



  • 中文名:於丙軍
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:理學博士
  • 主要成就:學校“133重點人才工程”優秀骨幹教師


2007.3-6 參加上海外國語大學出國留學人員英語高級班學習;2008.4-10作為訪問學者公派赴美國Texas Tech University進修植物逆境生物學。




(2)耐逆植物生理生態及其綜合利用。以香根草為例,它具有綜合抗性強、生物產量高、栽培技術簡單、用途廣泛等優點,植株抗性和地上部主要成分纖維素、半纖維素水解後的葡萄糖、木糖含量與已報導的能源植物柳枝稷相似。目前關於香根草的研究,主要集中在重金屬土壤修復和工程邊坡固定等生態環境保護和套用方面,而對其抗逆的分子機理和作為能源植物利用的研究均尚未見報導。鑒於水孔蛋白在植物抵禦水分逆境中的重要功能,以不同種源的香根草為試驗材料,通過研究 旨在揭示水孔蛋白在香根草適應水分逆境過程中的生理功能和分子機理,探討其增強植物耐逆性的利用價值和關鍵技術。


1、瑞典國際科學基金(IFS):Mechanism of salt tolerance in annual wild soybean (G.soja L).(No.C/3143-1,2001.1-2003.12
4、南京農業大學作物遺傳與種質創新國家重點實驗室開放基金:用灘涂野大豆提高栽培大豆耐氯(鹽)性的分子機理(2005014, 2005.1- 2007.12)
5、江蘇省自然科學基金青年科技創新人才項目(學術帶頭人)項目:用灘涂野大豆提高栽培大豆耐氯(鹽)性及氯離子通道基因在其中的作用(No. BK2007525, 2007.1-2009.12)
6、國家自然科學基金項目:用灘涂野大豆提高栽培大豆耐鹽性及幾種重要耐鹽基因在其中的作用(No.30871462, 2009.1-2011.12)
7、國家轉基因生物新品種培育重大專項:耐逆、優質PgTIP1轉大基因豆新品種(系)培育,任務二“轉基因大豆新品系的培育”負責人(2009ZX08004-008B, 2009.6-2011.12)
8、國家“十一五”863計畫海洋技術領域重點項目(參加人):蘇北灘涂耐海水植物新品種篩選培育及綜合栽培技術研究與示範(No.2007AA091702, 2007.12-2011.12)


Zhang X. K., Zhou Q.H., Cao J.H., Yu B.J.* Differential Cl-/salt tolerance and NaCl-induced alternations of tissue and cellular ion fluxes in Glycine max, Glycine soja and their hybrid seedlings. J. Agronomy and Crop Sci.2011, 197:329-339
Zhou Q., Yu B.J.* Changes in content of free, conjugated and bound polyamines and osmotic adjustment in adaptation of vetiver grass to water deficit. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2010, 48: 417-425
Qu, Y.N., Zhou, Q., Yu, B.J.* Effects of Zn2+, niflumic acid on photosynthesis in Glycine soja and Glycine max seedlings under NaCl stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany,2009, 65:304-309
Zhou Qiang, Yu B.J.* Changes in free, conjugated and bound polyamine content in salt adaptation of vetiver grass. Acta Botanica Yunnanica, 2009,31(6):477-485
Liu J., Yu B.J.*, Liu Y.L.* Effects of spermidine and spermine levels on salt tolerance associated with tonoplast H+-ATPase and H+-PPase activities in barley roots. Plant Growth Regulation, 2006(49):119-126
Chen X.Q., Yu B.J.*. Ionic effects of Na+ and Cl- on photosynthesis in Glycine max seedlings under isoosmotic salt stress. Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology, 2007, 33(4):294-300
Yu B. J., Lam H. M., Shao G. H., Liu Y. L. Effects of salinity on activities of H+- ATPase, H+-PPase and membrane lipid composition in plasma membrane and tonoplast vesicles isolated from soybean (Glycine max L.) seedlings. Journal of Environmental Sciences,2005,17(2):259-262
Yu B.J., Gong H.M., and Liu Y.L. Effects of exogenous fatty acids on H+-ATPase activities and lipid composition of plasma membrane vesicles isolated from roots of barley seedlings under salt stress. Journal of Plant Physiology, 1999,155:646-651
Yu B.J., Gong H.M., and Liu Y.L. Effects of calcium on lipid composition and function of plasma membrane and tonoplast vesicles isolated from roots of barley seedlings under salt stress. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 1998,21(8):1589-1600
Zhou Q., Yu B. J.*. Accumulation of inorganic and organic osmolytes and its role in osmotic adjustment in NaCl-stressed vetiver grass seedlings. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology,2009,56(5):678-685
Luo Q., Yu B., Liu Y. Differential sensitivity to chloride and sodium ions in seedlings of G. max and G. soja under NaCl stress. Journal of Plant Physiology,2005,162:1003-1012
Su G.X., Yu B.J., Zhang W.H., Liu Y.L. Higher accumulation of g-aminobutyric acid induced by salt stress through stimulating the activity of diamine oxidases in Glycine max (L.) Merr. roots. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2007,45: 560-566
Liu H.P., Yu B.J., Zhang W.H., Liu Y.L.*. Effect of osmotic stress on the activity of H+-ATPase and the levels of covalently and noncovalently conjugated polyamines in plasma membrane preparation from wheat seedling roots. Plant Science, 2005,168:1599-1607
Liu H.P., Liu Y.L. and Yu B.J. Polyamines conjugated to tonoplast vesicles from wheat seedlings roots enhanced osmotic stress tolerance via maintenance of the H+-ATPase and H+-PPase activities. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation,2004,23(2):156-165
Zhang W.H., Diao F.Q.,Yu B.J., Liu Y.L. H+-ATPase and H+-transport activities in tonoplast vesicles from barley roots under salt stress and influence of calcium and abscisic acid. Journal of Plant Nutrition 1998, 21: 447-458
Luo Q.Y., Yu B.J. and Liu Y.L. Stress of Cl- is stronger than that of Na+ on Glycine max seedling under NaCl stress. Agricultural Science in China, 2002,1(12):1404-1409
JI Xiao-jia, YU Bing-jun*, ZHANG Da-dong, LIU You-liang. Effects of spraying inhibitors of polyamine synthesis after rice heading stage on contents and components of PAs in grains. Rice Science, 2005,12(2):114-118
杜莉莉, 於丙軍*。栽培大豆和灘涂野大豆及其雜交後代耐鹽性、農藝性狀與籽粒品質分析。中國油料作物學報, 2010,32:77-82
劉懷攀,於丙軍,紀秀娥,劉友良。小麥幼苗根系核蛋白體上結合態多胺與滲透脅迫關係。中國科學(C輯):生命科學,2005 ,35(4):304-309
屈婭娜, 於丙軍*。氯離子通道抑制劑對鹽脅迫下野生和栽培大豆幼苗離子含量等生理指標的影響。南京農業大學學報, 2008,31(2):17-21
陳宣欽, 於丙軍*,劉友良。栽培和野生大豆及其雜交後代幼苗的耐氯性與多胺積累的關係。植物生理與分子生物學學報,2007,33(1):46-52
《植物學與植物生理學》(南京大學出版社),2000, 參編。
(updated by Sept., 2011)


