



  • 中文名:文化遺產新探:跨界話語研究
  • 作者:程樂,楊建平,蔡建明
  • 類別: 文化理論類圖書
  • 出版社:浙江大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2021年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
  • ISBN:9787308204354


本書將主要闡釋從20世紀90年代起,在後現代主義、後殖民主義的思想啟發下,學者們開始超越原有的技術化的遺產研究路徑,更多地將遺產作為一種涉及多個社會群體的文化實踐來研究;不僅關注遺產是什麼,更關注遺產在社會生活中發揮了什麼作用;不僅關注遺產如何保護,更關注遺產對於民眾意味著什麼;不僅關注遺產的本體,更關注人與遺產的互動,以重新理解遺產的本質。自此,國際遺產學界風氣為之一變,新思想層出不窮,匯聚成了文化遺產思辨研究的潮流(Critical Heritage Studies)。


Sharing Responsibilities in Managing a Residential Heritage Area: A Case Study of Darmo Area, Surabaya, Indonesia
Accessibility of Castles: Reality, Imagination and Good Practices for Memory and Dissemination
Agroecological Heritage: Elucidating the Place of Cycads in
Indigenous Mesoamerican Epistemologies Relationships Between Urban Anthropology and Cultural Heritage in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Mosques and Modernism in the Three Phases of the Turkish Republic
The Grey Area of Gender in Intangible Cultural Heritage: Analysis of Japan's Inscribed Elements on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
The Crafting of a New Act on the Protection of Cultural Property--The German Case
Advertisement: Construction and Communication of Memory
(A Study on Media Advertisement in Malayalam--An Indian Language)
Association Members with a Migration Background as "Unexpected" Heirs of Cultural Heritage in Allotment Garden Associations
Use the Impact of World Heritage Designation at Jiaohe Site in Xinjiang, China
Producing "Cultural Heritage" and Framing "Expertise": Berlin' s Pergamon Museum
Social Innovations in Museum and Heritage Management
Challenges of Research on Trans-Boundary Cultural Heritage in Southern Africa
"Tolerance" in Urgent Need of Conservation: A Case Study of the Crumbling Jaina Heritage in Pakistan
Linguistic Representations of "Home" in a French-Kanak Children's Book: New Perspectives on Intangible Cultural Heritage
Staying in Academia or Facing the Public: University Museums in China Today
Gender and Human Rights Within UNESCO's International Heritage Discourse: A Case Study of the Convention for Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage
The U.S.-Mexico Border in Visual Art by Chicanas/os: Transcending National Barriers of Cultural Heritage
Constructing Landscape History Using the Timeline Method: Case Study of the Landscape in Chengdu Plain, China


程樂,男,浙江大學外國語言文化與國際交流學院及光華法學院雙聘教授、博士生導師。曾任香港理工大學博士後研究員、香港城市大學法學院及人文學院助理教授。現任法律與語言多文化國際協會副會長兼秘書長等社會兼職多項以及《法律話語國際期刊》《社會符號學期刊》等期刊主編。主要研究方向包括制度性話語、網路安全與通信規則、社會符號學、法律話語與翻譯等。在國際權威期刊發表論文50餘篇,出版有Exploring Courtroom Discourse(勞特利奇出版社2011年版)等專著及譯著40餘部。


