By M. jervis, J. Lewhurst, J. Janisch and S. Kramer
Performed by The Clarke Nova
10.Poor Ol' Joe
ByBob MairandFrankie Blue
Performed by John's TV
11.Stay For Awhile
BySherree Ford Payne(as Sheree Ford-Payne),Howie TeeandAlex Mousley
Performed bySherree Ford Payne(as Sheree Ford-Payne)
By Angelo Patraglia
Performed by The Immortals
Al McCord在他最喜愛的餐廳里遇上了一個年輕漂亮的女子。當時,這位女子想乘車去她媽媽的家——摩哈維沙漠。故事就在這裡開始了,Al並不知道Elie已經愛上了他,但無論Julie的男朋友對Al如何百般刁難,他還是義無返顧地愛上了Elie的媽媽,Archer。於是,更加離奇古怪的事情相繼發生了,Al的故事由此改寫。