



  • 中文名:於太永
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生地:河南南陽
  • 出生日期:1977年3月
  • 畢業院校:西北農林科技大學、東京大學
  • 學位/學歷:動物遺傳育種與繁殖
  • 職業:教師
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學








1. 抗病高產轉基因豬新品種培育,國家重大專項,2009-2020,620萬元
2. 豬脂肪沉積關鍵基因BAMBI的克隆及淚察功能驗證,國家重大專項,2014-2016,170萬元
3. 國家生豬產業技術體系,國凳妹潤家農業部,2011-2020,700萬元


[1] Taiyong Yu*, Weijun Pang, Gongshe Yang. Aryl hydrocarbon receptors in osteoclasts are a negative regulator of bone mass, PLoS ONE 10(1): e0117112. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0117112, 2015. (IF=“3.5)
[2] Taiyong Yu*, Weijun Pang, Gongshe Yang. 3,3′-Diindolylmethane increases bone mass by suppressing osteoclastic bone resorption in mice. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences .2015,127(1):75-82. (IF=“2.1)
[3] Ning Wei, Yu Wang, Ruxiang Xu, Guoqing Wang, Yan Xiong, Taiyong Yu, Gongshe Yang and Weijun Pang*. PU.1 antisense lncRNA against its mRNA translation promotes adipogenesis in porcine preadipocytes. Animal Genetics, 2015,46(2):133-40 (IF=“2.2)
[4] Wang GQ, Zhu L, Ma ML, Chen XC, Gao Y, Yu TY, Yang GS, Pang W*. Mulberry 1-Deoxynojirimycin Inhibits Adipogenesis by Repression of ERK/PPARγ Signaling Pathway in Porcine Intramuscular Adipocytes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2015,63(27):6212-20 (IF=“2.9)
[5] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondo, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yoshiaki Fujii-Kuriyama, Yuuki Imai*, Aryl hydrocarbon receptor catabolic activity in bone metabolism is osteoclast dependent in vivo. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2014,450(1): 416–422 (IF=“2.3)
[6] Kondoh S, Inoue K, Igrashi K, Sugizaki, H, Shirode-Fukuda Y, Inoue E, Taiyong Yu, Takeuchi J, Kanno J, Bonewald L, Imai Y*. Estrogen receptor α in osteocytes regulates trabecular bone formation in female mice. Bone, 2014, 60: 68-77(IF=“4.5)
[7] Yamamoto Y, Yoshizawa T, Fukuda T, Shirode-Fukuda Y, Taiyong Yu, Sekine K, Sato T, Kawano H, Aihara K, Nakamichi Y, Watanabe T, Shindo M, Inoue K, Inoue E, Tsuji N, Hoshino M, Karsenty G, Metzger D, Chambon P, Kato S, Imai Y*. Vitamin D receptor in osteoblasts is a negative regulator of bone mass control. Endocrinology, 2013, 154(3): 1008-1020 (IF=“4.6)
[8] Weijun Pang, Taiyong Yu, Liang Bai, Yanjun Yang, Gongshe Yang*, Tissue expression of porcine FoxO1 and its negative regulation during primary preadipocyte differentiation, Mol Biol Rep, 2009, 36(1): 165–176 (IF=“2.0).
[9] Taiyong Yu, Guifen Luo, Lijie Zhang, Jiangwei Wu, Haowei Zhang, Gongshe Yang*. Leptin promotes proliferation and inhibits differentiation in porcine skeletal myoblasts. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2008, 72(1):13-21(IF=“1.2)
[10] Guifen Luo, Taiyong Yu, Xuhui Wen, Ying Li, Gongshe Yang*Alteration of mitochondrial oxidative capacity during porcine preadipocyte differentiation and in response to leptin, Mol Cell Biochem, 2008, 19(19):68-70 (IF=“2.4)
[11] Jiangwei Wu, Bo Wang, Haowei ZHang, Taiyong Yu, Gongshe Yang*. The role of SOCS-3 in pig fat deposition and muscle development. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2007, 39: 305–310 (IF=“2.1).
[12] 於太永, 龐衛軍, 吳江維, 盧榮華, 楊公社*. 外源性leptin通過MAPK抑制豬骨骼肌成肌細胞分化. 生物工程學報, 2008, 24(1): 63–67
[13] 於太永, 龐衛軍, 吳江維, 王博, 楊公社*. TNF-α通過ERK和MAPK信號途徑抑制豬骨骼肌成肌細胞分化. 動物學報, 2007, 53(5): 877–883
[14] 王博, 吳江維, 於太永, 楊公社*. 干擾素-γ對豬前體脂肪細胞分化的影響. 自然科學進展,2008, 18(11):1315-1319
[15] 關偉軍*, 馬月輝, 丁鴻, 於太永, 張海艷, 梁海青. 小尾寒羊耳組織成纖維細胞系的建立與生物學特性研究. 畜牧獸醫學報,2005,36(5):511-516


[1] Taiyong Yu, Yuuki Imai. Aryl hydrocarbon receptors in osteoclasts suppresses bone mass by increasing osteoclastic bone resorption in mice. The 9th International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, Beijing, China, November, 2014.
[2] Taiyong Yu, Yuuki Imai. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor catabolic activity in bone metabolism is osteoclast dependent in vivo. The 7th International Conference on Osteoporosis and Bone Research, Xiamen, China, October, 2014.
[3] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Kazuki Inoue, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yuuki Imai. Osteoclasts-specific aryl hydrocarbon receptor is a negative regulator of bone mass control in vivo. The 32th Annual meeting of the JSBMR, Osaka, Japan, July, 2014.
[4] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Yuuki Imai. Clarification of the function of Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) in bone metabolism. The 36th Annual meeting of the BMSJ, Kobe, Japan, December, 2013.
[5] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Kazuki Inoue, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yuuki Imai. Clarification of the function of Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) in bone metabolism. PIM international symposium, Matuyama, Japan, September, 2013.
[6] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yuuki Imai, Shigeaki Kato. Clarification of the function of dioxin receptor (AhR) in bone metabolism. The 30th Annual meeting of the JSBMR, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2012.
[7] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yuuki Imai, Shigeaki Kato. Clarification of the function of dioxin receptor (AhR) in bone metabolism. The 12th symposium of life science in The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Jun, 2012.
[8] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yuuki Imai, Shigeaki Kato. Clarification of the function of dioxin receptor (AhR) in bone metabolism. The 34th Annual meeting of the BMSJ, Yokohama, Japan, December, 2011.
[9] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yuuki Imai, Shigeaki Kato. Clarification of the function of dioxin receptor (AhR) in bone metabolism. The 5th setouti forum, Koube, Japan, August, 2011.
[10] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yuuki Imai, Shigeaki Kato. Clarification of the function of dioxin receptor (AhR) in bone metabolism. The 29th Annual meeting of the JSBMR, Osaka, Japan, July, 2011.
[11] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Shino Kondou, Yuuki Imai, Takahiro Matsumoto, Shigeaki Kato. Analyses of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor on bone metabolism. The 28th Annual meeting of the JSBMR, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2010.
[12] Taiyong Yu, Guifen Luo, Lijie Zhang, Jiangwei Wu, Haowei Zhang, Gongshe Yang. Leptin promotes proliferation and inhibits differentiation in porcine skeletal myoblasts. The 5th Doctoral Forum of China, Changchun, China, August, 2007.
[13] Taiyong Yu, Jiangwei Wu, Gongshe Yang. Characterization of culture and biological properties of myoblast in vitro from Bamei pig skeletal muscle. The 12th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Busan, Korea, September, 2006.
[14] Yuehui Ma, Weijun Guan, Haiqing Liang, Taiyong Yu, Haiyan Zhang, Gongshe Yang, Wenbin Yue. Analysis caryotype of monggol sheep fibroblast cell cultured in vitro. The seminar symposium on conserration and utilization of national genetic resources of livestock and poultry, Beijing, China, January, 2005.
[15] Weijun Guan, Yuehui Ma, Haiqing Liang, Taiyong Yu, Haiyan Zhang. The establishment of fibroblast cell bank and its biological research in qingyuan partridge chicken. The seminar symposium on conserration and utilization of national genetic resources of livestock and poultry, Beijing, China, January, 2005.


馬月輝, 關偉軍, 李向臣, 於太永, 李晗, 何曉紅, 劉濤. 畜禽體細胞庫檢測技術規程. 中國標準出版社, 2011.01.


第32屆日本骨代謝學會優秀青年研究獎,日本骨代謝學會, 2014.07


馬月輝, 關偉軍, 李向臣, 娜日蘇, 於太永, 劉鵬. 天祝山白氂牛耳緣組織成纖維細胞系及其構建方法(NO.CN200610161944.2). 中國農業科學院北京畜牧獸醫研究所, 2007.08.
[4] Wang GQ, Zhu L, Ma ML, Chen XC, Gao Y, Yu TY, Yang GS, Pang W*. Mulberry 1-Deoxynojirimycin Inhibits Adipogenesis by Repression of ERK/PPARγ Signaling Pathway in Porcine Intramuscular Adipocytes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2015,63(27):6212-20 (IF=“2.9)
[5] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondo, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yoshiaki Fujii-Kuriyama, Yuuki Imai*, Aryl hydrocarbon receptor catabolic activity in bone metabolism is osteoclast dependent in vivo. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2014,450(1): 416–422 (IF=“2.3)
[6] Kondoh S, Inoue K, Igrashi K, Sugizaki, H, Shirode-Fukuda Y, Inoue E, Taiyong Yu, Takeuchi J, Kanno J, Bonewald L, Imai Y*. Estrogen receptor α in osteocytes regulates trabecular bone formation in female mice. Bone, 2014, 60: 68-77(IF=“4.5)
[7] Yamamoto Y, Yoshizawa T, Fukuda T, Shirode-Fukuda Y, Taiyong Yu, Sekine K, Sato T, Kawano H, Aihara K, Nakamichi Y, Watanabe T, Shindo M, Inoue K, Inoue E, Tsuji N, Hoshino M, Karsenty G, Metzger D, Chambon P, Kato S, Imai Y*. Vitamin D receptor in osteoblasts is a negative regulator of bone mass control. Endocrinology, 2013, 154(3): 1008-1020 (IF=“4.6)
[8] Weijun Pang, Taiyong Yu, Liang Bai, Yanjun Yang, Gongshe Yang*, Tissue expression of porcine FoxO1 and its negative regulation during primary preadipocyte differentiation, Mol Biol Rep, 2009, 36(1): 165–176 (IF=“2.0).
[9] Taiyong Yu, Guifen Luo, Lijie Zhang, Jiangwei Wu, Haowei Zhang, Gongshe Yang*. Leptin promotes proliferation and inhibits differentiation in porcine skeletal myoblasts. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2008, 72(1):13-21(IF=“1.2)
[10] Guifen Luo, Taiyong Yu, Xuhui Wen, Ying Li, Gongshe Yang*Alteration of mitochondrial oxidative capacity during porcine preadipocyte differentiation and in response to leptin, Mol Cell Biochem, 2008, 19(19):68-70 (IF=“2.4)
[11] Jiangwei Wu, Bo Wang, Haowei ZHang, Taiyong Yu, Gongshe Yang*. The role of SOCS-3 in pig fat deposition and muscle development. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2007, 39: 305–310 (IF=“2.1).
[12] 於太永, 龐衛軍, 吳江維, 盧榮華, 楊公社*. 外源性leptin通過MAPK抑制豬骨骼肌成肌細胞分化. 生物工程學報, 2008, 24(1): 63–67
[13] 於太永, 龐衛軍, 吳江維, 王博, 楊公社*. TNF-α通過ERK和MAPK信號途徑抑制豬骨骼肌成肌細胞分化. 動物學報, 2007, 53(5): 877–883
[14] 王博, 吳江維, 於太永, 楊公社*. 干擾素-γ對豬前體脂肪細胞分化的影響. 自然科學進展,2008, 18(11):1315-1319
[15] 關偉軍*, 馬月輝, 丁鴻, 於太永, 張海艷, 梁海青. 小尾寒羊耳組織成纖維細胞系的建立與生物學特性研究. 畜牧獸醫學報,2005,36(5):511-516


[1] Taiyong Yu, Yuuki Imai. Aryl hydrocarbon receptors in osteoclasts suppresses bone mass by increasing osteoclastic bone resorption in mice. The 9th International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, Beijing, China, November, 2014.
[2] Taiyong Yu, Yuuki Imai. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor catabolic activity in bone metabolism is osteoclast dependent in vivo. The 7th International Conference on Osteoporosis and Bone Research, Xiamen, China, October, 2014.
[3] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Kazuki Inoue, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yuuki Imai. Osteoclasts-specific aryl hydrocarbon receptor is a negative regulator of bone mass control in vivo. The 32th Annual meeting of the JSBMR, Osaka, Japan, July, 2014.
[4] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Yuuki Imai. Clarification of the function of Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) in bone metabolism. The 36th Annual meeting of the BMSJ, Kobe, Japan, December, 2013.
[5] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Kazuki Inoue, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yuuki Imai. Clarification of the function of Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) in bone metabolism. PIM international symposium, Matuyama, Japan, September, 2013.
[6] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yuuki Imai, Shigeaki Kato. Clarification of the function of dioxin receptor (AhR) in bone metabolism. The 30th Annual meeting of the JSBMR, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2012.
[7] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yuuki Imai, Shigeaki Kato. Clarification of the function of dioxin receptor (AhR) in bone metabolism. The 12th symposium of life science in The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Jun, 2012.
[8] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yuuki Imai, Shigeaki Kato. Clarification of the function of dioxin receptor (AhR) in bone metabolism. The 34th Annual meeting of the BMSJ, Yokohama, Japan, December, 2011.
[9] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yuuki Imai, Shigeaki Kato. Clarification of the function of dioxin receptor (AhR) in bone metabolism. The 5th setouti forum, Koube, Japan, August, 2011.
[10] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Takahiro Matsumoto, Yuuki Imai, Shigeaki Kato. Clarification of the function of dioxin receptor (AhR) in bone metabolism. The 29th Annual meeting of the JSBMR, Osaka, Japan, July, 2011.
[11] Taiyong Yu, Takeshi Kondou, Shino Kondou, Yuuki Imai, Takahiro Matsumoto, Shigeaki Kato. Analyses of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor on bone metabolism. The 28th Annual meeting of the JSBMR, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2010.
[12] Taiyong Yu, Guifen Luo, Lijie Zhang, Jiangwei Wu, Haowei Zhang, Gongshe Yang. Leptin promotes proliferation and inhibits differentiation in porcine skeletal myoblasts. The 5th Doctoral Forum of China, Changchun, China, August, 2007.
[13] Taiyong Yu, Jiangwei Wu, Gongshe Yang. Characterization of culture and biological properties of myoblast in vitro from Bamei pig skeletal muscle. The 12th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Busan, Korea, September, 2006.
[14] Yuehui Ma, Weijun Guan, Haiqing Liang, Taiyong Yu, Haiyan Zhang, Gongshe Yang, Wenbin Yue. Analysis caryotype of monggol sheep fibroblast cell cultured in vitro. The seminar symposium on conserration and utilization of national genetic resources of livestock and poultry, Beijing, China, January, 2005.
[15] Weijun Guan, Yuehui Ma, Haiqing Liang, Taiyong Yu, Haiyan Zhang. The establishment of fibroblast cell bank and its biological research in qingyuan partridge chicken. The seminar symposium on conserration and utilization of national genetic resources of livestock and poultry, Beijing, China, January, 2005.


馬月輝, 關偉軍, 李向臣, 於太永, 李晗, 何曉紅, 劉濤. 畜禽體細胞庫檢測技術規程. 中國標準出版社, 2011.01.


第32屆日本骨代謝學會優秀青年研究獎,日本骨代謝學會, 2014.07


馬月輝, 關偉軍, 李向臣, 娜日蘇, 於太永, 劉鵬. 天祝山白氂牛耳緣組織成纖維細胞系及其構建方法(NO.CN200610161944.2). 中國農業科學院北京畜牧獸醫研究所, 2007.08.

