- 中文名:新奇隱喻在語言交際中之效力:語用和心理視角
- 作者:邱舟艷
- 出版時間:2014年12月
- 出版社:同濟大學出版社
- 頁數:171 頁
- ISBN:9787560857206
- 定價:38 元
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:平裝
《新奇隱喻在語言交際中之效力:語用和心理視角》旨在構建一個關於新奇隱喻在語言交際中之效力的理論。在Geoffrey Leech有效語言交際的理論框架之上,主要將採用語用和心理這兩個視角來廣泛深入地探討新奇隱喻體現在語言交際中的效力。《新奇隱喻在語言交際中之效力:語用和心理視角》適合中英文語言學方向和文學方向的研究者參考閱讀。
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Rationale for the Study
1.2 Objectives of the Study
1.3 Methodology of the Study
1.4 Scope and Layout of the Study
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Opposing Attitudes toward Metaphor in History
2.2 Locating Metaphor
2.2.1 Rhetorical Study of Metaphor
2.2.2 Semantic Study of Metaphor
2.2.3 Multidisciplinary Study of Metaphor
2.2.4 Summary
2.3 Overview of the Researches on Metaphor's Effectiveness and Some Related Topics
2.3.1 Researches on Metaphor's Effectiveness in General
2.3.2 Researches on Metaphor's Functions in Linguistic Communication
2.3.3 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Preliminaries
3.1 Linguistic and ConceptuaI Metaphors
3.2 Conventional and Novel Metaphors
3.3 Origin of Novel Metaphors
3.4 Paraphrasability of Novel Metaphors
Chapter Four Novel Metaphors' Effectiveness in General Terms A Pragmatic Account
4.1 Introduction of Leech's Framework and the Expressivity Principle
4.2 Effectiveness of NoveI Metaphors
4.2.1 Efficiency in Message Encoding and Decoding
4.2.2 Effects Gained in Linguistic Communication
4.3 Summary
Chapter Five Novel Metaphors' Codec Effectiveness
A Pragmatic Account
5.1 A Pragmatic Account
5.1.1 Application of the Expressivity Principle
5.1.2 Revision of the Expressivity Principle (Sub-maxim 1 of the ""Metaphor Maxim"")
5.2 Mechanism for Novel Metaphors' Codec Effectiveness
5.3 A Paradox
5.4 Application of Novel Metaphors' Codec Effectiveness
5.4.1 Pedagogic Value
5.4.2Value in Other Areas
5.5 Summary
Chapter Six Novel Metaphors' Aesthetic Effectiveness A.Pragma-psychological Account
6.1 A Pragmatic Account-Sub-maxim 2 of the “Metaphor Maxim”
6.2 Mechanism for Novel Metaphors'.Aesthetic Effectiveness
6.2.1 A Pragmatic Perspective-Poetic Effect
6.2.2 A Psychological Perspective
6.3 Application of NoveI-Metaphors' Aesthetic Effectiveness
Chapter Seven Novel Metaphors' Affective Effectiveness A Pragma-psychologicaI Account
Chapter Eight Novel Metaphors' Interpersonal Effectiveness A Pragmatic Account
Chapter Nine Conclusion