

《新世紀農業科學專業英語:生物技術英語》精選了有一定理論深度,並能深入淺出闡述該技術領域基礎知識和科研成果的文章,有助於讀者理解並增加了趣味性和可讀性。為了更好地學習科學知識和科技英語,每一單元我們精選了兩篇,分為Part A和Part B兩部分,每篇都作了詳細的注釋,Part A給出了參考譯文,並附有練習和思考題。


  • 中文名:新世紀農業科學專業英語:生物技術英語
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工程大學出版社
  • 頁數:276 頁
  • ISBN:9787810739986, 7810739980
  • 作者:賈洪波 孫興參
  • 出版日期:2007年4月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • 定價:26.80




Unit 1
Part A A Basic Primer on Biotechnology
Part B Common Themes of Biotechnology
Unit 2
Part A A Basic Primer on Mammalia Embryos
Part B Embryo Transfer
Unit 3
Part A Assisted Reproductive Technology
Part B Current Status and Future of Micromanipulation Assisted Fertilization in Animals and Human
Unit 4
Part A Stem Cells: A Primer
Part B Cloning Adult Farm Animals
Unit 5
Part A Clone Technique and Its Applications
Part B Gene and Stem Cell Therapies
Unit 6
Part A Transgenic Animal Science:Principles and Methods
Part B Transgenic livestock
Unit 7
Part A What Is the Human Genome Project?
Part B Implications of the Human Genome Project for Medical Science
Unit 8
Part A Plant Biotechnology
Part B The Basics of Plant Biotechnology
Unit 9
Part A Meristem Culture of Orchid
Part B PCR
Unit 10
Part A Ti Plasmid-mediated Gene Transfer to Higher Plant Cells
Part B Gene
Unit 11
Part A The Application of Transgenic Technique in Plant Breeding
Part B Commercial Applications and Economic Aspects of Mass Plant Cell Culture
Unit 12
Part A Introduction to Microbial Genome Project
Part B Shared Characteristics of Life
Unit 13
Part A “Mad Cow” Disease
Part B AIDS, HIV and The Immune System
Unit 14
Part A Biological Analysis in Environmental Monitoring
Part B Clean Technology
Keys to exercises


