《新建項目LEED工程指南面向工程師的可持續性建造技術》是2014年哈爾濱工業大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是Liv Haselbach。
- 中文名:新建項目LEED工程指南面向工程師的可持續性建造技術
- 作者:Liv Haselbach
- 出版時間:2014年6月1日
- 出版社:哈爾濱工業大學出版社
- 頁數:460 頁
- ISBN:978-7-5603-4506-2
- 類別:C.建築.市政與環境工程類
- 定價:138.00
- 開本:16 開
Fully revised for version 3.0 of the LEED-New Construction rating system(LEED 2009), this Greensource book helps you acquire the skills needed to applyLEED-NC to sustainable construction projects.The Engineering Guide to LEED-New Construction, Second Edition, offerscomprehensive coverage of the environmental systems and impacts on which manyof the LEED-NC subcategories are based. Detailed equations and exercises in thebook can be used to perform the calculations outlined in LEED-NC. Valuableinformation on real-world applications of LEED-NC in military, low-impactdevelopment (LID), and other sectors is included in this practical resource.
1.1 An Introduction to Sustainable Development
1.2 Introduction to the USGBC LEED—NC Rating System
How LEED—NC Is Set Up
LEED—NC Documents
Credit Formats
Registration, Certification, Membership, and
Project Checklist, LEED—Online, and Templates
What to Do if Things Are Not Clear for Your Project
1.3 Miscellaneous
Standard 189
The Carbon Commitment
LEED Sustainable Sites
Land Area Definitions
Sustainable Sites Prerequisites
SS Prerequisite 1: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention
2.1 SS Credit 1: Site Selection
2.2 SS Credit 2: Development Density and Community
2.3 SS Credit 3: Brownfield Redevelopment
2.4 SS Credit Subcategory 4: Alternative Transportation
SS Credit 4.1: Alternative Transportation——Public Transportation
SS Credit 4.2: Alternative Transportation——Bicycle Storage and
Changing Rooms
SS Credit 4.3: Alternative Transportation——Low—Emitting
and Fuel—Efficient Vehicles (LEFEVs)
[and also Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs)]
SS Credit 4.4: Alternative Transportation——Parking Capacity
2.5 SS Credit Subcategory 5: Site Development
SS Credit 5.1: Site Development——Protect or Restore Habitat
SS Credit 5.2: Site Development——Maximize Open Space
2.6 SS Credit Subcategory 6: Stormwater Management
SS Credit 6.1: Stormwater Management
Quantity Control
SS Credit 6.2: Stormwater Management——Quality Control
2.7 SS Credit Subcategory 7: Heat Island Effect
SS Credit 7.1: Heat Island Effect——Non—Roof
SS Credit 7.2: Heat Island Effect——Roof
2.8 SS Credit 8: Light Pollution Reduction
2.9 Discussion and Overview
LEED Water Efficiency
LEED Energy and Atmosphere
LEED Materials and Resources
LEED Indoor Environmental Quality
7 LEED Innovation in Design Process and Regional Priorities
8 A Systematic View of Green and Minimum Program Requirements
9 Department of Defense (DoD) Sustainable Construction and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
10 Low—Impact Development and Stormwater Issues
A Notation
B Definitions
C Units