中南財經政法大學文瀾學院(Wenlan School of Business,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)成立於2012年,是以中南財經政法大學首任校長、我國著名歷史學家范文瀾先生命名的具有特區性質的學院。中南財經政法大學校長楊燦明、副校長劉茂林均曾擔任文瀾學院院長。
外文名:Wenlan School of Business,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
中南財經政法大學(Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)是中華人民共和國教育部直屬的一所以經濟學、法學、管理學為主幹,兼涵哲學、文學、史學、理學、工學、藝術學等九大學科門類的全國重點大學,是國家“211工程”、“985工程優勢學科創新平台”重點建設院校,入選“教育部人文社科重點研究基地”、“國家建設高水平大學公派研究生項目”、“卓越法律人才教育培養計畫”,是中國大陸地區第七所AMBA、CFA協會認證院校,是教育部表彰的“全國畢業生就業典型經驗高校”,由教育部、財政部和湖北省人民政府三方共同建設。
文瀾學院作為中南財經政法大學精心打造的拔尖人才創新試驗學院,從成立之日起,就開始在全校範圍內選派最優秀教師給文瀾學子授課。2015年,學校高薪從海內外聘請了大批優秀經濟學博士及專家學者組建了文瀾學院專職教師團隊,進一步最佳化學院師資力量,提高學院科研水平和輻射範圍,努力向“國內頂尖、國際一流”的“國際化商學院”邁出堅實步伐。目前學院有專職教師10人、兼職教師60人、行政崗教師8人,科研機構一所——“中國財經研究與調查中心”(China Research and Survey Center for Finance and Economics, CCFE)。
國立高雄大學副校長、榮譽講座教授,東南大學經濟管理學院客座教授,南非金山大學經濟系講座教授,財團法人華亞經濟管理教育基金會董事長,中華亞太經濟與管理學會理事長,財團法人商業發展研究院董事,財團法人亞太綜合研究院董事,《亞太經濟管理評論》(Asia-Pacific Economic and Management Review)主編。
In light of Zhongnan University’s three preponderant disciplines of Economics, Management, and Law, the Wenlan School of Business aims at training students who have great potential for excellence and innovation while exploring a new model for educational reform. The college, which is named after the university’s first president Fan Wenlan, enrolled 56 students in 2012, the first year of its establishment. Directly affiliated with the university, the Wenlan School is an independent institute where academic research of the faculty, learning autonomy of the students, and efficiency of the administration are highly encouraged. The college has set up two committees: a teaching guidance committee to guide and supervise student cultivation and an academic management committee to encourage the students to learn self-management skills and increase their participation in school governance. The institute will also explore the reform of higher education, especially in the areas of administration, faculty recruitment, teaching methods, and enrollment. Adhering to the university motto, “Learned, Rational, Virtuous, and Devoted”, the Wenlan School is committed to elite education, focusing on the cultivation of the students’ innovative spirit and practical ability. This is accomplished by combining general and inter-disciplinary education. With its student-centered education, new methods of administration and training, and high-level faculty (mainly professors) from home and abroad, this school offers its students independent learning opportunities, gives exposure to an interdisciplinary curriculum, and promotes their personal development.
Professor GONG Qiang Dean Ph.D in Economics, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. Research Interests: Finance and Public Policy, Finance and Corporate Finance, Mechanism Design Theory, Industrial Policy, Industrial Organization, Marketing Theory. Selected research (English): [1] Qian, Y., Gong Q., and Chen Y., “Untangling Searchable and Experiential Quality Responses to Counterfeits”, NBER working paper. [2] Gong, Q., Jia, S., and Lin, J. 2009, “Firm Liquidation and Economic Crisis under Unexpected Exchange Rate Shock”, Annals of Economics and Finance, Vol. 10, No.1: 1-14.(SSCI) [3] Gong, Q., 2007, “Optimal Buy-back Contracts with Asymmetric Information”, International Journal of Management and Marketing, No.1: 23-48. [4] Gong, Q., and Fan, X., 2007, “The Neutrality of Fuel Surcharge”, Global Journal of Business Research, No.1: 1-10. [5] Gong, Q., Tan, X. and Xing, Y., “Multiple-Object Sequential Auction with Reserve Price”, Review of Economic Design, revised and resubmitted.(SSCI) [6] Gong, Q., Wang K., Fan, X. and Fu, X. “Why Chinese Airlines Haven’t Become Leading Cargo Carriers”, 2013 Air Transport Research Society (ATRS). [7] Gong, Q., and Yuan H., “Consumers’ Beliefs and Sellers’ Dynamic Selling Strategies”, 2012 The Third POMS-HK International Conference. [8] Gong, Q., Liu, Q., and Zhang, Y., “Optimal Product Differentiation in a Circular Model”, 2011 International Economic Association (IEA). [9] Gong, Q., and Qian, Y., “Brand Enforcement and Quality Decisions”, 2009 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference. [10] Deng, C., and Gong, Q., “Joint Liability and Technology Improvement in Group Lending”, 2008 HKEA Biennial Conference.
Professor Leonard F.S. Wang Chair Professor, Department of Applied Economics, National University of Kaohsiung Director of Center for Industry Development and Regional Economy, National University of Kaohsiung [1].Chang, Yang-Ming *, Hung-Yi Chen,Leonard F. S. Wangand Shih-Jye Wu, “Corporate Social Responsibility and International Competition: A Welfare Analysis,” Review of International Economics, 22, August 2014, pp. 625-638. (SSCI) [2].Yi-Wen Chen, Ya-Po Yang,Leonard F. S. Wang* and Shih-Jye Wu, “Technology Licensing in Mixed Oligopoly,” International Review of Economics and Finance, 31, May 2014, pp. 193-204. (SSCI) [3].Wang, Leonard F.S.,* Jen-Yao Lee and Chu-Chuan Hsu, “Privatization, Foreign Competition, and Social Efficiency of Free Entry,” International Review of Economics and Finance, 31, May 2014, pp. 138-147. (SSCI) [4].Mukherjee, Arijit.* andLeonard F.S. Wang, “Labor Union, Entry and Consumer Welfare,” Economics Letters, 120, September 2013, pp. 603-605. (SSCI) [5].Wang, Leonard F.S.* and Jen-Yao Lee, “Foreign Penetration and Undesirable Competition,” Economic Modelling, 30, 2013, pp.729-732. (SSCI&ABI) [6].Wang, Leonard F.S.and Arijit Mukherjee*, “Undesirable Competition,” Economics Letters, 114, February 2012, pp.175-177. (SSCI) [7].Wang, Leonard F.S.*, Ya-Chin Wang and Lihong Zhao, “Tariff Policy and Welfare in an International Duopoly with Consumer-friendly Initiative,” Bulletin of Economic Research, 64, January 2012, pp.56-64. (SSCI) [8].Wang, Ya-Chin andLeonard F.S. Wang*, “Strategic Trade and Delegated Competition with Endogenous Quality Choice: Is Export Policy Needed?” Pacific Economic Review, 16(4), October 2011, pp.511-525. (SSCI) [9].Wang, Leonard F.S.* and Tai-Liang Chen, “Mixed Oligopoly, Optimal Privatization, and Foreign Penetration,” Economic Modelling, 28(4), July 2011, pp.1465-1470. (SSCI&ABI) [10].Wang, Leonard F.S.* and Tai-Liang Chen, “Do Cost Efficiency Gap and Foreign Competitors Matter Concerning the Optimal Privatization Policy at Free Entry Market?” Journal of Economics, 100(1), May 2010, pp.33-49. (SSCI)
Professor Boubacar Diallo Ph. D. in Economics, Université du Québec à Montréal Research Interests: Growth Theory, Finance and Banking sector, Economic Development, Panel Data Analysis. [1]. “Bank Competition and Crises Revisited: New Results”,Economics Letters, 2015, Vol. 129, pp. 81-86 [2]. “Bank Concentration and Schumpeterian Growth: Theory and International Evidence”, with Wilfried Koch, R&R atThe Review of Economics and Statistics.