



  • 書名:新興經濟體發展2012年度報告(英文版)文前
  • 出版社對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2012年3月
  • 定價:125.00
  • 開本:215mm×278mm/
  • ISBN:9787566302908
  • 字數/頁數:244千字/
  • 版次/印次:1/1
  • 叢書名:博鰲亞洲論壇系列


Organized by the Research Institute of the Boao Forum for Asia, the annualE11 development report has been written by the researchers of the Institute ofWorld Economics and Politics, CASS, to help readers grasp the latest developmentsof the emerging economies and provide a platform for communication and cooperationacross the board among those economies. The report, focusing on the 11 majoremerging economies (E11) in the Group of 20 (G20), tries to use accurate statisticsand thorough resources as well as in-depth analysis to reflect the latestdevelopments in the growth and cooperation of the E11 economies and their economicand trade links with other parts of the world.


Chapter 1 Overview1
Chapter 2 Resource Endowment and Infrastructure of the E115
2.1 Natural resources5
2.2 Demographic resources8
2.3 Infrastructure 11
Chapter 3 Basic Economic Conditions of the E11 Economies23
3.1 Aggregate and per capita GDP23
3.2 Economic growth27
3.3 Price fluctuations28
3.4 Employment31
3.5 Balance of payments33
3.6 Financial markets35
Chapter 4 Comprehensive Performance and International Comparison
of the E1139
4.1 Narrowing the gap between the emerging and developed economies
in economic scale39
4.2 Major emerging economies leading the globe in economic growth41
4.3 Rising global trade proportion44
4.4 Net FDI inflow and foreign exchange reserve pile-up continuing46
4.5 Diversified changes in international competitiveness rankings48
4.6 Steady rise in corporate rankings50
Chapter 5 Economic Cooperation Among the E11 Economies55
5.1 Continued strengthening of trade links55
5.2 Unbalanced development of direct investment 61
5.3 Broad prospects for the E11 economic cooperation66
Chapter 6 Economic Cooperation Between the E11 and Developed Economies 71
6.1 Continually declining trade dependence on the developed economies71
6.2 Diverging development trends of the direct investment 77
6.3 Rising trade protectionism by the developed economies84
Chapter 7 Country Report of the E11 Economies87
7.1 Argentina87
7.2 Brazil89
7.3 China91
7.4 India93
7.5 Indonesia95
7.6 Republic of Korea96
7.7 Mexico98
7.8 Russia100
7.9 Saudi Arabia102
7.10 South Africa103
7.11 Turkey105


