



  • 中文名:新大學英語視聽說教程4
  • 作者:盧仁順、許麗芹
  • 出版社武漢大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2012年8月1日
  • 頁數:159 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787040495065 
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語




Unit 1 Life and Fashiq
Getting Ready
Inside Classroom
Scene 1 Housing Is in the Way
Scene 2 What Is Fashion?
Scene 3 In a Traffic Jam
Beyond Classroom
Scene 1 The Shadow of Oil
Scene 2 Who Is Buying Luxury Goocls?
Project Design: A Debate on "Civilization Is coming to an End Soon"
Further Study
Unit 2 Trade and Economy
Getting Ready
Inside Classroom
Scene 1 Karel De Gucht on EU-China Trade
Scene 2 2008 Economic Depression
Scene 3 Krugman's Lecture at Beijing University
Beyond Classroom
Scene 1 Economic Boom
Scene 2 Appreciation of the Renminbi
Project Design: A Mini-debate on China's Future Economic Status in the World
Further Study
Unit 3 Science and Technology
Getting Ready
Inside Classroom
Scene 1 Guangzhou Auto Fair
Scene 2 Development of Computer and High-tech Communications
Scene 3 The Discovery of Common Energy
Beyond Classroom
Scene 1 Apple Introduces iPod That Plays Videos
Scene 2 Complicated Technology
Project Design:Exemplifying"Seven Sins"of Technology
Funher Study
Unit 4 Mental Health
Getting Ready
Inside Classroom
Scene 1 Teen Girls Have Tougher Time Than Boys
Scene 2 Stars Depression Confession
Scene 3 Lecture on How to Relieve Stress
Beyond Classroom
Scene 1 Raising Awareness About Mental Illness
Scene 2 Stress at Work
Project Design:A Mock Interview About 2010 Foxconn Suicides
Further Study
Unit 5 Social Problems
Unit 6 International Affairs
Unit 7 Culture and Civilization
Unit 8 Myths and Religion


