- 書名:新時代互動英語:高職高專綜合英語教程教學參考書2
- 作者:新時代互動英語——高職高專綜合
- ISBN:9787302173939
- 定價:36元
- 出版社:清華大學出版社
- 出版時間:2008.08.01
- 印次:1-2
- 印刷時間:2014.05.30
- 印刷日期:2014.05.30
清華大學出版社在廣泛市場調研的基礎上,密切配合國家教育部發起的英語教學改革,廣泛徵求高職高專英語教學研究專家和一線教師的意見,緊扣《高職高專教育英語課程教學基本要求》,經劍橋大學出版社授權,對face2face系列教材進行全新設計和改編,增設了閱讀和翻譯環節及相應的練習題,聯合推出了《新時代互動英語——高職高專綜合英語教程》。本教程主要特點包括: 1.以高職高專學生感興趣的話題組織內容,採取化整為零的策略將聽說讀寫譯分散到每次課上; 2.活動設計和練習安排充分考慮了高職高專英語教學實際,突出套用和適用,強調英語套用能力全面提高的同時,還確保覆蓋全國高等學校英語套用能力(A/B級)考試的所有題型;
Teaching Tips 11
Classroom Activities and Games 14
Unit 1 All in a Day’s Work 16
Section 1 16
Listening and Speaking 16
Reading Text 1 21
Section 2 25
Listening and Speaking 25
Reading Text 2 28
Section 3 30
Listening and Speaking 30
Developing Skills 31
Writing 31
Unit 2 Mind and Body 32
Section 1 32
Listening and Speaking 32
Reading Text 1 37
Section 2 40
Listening and Speaking 40
Reading Text 2 43
Section 3 45
Listening and Speaking 45
Developing Skills 45
Writing 46
Unit 3 Future Plans 47
Section1 47
ListeningandSpeaking 47
ReadingText1 51
Section2 55
ListeningandSpeaking 55
ReadingText2 58
Section3 61
ListeningandSpeaking 61
DevelopingSkills 61
Writing 62
Unit4LifeExperiences 63
Section1 63
ListeningandSpeaking 63
ReadingText1 67
Section2 70
ListeningandSpeaking 70
ReadingText2 72
Section3 75
ListeningandSpeaking 75
DevelopingSkills 75
Writing 76
Unit5Work,RestandPlay 77
Section1 77
ListeningandSpeaking 77
ReadingText1 82
Section2 85
ListeningandSpeaking 85
ReadingText2 89
Section3 92
ListeningandSpeaking 92
DevelopingSkills 92
Writing 93
Unit6Beginnings 94
Section1 94
ListeningandSpeaking 94
ReadingText1 98
Section2 103
ListeningandSpeaking 103
ReadingText2 106
Section3 108
ListeningandSpeaking 108
DevelopingSkills 109
Writing 109
Unit7TheWorldofWork 111
Section1 111
ListeningandSpeaking 111
ReadingText1 115
Section2 118
ListeningandSpeaking 118
ReadingText2 121
Section3 124
ListeningandSpeaking 124
DevelopingSkills 124
Writing 125
Unit8That’sEntertainment! 126
Section1 126
ListeningandSpeaking 126
ReadingText1 130
Section2 135
ListeningandSpeaking 135
ReadingText2 138
Section3 142
ListeningandSpeaking 142
DevelopingSkills 142
Writing 143
Appendix 144
VocabularyPlus 144
Instructions 144
1ComputerVocabulary 144
2PartsoftheBody 144
3PrepositionsofPlaceandMovement 145
4PastParticiples 145
5Sport 145
6Weddings 146
8DescribingFilms 146
StudySkills 156
Instructions 156
1Wordbuilding 156
2UsingaMonolingualDictionary 156
3YourVocabularyNotebook 157
ProgressTests 162
Instructions 162
AnswerKeyandRecordingScripts 162
ProgressTest1 162
ProgressTest2 162
ProgressTest3 162
ProgressTest4 162
ProgressTest5 163
ProgressTest6 163
ProgressTest7 164
ProgressTest8 164
RecordingScripts 174
TestYourself 182