



  • 書名:新版當代中國系列-當代中國政治(英)
  • 作者:陳堅
  • 譯者:燕忠佩、呂亮球
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • ISBN:9787508542478


The Contemporary China Series includes eight books, based on distinct Chinese values, reveals how China promotes coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological advancement. The series comprehensively introduces the basic situation of contemporary China and the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Contemporary China's Politics introduces China’s basic political system and political operation mechanism, as well as specific political practices, including administrative management system and institutional reform, the construction of China’s rule of law, citizens’ participation in political affairs, anti-corruption and the building of a clean government, reflecting contemporary China’s fruits in the development of political civilization.


I. China’s current basic political systems
The National People’s Congress system advances with the times
The multi-party cooperation and political consultation system under the leadership of the Communist Party of China
The system of regional autonomy for ethnic groups
Grassroots self-governing and democratic management system
II. The leadership system and political operation mechanism
The system for collective leadership and division of responsibility
Administration structure and functions
Decision-making and implementation and operation mechanisms
Restriction of power and supervision mechanism
Optimizing decision-making, consulting and coordination institutions
III. Innovations in administrative management system and institutional reform
Transformation of government functions, streamlined administration and institutional decentralization
Promotion of law-based government administration and rule of law
Establishment and improvement of the civil service system
Transparency in government affairs and administrative accountability
Promoting super-ministries reform of the government
Reconstructing institutional functions in an all-round way
IV. Comprehensively promoting the law-based governance
Legislative system and legal system in China
Proposal of law-based governance and legislation improvement
Human rights under full protection of legal system
Judicial system reform and fair administration of justice
Safeguarding the authority of the Constitution and promoting the spirit of law
V. Broad and multi-level approaches of democratic participation
Multi-level electoral system
China’s deliberative democracy
Urban and rural grassroots democracy forms
Governing online and network supervision
VI. Anti-corruption and building a clean government, reform for the national supervision system
Working mechanisms for anti-corruption and building a clean government
Legal systems for anti-corruption and upholding integrity
Severely punishing corruption according to law
Integrity education and culture
International cooperation and exchanges on anti-corruption
Reform of the national supervision system


Chen Jian, Doctor of Laws, National High-Level Think Tank Expert of the CPC Central Committee Party History and Literature Institute, Visiting Professor of multiple domestic universities, Special Contributor to multiple CPC central-level media. Chen has participated in various projects of the National Social Science Fund and published over 100 theoretical and academic papers as well as over 10 books on politics and parties. He also co-authored Contemporary China’s Politics (2014).


