

施紅軍 (1975-),江蘇通州人,博士研究生,現為西湖大學生命科學學院教師。


  • 中文名:施紅軍
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生地:江蘇通州
  • 出生日期:1975年
  • 畢業院校:Victoria University of Wellington
  • 職業:大學教師,科研工作者
  • 學歷:博士研究生


2006年辣夜霸獲Victoria University of Wellington生物醫學一等榮譽學士學位(人類遺傳學)。
2012年獲University of Otago病理學博士學位。循糠地
2012-2017年在澳大利亞張腿盼任謙心臟研究所(Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute) 發育和幹細胞生物學鞏承拜說部從事博士後研究,2015年促捆棄升為高設籃雅級博士後研究員,新南威爾斯大學講朵慨采槳師,主要致力於先天性心臟病致病機理的研究。


1.Shi, H., Enriquez, A., Rapadas, M., Martin, E.M.M.A., Wang, R., Moreau, J., Lim, C.K., Szot, J.O., Ip, E., Hughes, J.N., Sugimoto, K., Humphreys, D.T., McInerney-Leo, A.M., Leo, P.J., Maghzal, G.J., Halliday, J., Smith, J., Colley, A., Mark, P.R., Collins, F., Sillence, D.O., Winlaw, D.S., Ho, J.W.K., Guillemin, G.J., Brown, M.A., Kikuchi, K., Thomas, P.Q., Stocker, R., Giannoulatou, E., Chapman, G., Duncan, E.L., Sparrow, D.B., Dunwoodie, S.L., 2017. NAD Deficiency, Congenital Malformations, and Niacin Supplementation.New England Journal of Medicine377, 544-552.
2.Shi, H., O'Reilly, V.C., Moreau, J.L., Bewes, T.R., Yam, M.X., Chapman, B.E., Grieve, S.M., Stocker, R., Graham, R.M., Chapman, G., Sparrow, D.B., Dunwoodie, S.L., 2016. Gestational stress induces the unfolded protein response, resulting in heart defects.Development143, 2561-2572.
3. McInerney-Leo, A. M., Sparrow, D. B., Harris, J. E., Gardiner, B. B., Marshall, M. S., O'Reilly, V. C.,Shi, H., Brown, M. A., Leo, P. J., Zankl, A., Dunwoodie, S. L., and Duncan, E. L. (2015) Compound heterozygous mutations in RIPPLY2 associated with vertebral segmentation defects,Human molecular genetics24, 1234-1242.
4. Besic, V.,Shi, H., Stubbs, R. S., and Hayes, M. T. (2015) Aberrant liver insulin receptor isoform a expression normalises with remission of type 2 diabetes after gastric bypass surgery,PloS one10, e0119270.
5. O'Reilly, V. C., Lopes Floro, K.,Shi, H., Chapman, B. E., Preis, J. I., James, A. C., Chapman, G., Harvey, R. P., Johnson, R. S., Grieve, S. M., Sparrow, D. B., and Dunwoodie, S. L. (2014) Gene-environment interaction demonstrates the vulnerability of the embryonic heart,Developmental biology391, 99-110.
6. Moreau, J. L., Artap, S. T.,Shi, H., Chapman, G., Leone, G., Sparrow, D. B., and Dunwoodie, S. L. (2014) Cited2 is required in trophoblasts for correct placental capillary patterning,Developmental biology392, 62-79.
7.Shi, H., Hayes, M. T., Kirana, C., Miller, R. J., Keating, J. P., and Stubbs, R. S. (2013) Overexpression of aminoacylase 1 is associated with colorectal cancer progression, Human pathology 44, 1089-1097.
8.Shi, H., Hayes, M., Kirana, C., Miller, R., Keating, J., Macartney-Coxson, D., and Stubbs, R. (2012) TUFM is a potential new prognostic indicator for colorectal carcinoma,Pathology44, 506-512.
9. Kirana, C.,Shi, H., Laing, E., Hood, K., Miller, R., Bethwaite, P., Keating, J., Jordan, T. W., Hayes, M., and Stubbs, R. (2012) Cathepsin D Expression in Colorectal Cancer: From Proteomic Discovery through Validation Using Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, and Tissue Microarrays,International journal of proteomics 245819.
10.Shi, H., Hood, K. A., Hayes, M. T., and Stubbs, R. S. (2011) Proteomic analysis of advanced colorectal cancer by laser capture microdissection and two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis,Journal of proteomics75, 339-351.
11.Shi, H. J., Stubbs, R., and Hood, K. (2009) Characterization of de novo synthesized proteins released from human colorectal tumour explants,Electrophoresis30, 2442-2453.
12. Kirana, C., Ward, T., Jordan, T. W., Rawson, P., Royds, J.,Shi, H. J., Stubbs, R., and Hood, K. (2009) Compatibility of toluidine blue with laser microdissection and saturation labeling DIGE,Proteomics9, 485-490.
13. Macartney-Coxson, D. P., Hood, K. A.,Shi, H. J., Ward, T., Wiles, A., O'Connor, R., Hall, D. A., Lea, R. A., Royds, J. A., Stubbs, R. S., and Rooker, S. (2008) Metastatic susceptibility locus, an 8p hot-spot for tumour progression disrupted in colorectal liver metastases: 13 candidate genes examined at the DNA, mRNA and protein level,BMC cancer8, 187.
4. Besic, V.,Shi, H., Stubbs, R. S., and Hayes, M. T. (2015) Aberrant liver insulin receptor isoform a expression normalises with remission of type 2 diabetes after gastric bypass surgery,PloS one10, e0119270.
5. O'Reilly, V. C., Lopes Floro, K.,Shi, H., Chapman, B. E., Preis, J. I., James, A. C., Chapman, G., Harvey, R. P., Johnson, R. S., Grieve, S. M., Sparrow, D. B., and Dunwoodie, S. L. (2014) Gene-environment interaction demonstrates the vulnerability of the embryonic heart,Developmental biology391, 99-110.
6. Moreau, J. L., Artap, S. T.,Shi, H., Chapman, G., Leone, G., Sparrow, D. B., and Dunwoodie, S. L. (2014) Cited2 is required in trophoblasts for correct placental capillary patterning,Developmental biology392, 62-79.
7.Shi, H., Hayes, M. T., Kirana, C., Miller, R. J., Keating, J. P., and Stubbs, R. S. (2013) Overexpression of aminoacylase 1 is associated with colorectal cancer progression, Human pathology 44, 1089-1097.
8.Shi, H., Hayes, M., Kirana, C., Miller, R., Keating, J., Macartney-Coxson, D., and Stubbs, R. (2012) TUFM is a potential new prognostic indicator for colorectal carcinoma,Pathology44, 506-512.
9. Kirana, C.,Shi, H., Laing, E., Hood, K., Miller, R., Bethwaite, P., Keating, J., Jordan, T. W., Hayes, M., and Stubbs, R. (2012) Cathepsin D Expression in Colorectal Cancer: From Proteomic Discovery through Validation Using Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, and Tissue Microarrays,International journal of proteomics 245819.
10.Shi, H., Hood, K. A., Hayes, M. T., and Stubbs, R. S. (2011) Proteomic analysis of advanced colorectal cancer by laser capture microdissection and two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis,Journal of proteomics75, 339-351.
11.Shi, H. J., Stubbs, R., and Hood, K. (2009) Characterization of de novo synthesized proteins released from human colorectal tumour explants,Electrophoresis30, 2442-2453.
12. Kirana, C., Ward, T., Jordan, T. W., Rawson, P., Royds, J.,Shi, H. J., Stubbs, R., and Hood, K. (2009) Compatibility of toluidine blue with laser microdissection and saturation labeling DIGE,Proteomics9, 485-490.
13. Macartney-Coxson, D. P., Hood, K. A.,Shi, H. J., Ward, T., Wiles, A., O'Connor, R., Hall, D. A., Lea, R. A., Royds, J. A., Stubbs, R. S., and Rooker, S. (2008) Metastatic susceptibility locus, an 8p hot-spot for tumour progression disrupted in colorectal liver metastases: 13 candidate genes examined at the DNA, mRNA and protein level,BMC cancer8, 187.


