《星期二特寫》1989年4月18日啟播至今26年,製作的專題系列超過150百個,寫下無數感人肺腑的故事, 觸及不同階層的苦樂悲喜,展現人性人心的光明陰晦。
每逢星期二晚上十點三十分 8頻道播出
社會步履急躁 人情冷暖不定
一些不起眼的人與事 一些藏在角落裡的聲音
也許就是那一股消溶急躁的清流 那一句化解淡漠的問候
《星期二特寫》1989年4月18日啟播至今23年,製作的專題系列超過150百個,寫下無數感人肺腑的故事, 觸及不同階層的苦樂悲喜,展現人性人心的光明陰晦。
<Tuesday Report >
“Chronicles of life; touching the multitudes”
Telecast: Tuesday 1030pm Channel 8
The pace of life is relentless and the relations we build can be volatile;
Every one craves for a comforting touch.
It’s the unnoticed and the little-known; the soft voices that echoes from hidden corners,
these, perhaps, are the healing salve that soothes irritation, thaws indifference,
warms our hearts and ignites our souls.
Tuesday Reporthave, since its debut in April 1989, produced more than 150 series of human interest stories over the past 23 years. These stories reflect the joys and sorrows of various societal segments, mirroring not only the bright spots of humanity but the dark corners as well.
Many members of the audience have vocalized how they have been inspired by the features; expressing genuine concern over the plight of the less fortunate and with some even going out of their ways to extend a helping hand.
The strong bonds forged through this close communication with the audience continues to motivate the team to seek out in earnest the interesting but often overlooked real life events and people and relate these extraordinary stories.
And the team’s hard work and efforts have not gone unnoticed; the accolades from winning a number of local and overseas awards over the years has, in turn, also strengthened the team’s resolve to keep on striving for excellence in their work in television production.
And there are many touching stories around us still, yet untold.Tuesday Reporthas the stories and will be sharing them with you.