



  • 書名:旅遊專業英語實用教程(第二版)
  • 作者:馬飛、司愛俠
  • ISBN:9787302434146
  • 定價:39元
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年6月


本書是“普通高校專業英語教程系列”中的一本,為切實提高讀者的專業英語能力而設計。本書分 13個單元,每個單元包括對話、閱讀、辭彙、縮略語、難句講解、習題、技能訓練、旅遊小百科、著名景點介紹等。本書還提供配套的音頻,能夠幫助提高讀者的聽說能力。本書既可作為高等本科院校、高等專科院校旅遊相關專業的專業英語教材,也可以作為旅遊從業人員自學或者相關行業的培訓教材。


Unit 1 Introduction to Tourism Industry 1
Part One Dialogues 1
Part Two Text A Tourism Industry 3
Part Three Text B Tourism in China 10
Part Four Skill Training Forms 13
Practical Writing 15
Part Five Related Information 16
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight 17
Unit 2 Preparations Before Tour 19
Part One Dialogues 19
Part Two Text A Prepare for a Tour 21
Part Three Text B A Guide to China Tour 27
Part Four Skill Training Forms 33
Practical Writing 34
Part Five Related Information 35
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight 37
Unit 3 Travel Agency 39
Part One Dialogues 39
Part Two Text A Introduction to Travel Agency 40
Part Three Text B How to Choose the Best Travel Agency 46
Part Four Skill Training Forms 51
Practical Writing 54
Part Five Related Information 57
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight 58
Unit 4 Airport 61
Part One Dialogues 61
Part Two Text A Procedures of Boarding a Plane 63
Part Three Text B Check-in Online 67
Part Four Skill Training Forms 70
Practical Writing 71
Part Five Related Information 72
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight 74
Unit 5 En Route 75
Part One Dialogue and Broadcasting 75
Part Two Text A En Route 77
Part Three Text B Air Transportation 82
Part Four Skill Training Forms 88
Practical Writing 92
Part Five Related Information 93
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight 94
Unit 6 Arrival 95
Part One Dialogues 95
Part Two Text A Entering the Country 97
Part Three Text B Learn About the Airport 102
Part Four Skill Training Forms 107
Practical Writing 108
Part Five Related Information 110
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight 111
Unit 7 Ground Transportation 113
Part One Dialogues 113
Part Two Text A Transportation Service at International Airport 115
Part Three Text B Train Travel 120
Part Four Skill Training Forms 125
Practical Writing 126
Part Five Related Information 128
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight 130
Unit 8 Cruise 131
Part One Dialogues 131
Part Two Text A Cruising Industry 132
Part Three Text B Cruise Industry Catering to Families 138
Part Four Skill Training Forms 142
Practical Writing 145
Part Five Related Information 147
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight 149
Unit 9 Hotel 151
Part One Dialogues 151
Part Two Text A Hotels 153
Part Three Text B Finding Hotel Bargains 160
Part Four Skill Training Forms 164
Practical Writing 166
Part Five Related Information 167
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight 168
Unit 10 Restaurant 171
Part One Dialogues 171
Part Two Text A Chinese Food 173
Part Three Text B Food in French Restaurant 179
Part Four Skill Training Forms 183
Practical Writing 185
Part Five Related Information 186
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight 186
Unit 11 Sightseeing 189
Part One Dialogues 189
Part Two Text A Leisurely Sightseeing in Hong Kong 192
Part Three Text B How to Make Your Itinerary 199
Part Four Skill Training Forms 206
Practical Writing 208
Part Five Related Information 209
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight 210
Unit 12 Shopping 213
Part One Dialogues 213
Part Two Text A Shopping in China 215
Part Three Text B Shopping in the USA 222
Part Four Skill Training Forms 227
Practical Writing 229
Part Five Related Information 229
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight 231
Unit 13 Leaving 233
Part One Dialogues 233
Part Two Text A Things to Do Before Leaving 235
Part Three Text B Returning Home After Traveling Abroad May
Be Problematic 241
Part Four Skill Training Forms 245
Practical Writing 246
Part Five Related Information 247
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight 249
附錄1 辭彙總表 251
附錄2 模擬試題 277

