



  • 中文名:新港報告2019外語卷英文版
  • 作者:the editorial board of The Iharbour lectures 2019 foreign languages and culture series
  • 出版時間:2021年1月1日
  • 出版社:西安交通大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787560580999
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:精裝


This volume is a collection of Foreign Languages and Culture Series of the IHarbour Lectures,which were initiated to commemorate the establishment of the China West Innovation Harbour (the IHarbour for short). The IHarbour is the new campus of Xi'an Jiaotong University,but it is more than a campus in the traditional sense. Actually,it aims to serve as a premier platform for cutting-edge interdisciplinary research,innovation of science and technology,intemational academic cooperation and intercultural communication. Foreign Languages and Culture Series of the IHarbour Lectures 2019 is an exemplary realization of this goal as it exhibits the latest achievements across the interdisciplinary field of language sciences,explores the incredible power of language in human cognition and behavior,sparks the dialogues between Chinese and Westem literary classics,and accelerates the communication between distinguished scholars from different areas,both academically and geographically.The IHarbour Lecture Series on Language,Culture,and Literature,hosted by the Center for International Studies of Xi'an Jiaotong University,consists of two subseries:(1) Language & Cognition,and (2) Literature & Culture.The lectures in the Language & Cognition subseries,with"How Language Shapes Us " as the theme,focus on the intersection between language,cognition and human behaviors. The lectures cover a wide range of critical issues in language science,from the origin of human language to the lexical changes brought about by social media; from the impact of bilingualism on human behaviors to the power of language in constructing country image; from the mechanisms underlying daily communication to the use of language in maintaining justice in the news. The lectures in the Literature & Culture subseries are centered on the theme "Everlasting Classics".


A Mathematician's Fairy Tale: Alice in Wonderland
Where Does Language Come from?
Subjectivity Is Not Evil for Journalists
The Success of If You Are the One in Australia
"Foxy Ladies" : Female Anthropomorphism in the Short-stories of Pu Songling and in European Folk Tales and Literature
Network Language: Innovation and Cognition
From Turing to McEwan: AI, Lies and Ethical Dilemma in Literature
How Being a Bilingual Can Affect Your Decision Making?
Mulan in the U.S.- From Kingston's Narrative Work
The Woman Warrior to Disney's Mulan Films


