新潮大學英語實用聽說教程 (第二冊)

新潮大學英語實用聽說教程 (第二冊)

《新潮大學英語實用聽說教程 (第二冊)》是2008年2月出版的圖書,作者是羅德芬。


  • 書名:新潮大學英語實用聽說教程 (第二冊)
  • 作者:羅德芬
  • 出版社:復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2008年2月
  • 頁數:237 頁
  • 定價:28 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:978-7-309-05920-5/H.1186
  • 字數:287千字


本教程共分兩冊。第一冊為大學英語1-2級程度,第二冊為大學英語3-4級程度。每冊自成體系,各有其側重點,又相互銜接。每冊18個單元,每單元包含三個部分:第一部分為語音訓練(PartA Phonetic Practice),第一冊包括辨音、音變、句子重音、縮寫讀音、節奏等,第二冊包括節奏和語調;第二部分為聽力訓練(PartB Listening Practice),由同一話題,不同場景的長短對話、各種體裁的短文組成;第三部分為口語訓練(Part C Speaking Practice),是聽力部分的延伸,為學生提供更多的同一話題的對話、短文,進行口語訓練。


Unit 1 Friendship
Part A Phonetic Practice
Why I Teach
Part B Listening Practice
Short Conversations
Long Conversation
It s All Very Sad
Passage 1 What Friendship Means to Me
Passage 2 Dogs
Passage 3 Friendship with Foreigners
Passage 4 Pig
Part C Speaking Practice
Phone Your Friends Whenever You Can
Unit 2 Games and Sports
Part A Phonetic Practice
A Mother s Letter to the World
Part B Listening Practice
Short Conversations
Long Conversation
Value of Exercises
Passage 1 Self-improvement
Passage 2 Great Players Are Born, Not Made
Passage 3 Sports and Games
Passage 4 Jogging
Part C Speaking Practice
London Marathon
Unit 3 Health and Fitness
Part A Phonetic Practice
The Man and the Opportunity
Part B Listening Practice
Short Conversations
Long Conversation
The New Bridge Doesn t Seem to Fit Right
Passage 1 The Only Cure
Passage 2 Care More About the Disabled
Passage 3 Fish Eating
Passage 4 Internet Use and Psychological Well-being
Part C Speaking Practice
Keep Your Mind Fit
Unit 4 Travel and Tourism
Part A Phonetic Practice
What Is a “Book”?
Part B Listening Practice
Short Conversations
Long Conversation
Practice French Before You Go
Passage 1 Brighton, a Town of Contrasts
Passage 2 New York
Passage 3 Summer Camping
Passage 4 This Service Has Been Suspended
Part C Speaking Practice
Let s Go to the Beach!
Unit 5 Vacation Time
Part A Phonetic Practice
Part B Listening Practice
Short Conversations
Long Conversation
Passage 1 T-Shirts
Passage 2 An Experience
Passage 3 Men and Women Shoppers
Passage 4 Elephant Attacks “the Invader”
Part C Speaking Practice
Plan for Vacation
Unit 6 Sleep and Dreams
Part A Phonetic Practice
The Country Scenery in England
Part B Listening Practice
Short Conversations
Long Conversation
These Are the Saucepan I Need
Passage 1 Sleep
Passage 2 Sleep and Performance of the Students
Passage 3 Rosy s Problem
Passage 4 Daydream a Little
Part C Speaking Practice
The Sleep Cure
Unit 7 Famous People
Part A Phonetic Practice
What I Have Lived for
Part B Listening Practice
Short Conversations
Long Conversation
Is He a Rich Photographer?
Passage 1 Ann Curry
Passage 2 Amy Johnson — the Outstanding Woman Pilot
Passage 3 Abraham Lincoln
Passage 4 The Beatles
Part C Speaking Practice
Bill Gates
Unit 8 Science and Technology
Part A Phonetic Practice
Part B Listening Practice
Short Conversations
Long Conversation
The Service Is Terrible
Passage 1 Make Your Kids Brighter
Passage 2 The Shiny, Yellow Metal
Passage 3 Noise
Passage 4 Telephones Today
Part C Speaking Practice
First Face Transplant
Unit 9 Challenges and Opportunities
Part A Phonetic Practice
Be an Optimist
Part B Listening Practice
Short Conversations
Long Conversation

