- 中文名:於福同
- 畢業院校:中國農業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:農學
- 任職院校:中國農業大學
1989.09-1993.07 山東農業大學土壤與植物營養系 本科 農學學士
1994.09-1997.07 中國農業大學 遺傳育種系 農學碩士
1997.09-2000.07 中國農業大學 遺傳育種系 農學博士
2000.07-2002.12 中國農業大學講師
1998.07-1999.12 中國農業大學 資源與環境學院 講師
2001.03-2002.09 澳大利亞西澳大學 農學院 博士後
2002.1- 中國農業大學副教授
2004.12-2007.12 美國托萊多大學 生命與藝術學院 博士後
國家自然基金委員會青年基金項目"小麥鋅效率的機制研究" (2004.01-2006.12)
1. XU JianQin, CHEN XuLei, YU FuTong*. 2017. Effects of BPDS-Fe(Ⅱ) on the Difference in Tolerance to Iron Deficiency of Maize Seedlings Under Different AmmoniumNitrate Ratios. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 50(7): 1223-1233. DOI: 10.3864j.issn.0578-1752.2017.07.005.
2. HuaSheng Li, JinYing Lu, Hui Zhao, Qiao Sun, FuTong Yu, Yi Pan, Yu Chen, Liang Su, Min Liu. 2017. The impact of space environment on gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. Science China Technological Sciences, 60(6): 902-910. DOI: 10.1007s11431-016-0232-7.
1. Jiewen Xing, Tianya Wang, Zhenshan Liu, Jianqin Xu, Yingyin Yao, Zhaorong Hu, Huiru Peng, Mingming Xin, Futong Yu, Dao-Xiu Zhou, Zhongfu Ni. 2015. GCN5-mediated Histone Acetylation of FRD3 Contributes to Iron Homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant physiology 168(4):1309-1320. DOI:10.1104pp.15.00397.
1. 劉敦一,龐麗麗,張偉,李忠祥,王孝忠,於福同,鄒春琴 .2014.鋅肥施用方式對小麥、玉米產量和籽粒鋅含量的影響 中國土壤與肥料, (4) :76-80.
2. LIU Dun-yi, PANG Li-li, ZHANG Wei, LI Zhong-xiang, WANG Xiao-zhong, YU Fu-tong, ZOU Chun-qin. 2014. Effects of different zinc fertilization methods on yield and grain Zn concentration of maize and wheat. Soils and Fertilizers Sciences in China (4) :76-80 DOI:10.11838sfsc.20140415.
1. Hongbo Ma, Yufeng Hu, Futong Yu, Xuqin Ren and Fusuo zhang. 2011. Evaluation of Nonionic Block Polymer Surfactants in Maize Root Proteome Extraction within Water-Organic Solvent Phases,Chromatographia.73, 68-690.
1. Sasmita Mishra, Scott Heckathorn, Jonathan Frantz, Futong Yu and John Gray. 2009. Effects of boron deficiency on geranium grown under different nonphotoinhibitory light levels J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 134(2):183-193.
2. Aimin Zhang, Futong Yu, Fusuo Zhang .2003. Alien cytoplasm effects on phytosiderophore release in two spring wheats (Triticum aestivum L.) Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 50 (7): 767-772.
3. Yu FT, Zhang AM, Zhang FS.2002. Hybrid effects on the release of phytosiderophores in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L) Acta Botanica Sinica. 44(1):63-66.
4. 於福同,張愛民,張福鎖,陳受宜.2001. 一個水稻高親和力磷轉運蛋白候選基因片段的克隆. 遺傳學報. 28(2):144-151.
5. Futong Yu, Aimin Zhang, Shouyi Chen and Fusuo Zhang Cloning of expressed phosphate transporter genes and pseudogenes fragments in rice (Poster) in First Soil-Plant-Phosphorus Continuum 18-21 September.2000.China Agricultural University Beijing China.
6. 於福同,張愛民,張福鎖 .1999. 小麥植物鐵載體分泌基因的染色體定位 遺傳學報 26(5):552-557 .
7. 於福同,張愛民,張福鎖.1999. 異源細胞質對春小麥植物鐵載體分泌的影響華北農學報14(12):19-24
8. Futong Yu, Aimin Zhang and Fusuo Zhang .1999 .Effect of alien cytoplasm effect on phytosiderophore release in common wheat. In: Research progress in plant protection and plant nutrition. Compiled by China Association of Agricultural Science Societies. 404-415.
9. Futong Yu, Aimin Zhang and Fusuo Zhang. 1999 .The heterosis of phytosiderophore release in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) In: Ninth International Wheat Genetics Symposium, August 2-7, 1198 Volume 4, Section 7-Abiotic Stress. 114-116 University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Canada.
10. 於福同,張愛民 .1998. 植物營養遺傳研究進展. 作物雜誌61(1):6-9.
11. Yu, F.T., A.M. Zhang and F.S. Zhang. 1998. The heterosis of phytosiderophore release in common wheat. In: Hybrid and wheat-a new crop going to farmer, 120-128. Zhang A.M. and Huang T.C., Eds., China Agricultural University Press.
12. 於福同, 張愛民, 張福鎖 .1998.小麥植物鐵載體分泌基因的染色體定位 全國作物育種學術討論會論文集 .192-200