


  • 中文名:文矛
  • 職務:上海交通大學材料科學與工程學院研究員
  • 性別:男
  • 學位:博士
1990年3月至2000年3月在華南理工大學工作,任職副教授,高溫研究室主任。1999年赴香港大學機械工程系進行合作研究。2000年4月後在日本工作:2000年任職日本新能源產業技術綜合開發機構(NEDO)產業技術研究員;2003年任職日本產業技術綜合研究所特別研究員;2004任職日本科學技術振興機構研究員;2005年後任職日本產業技術綜合研究所主任研究員。2010赴德國薩爾大學進行合作研究。在日本工作期間為日本金屬學會會員。2011年9月回國。現任上海交通大學材料科學與工程學院研究員。 目前從事的研究方向:材料模擬程式設計與開發;金屬和合金的缺陷及性能;氫能源材料的開發及氫脆機理;大塊非晶的微結構與性能;納米孔洞金屬的形成。
1. 張林, 今出政明, 安白, 文矛, 飯島高志, 福山誠司, 橫川清志, "低溫における316型オーステナイト系ステンレス鋼の內部可逆水素脆化", 鉄と鋼 Vol. 99, No. 4, pp. 294-301, 2013.
2. Z. Y. Li, C. L. Zhou, Y. Z. Zhao, Z. L. Hua, L. Zhang, M. Wen and P. Xu, “Crack Growth Analysis of High-pressure Equipment for Hydrogen Storage”, Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Conference, July 14-18, 2013, Paris, France. PVP2013-97272.
3. M. Wen and Z. Li, “Thermally activated process of homogeneous dislocation nucleation and hydrogen effects: An atomistic study”, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 54, pp.28–31, 2012.
4. L. Zhang, M. Imade, B. An, M. Wen, T. Iijima, S. Fukuyama and K. Yokogawa, “Internal Reversible Hydrogen Embrittlement of Austenitic Stainless Steels Based on Type 316 at Low Temperatures”, ISIJ International, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 240–246, 2012.
5. L. Zhang, M. Wen, Z.Y. Li, J.Y. Zheng, X.X. Liu, Y.Z. Zhao, and C.L. Zhou, “Materials Safety for Hydrogen Gas Embrittlement of Metals in High-pressure Hydrogen Storage for Fuel Cell Vehicles”, Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Conference, July 15-19, 2012, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, PVP2012-78269.
6. M. Wen, A. Barnoush, Z. Li, “Modeling of Hydrogen Effect on Dislocation Nucleation at Crack Tip”, Invited Speaker, MMM 2012 - 6th international conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, October 15-19, 2012 Biopolis, Singapore, MMM12-A-0341.
7. M. Wen, A. Barnoush and K. Yokogawa, “Calculation of all cubic single-crystal elastic constants from single atomistic simulation: Hydrogen effect and elastic constants of nickel”, Computer Physics Communications, vol.182, pp.1621-1625, 2011.4.
8. B. An, M. Wen, L. Zhang, T. Iijima, S. Fukuyama and K. Yokogawa, “Determination of interface structure between Pd ultrathin film and Ni(111)”, J. Applied Physics, vol.108, 103521, 2010.10.
9. M. Wen, B. An, S. Fukuyama, and K. Yokogawa, “First-principles study of oxidized Nb(100) surface structures”, Surface Science, vol.603, pp.216-220, 2009.11.
10. M. Wen, L. Zhang, B. An, S. Fukuyama, and K. Yokogawa, “Hydrogen-enhanced dislocation activity and vacancy formation during nanoindentation of nickel”, Physical Review B, vol. 80, 094113, 2009.9.
11. M. Wen, B. An, S. Fukuyama, K. Yokogawa, and A. H. W. Ngan, “Thermally activated model for tensile yielding of pristine single-walled carbon nanotubes with nonlinear elastic deformation”, Carbon, vol.47, pp.2070-2076, 2009.7.


