



  • 書名:新思維高職高專英語:綜合教程3
  • 作者:熊少微 譚偉民
  • 出版日期:2013年8月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787564076849
  • 外文名:New Thinking English Course 
  • 出版社:北京理工大學出版社
  • 頁數:214頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:北京理工大學出版社




Unit1 Professional Ethics&Occupational Safety
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive Peading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Information Exchanging
Unit2 Business Etiquette&Vocational Health
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive Reading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Information Exchanging
Unit 3 1Market Study & Venture Capital
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive Reading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Information Exchanging
Unit4 Science & Technology
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive 1Leading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Information Exchanging
Unit 5 Product Information & Mechanical Operation
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive P.eading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Business Assignment
Unit6 ProductDisplay & Market Promotion
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive Reading
Section Four Know-how Sharing
Section Five Information Exchanging
Unit 7 Product Identification & User Manual
Section One Sounds of English
Section Two Language Building
Section Three Intensive Reading
Unit 8 Product Orders & Business Meetings
Unit 9 Business Negotiations & Business Instruments
Unit 10 Summaries & Reports


