



  • 書名:新常態大學通用英語讀寫教程(第2冊)
  • 作者:林俊偉 
  • 出版社:南京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年2月
  • 頁數:240 頁
  • 定價:30 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787305164361 
  • 編輯:裴維維
  • 字數:300
  • 版次:1
  • CIP分類號:2015315601




Unit 1
Text A How to get a great idea
Text B How to change your point of view
Text C How average people excel
Unit 2
Text A Spring Thaw
Text B Growing roots
Text C What good is a tree
Unit 3
Text A The magic of maps
Text B Differences I
Text C Differences II
Unit 4
Text A Camerons speech I
Text B Camerons speech II
Text C
Unit 5
Text A Kingdom of dust I
Text B Kingdom of dust II
Text C Weather rhymes and reasons
Unit 6
Text A The riddle of time I
Text B The riddle of time II
Text C Circadian rhythms and athletic performance
Unit 7
Text A The Chinese theory of leisure I
Text B The Chinese theory of leisure II
Text C Americans: a definition
Unit 8
Text A The dilemma of too much choice
Text B Diogenes and Alexander I
Text C Diogenes and Alexander II
Unit 9
Text A Reminiscences of a white house speechwriter I
Text B Reminiscences of a white house speechwriter II
Text C Remarks at a white house ceremony honouring national teacher of the year Theresa K Dozier
Unit 10
Text A The rage to know
Text B Great age of discovery drawing to a close I
Text C Great age of discovery drawing to a close II


