



  • 中文名:探秘中國敦煌世界地質公園(英文版)
  • 作者:武法東
  • 出版社:地質出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年12月
  • 頁數:43 頁
  • 定價:28 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787116095403




Chapter 1 The Overdue Geopark
Definition of the Geopark
Why Do We Establish the Geopark
Dunhuang Global Geopark of China
Yardang Geoarea of Dunhuang Geopark
Mount Mingshashan and Crescent Moon-shaped Spring
Geoarea of Dunhuang Global Geopark
Cultural Heritage Tourism Area of Dunhuang Global Geopark
Natural Landscape Tourism Area of Dunhuang Global Geopark
Chapter 2 The Grand and Magnificent Yardang
Where Did the ""Yardang"" Originate from
The Classification of Yardangs
Mound-shaped Yardang
Wall-shaped Yardang
Tower-shaped Yardang
Columnar Yardang
Monadnock-shaped Yardang
The Evolution of Yardang Landform
The Formation of Yardang Landform
Material Basis
Endogenic Geological Process
Exogenic Geological Process
Other Factors
The ""Desert Sea"" and ""Black Sea"" Associated with
Yardang Landform
Chapter 3 The Magic Mount Mingshashan and
Crescent Moon-shaped Spring
The Magic Mount Mingshashan
The Peculiar Characteristics of Mount Mingshashan
The Factors Concerned in Mount Mingshashan Formation
Why Does the Sand of Mount Mingshashan Sing
The Crescent Moon-shaped Spring Never Being
Drying Up
The Crescent Moon-shaped Spring Never Being Drying up
The Reasons for the Crescent Moon-shaped Spring Never
Being Drying Up
The Cultural and Historical Landscapes of Mount
Mingshashan and Crescent Moon-shaped Spring
Yuequan Pavilion
Ruins of Yaowang Temple
Chapter 4 Ancient Dunhuang Culture
An Artistic Treasure——Mogao Grottoes
Yumenguan Pass
Hecang City
Great Wall of the Han Dynasty
Yangguan Pass
Chapter 5 Abundant Resources
Populus Euphratica Forest
Glycyrrhiza Inflata
Gymnocarpos Przewalskii
Haloxylon Ammodendron
Rare Animals
Camelus Bactrianus
Equus Przewalskii
Tawny Eagle
Precious Water Landscapes
Shulehe River
Danghe River
Danghe River Reservoir
Natural Reserve of West Lake Wetland Landscape
Our Declaration for the Geoheritage


