of his country of residence of nationality and apply for individual membership. When an individual member is admitted in a National Academy, then he can apply for any AIG activity, in particular gastronomic trips it organizes or supervises.
IAG has not claimed as yet to become a private NGO (Non-Governmental Organization). Nevertheless, it maintains an ongoing relationship with several international organizations,including:
- FAO in Rome. (Information Note n° 7)
- WHO (World Health Organization), Geneva.
- UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), Paris.
- The European Union (Commission and Parliament), Brussels.
- The Union for the Mediterranean, Barcelona.