


主要從事地震數據智慧型處理、微震監測與精確定位、背景噪聲層析成像和斷裂帶結構成像等研究。承擔國家自然科學基金、國家重點研發計畫專題、國家科技支撐計畫專題和地震行業科研專項等10多項科研項目,在Earth-Science Reviews,EPSL,GRL,JGR,GJI,SRL等期刊發表論文100餘篇,被引用3200多次。相關研究成果榮獲中國科協優秀科技論文、北京市青年優秀科技論文獎、中國地震局防震減災科技成果獎、中國地震局優秀博士論文、李善邦青年優秀地震科技論文獎、陳宗器地球物理優秀論文獎。


  • 中文名:房立華
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1981年11月


2006年9月~2010年3月,University of Trieste,Italy,Geophysics of the Lithosphere and Geodynamics,獲得博士學位
2007年9月~2008年2月,The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics,Italy,Visiting Scientist.
2008年9月~2009年12月,The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics,Italy,Visiting Scientist.


[1] 《中國科學:地球科學》熱點論文,二等獎,2023.
[2] 中國地震局“青春心向黨 建功新時代”模範青年,2022.
[3] 應急管理部嘉獎,2022.
[4] Earthquake Science優秀編委,2022.
[5] Earthquake Research Advances最佳審稿人,2022.
[6] 中國地震局防震減災科技成果獎,二等獎,2021.
[7] 中國地震局“實時地震學”創新團隊,2021.
[8] 2020年全球青年科技領袖,2020.
[9] 《科學通報》2019年度優秀論文,2020.
[10] 中國地震局骨幹人才,2020.
[11] 中國地震局青年人才,2019.
[12] 中國科協第四屆優秀科技論文,2019.
[13] 陳宗器地球物理優秀論文, 2018.
[14] Tectonophysics優秀審稿人,2017.
[15] 中國地震局防震減災科技成果獎,三等獎, 2016.
[16] 領跑者5000—中國精品科技期刊頂尖學術論文,2016.
[17] 中國地震局直屬機關優秀青年,2014.
[18] 第八屆李善邦青年優秀地震科技論文,二等獎,2012.
[19] 中國地震局地球物理研究所首屆青年優秀科技論文,二等獎,2011.
[20] 中國地震局優秀博士論文,中國地震局,2011.
[21] 第十屆北京青年優秀科技論文,二等獎,2009.


Earth-Science Reviews,Tectonophysics,JGR, GJI, SRL,《中國科學》,《地球物理學報》,《地震地質》,《地震學報》等國內外期刊審稿專家。承擔國家自然科學基金、國家科技支撐計畫專題和地震行業科研專項等項目10項。在ESR、EPSL、JGR、GRL、SRL等國內外期刊發表學術論文70餘篇,其中SCI論文30餘篇,參與編寫專著2部,論文被引用1700多次。


[1] 2022.01-2025.12,地震科學聯合基金(U2139205),基於地震和GNSS高密度觀測的安寧河-則木河-小江斷裂帶深淺部變形與強震危險性綜合研究—子課題:基於深度學習的微震和顫動信號檢測以及三維速度模型構建,負責。
[2] 2021.12-2024.11,國家重點研發計畫課題(2021YFC3000702),地震序列智慧型檢測與識別技術研發,負責。
[3] 2018.12-2021.12,國家重點研發計畫,安寧河斷裂帶密集地震台陣觀測、地震精定位與三維結構成像(2018YFC1503401-02),負責。
[4] 2018.01-2021.12,國家自然科學基金,安寧河-則木河斷裂帶高解析度三維地殼參考速度模型構建(41774067),負責。
[5] 2018年1月-2018年12月,中國地震局重點專項,基於機器學習的地震自動編目輔助系統開發及首都圈示範區套用,負責。
[6] 2020.06-2021.05,中國地震局地球物理研究所基本科研業務費專項,青海乾熱岩開採誘發地震與災害風險研究(DQJB20Y34)—GH-01井附近微震精定位研究,負責。
[7] 2020.06-2021.05,中國地震局地球物理研究所基本科研業務費專項,地震學(DQJB20X07),負責。
[8] 2022.01-2023.12,國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流項目,2016年慶州地震序列的地震活動性演化研究(42111540260),參加。
[9] 2020.01-2023.12,國家自然科學基金,複雜震源的多台陣反投影方法研究(41974065),參加。
[10] 2018.01-2020.12,國家自然科學基金,山西裂谷系中部區域深部構造及高精度地震定位研究(41704064),參加。
[11] 2017.07-2020.12,國家重點研發計畫專題,壩址區域精細地殼波速結構及震源破裂過程的研究(2017YFC0404901-22),參加。


[1] Chuang Cheng, Dun Wang*, Qiang Yao, Lihua Fang*, Shiqing Xu*, Zihao Huang, Tonghui Liu, Zhifeng Wang, Xiaolin Huang. The 2021 Mw 7.3 Madoi, China Earthquake: Transient Supershear Ruptures on a Presumed Immature Strike-Slip Fault. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2023, 128(2). doi:10.1029/2022JB024641.
[2] Yijian Zhou, Chunmei Ren, Abhijit Ghosh, Haoran Meng, Lihua Fang*, Han Yue, Shiyong Zhou, Youjin Su. Seismological Characterization of the 2021 Yangbi Foreshock-Mainshock Sequence, Yunnan, China: More than a Triggered Cascade. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2022, 127(8). doi:10.1029/2022JB024534.
[3] Jing Liu, Jianping Wu, Lihua Fang*, Kai Chang, Ting Yang, Changzai Wang, Huaifu Wang, Shuang Wang. Characteristics of azimuthal anisotropy in SE Tibetan plateau and its relationship with the background of block structure. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2023, 11. doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1065911.
[4] Yu Qiu, Lihua Fang*, Jing Liu, Liping Fan, Zuoyong Lv, Guangyao Cai, Shiguang Wang. Two Unconnected Low-Velocity Zones in the Eastern Boundary of the Sichuan-Yunnan Block Revealed with High-Resolution Ambient Noise Tomography. Pure and Applied Geophysics. 2023. doi: 10.1007/s00024-023-03245-7.
[5] Shuai Li, Lihua Fang*, Zhuowei Xiao, Yijian Zhou, Shirong Liao, Liping Fan. FocMech-Flow: Automatic Determination of P-Wave First-Motion Polarity and Focal Mechanism Inversion and Application to the 2021 Yangbi Earthquake Sequence. Applied Sciences. 2023, 13(4): 2233. doi: 10.3390/app13042233.
[6] Boren Li, Liping Fan, Ce Jiang, Shirong Liao, Lihua Fang*. CSESnet: A deep learning P-wave detection model based on Unet++ designed for China Seismic Experimental Site. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2022, 10. doi:10.3389/feart.2022.1032839.
[7] Ting Yang, Boren Li, Lihua Fang*, Youjin Su, Yusheng Zhong, Jingqiong Yang, Min Qin, Yaji Xu. Relocation of the Foreshocks and Aftershocks of the 2021 Ms6.4 Yangbi Earthquake Sequence, Yunnan, China. Journal of Earth Science. 2022, 33(4):892-900. doi: 10.1007/s12583-021-1527-7.
[8] 顏利君, 劉媛, 廖詩榮, 龐瑤, 唐淋, 房立華*. 2022年6月10日四川馬爾康地震序列實時智慧型檢測結果分析與研究. 地震工程學報. 2022, 44(6):1450-1458. doi: 10.20000/j.1000-0844.20220817003.
[9] Liping Fan, Boren Li, Shirong Liao, Ce Jiang, Lihua Fang*. High-precision relocation of the aftershock sequence of the January 8, 2022, Ms6.9 Menyuan earthquake. Earthquake Science. 2022, 35(2): 138-145. doi:10.1016/j.eqs.2022.01.021.
[10] Ce Jiang, Lihua Fang*, Liping Fan, Boren Li. Comparison of the earthquake detection effects of PhaseNet and EQTransformer considering the Yangbi and Maduo earthquakes. Earthquake Science. 2021, 34(5): 425-435. doi:10.29382/eqs-2021-0038.
[11]Yijian Zhou, Abhijit Ghosh, Lihua Fang*, Han Yue, Shiyong Zhou, Youjin Su. A high-resolution seismic catalog for the 2021 Ms6.4/Mw6.1 Yangbi earthquake sequence, Yunnan, China: Application of AI picker and matched filter. Earthquake Science. 2021, 34(5): 390-398. doi:10.29382/eqs-2021-0031.
[12] 廖詩榮,張紅才,范莉苹,李珀任,黃玲珠,房立華*,秦敏. 實時智慧型地震處理系統研發及其在2021年雲南漾濞Ms6.4地震中的套用.地球物理學報. 2021, 64(10): 3632-3645. doi:10.6038/cjg2021O0532.
[13]Weilai Wang, Lihua Fang*, Jianping Wu, Hongwei Tu, Liyi Chen, Guijuan Lai, Long Zhang. Aftershock sequence relocation of the 2021 Ms7.4 Maduo Earthquake, Qinghai, China. Science China Earth Sciences. 2021, 64(8): 1371-1380. doi:10.1007/s11430-021-9803-3.
[14] Zhen Fu, Changsheng Jiang, Fengling Yin, Lei Zhang, Xuanye Shen, Lihua Fang*, Chunlai Li, Xu Zhang, Lisheng Xu. Preliminary Report on the 18 May 2020 Ms 5.0 Qiaojia Earthquake, Yunnan, China. Seismological Research Letters. 2021, 92(4): 2122–2133. doi: 10.1785/0220200233.
[15] 邱宇, 房立華*, 王蕊嘉, 范莉苹, 蔣長勝. “交通燈”系統及其在誘發地震監測中的套用. 中國地震. 2021, 37(2): 349-367.
[16] 周本偉, 范莉苹, 張龍, 李珀任, 房立華*. 利用卷積神經網路檢測地震的方法與最佳化. 地震學報. 2020, 42(6): 669-683. doi: 10.11939/jass.20200045.
[17] Long Zhang, Lihua Fang*, Weilai Wang, Zuoyong Lv. Seismic phase picking in China Seismic Array using a deep convolutional neuron network. Earthquake Science. 2020, 33: 72-81. doi:10.29382/eqs-2020-0072-03.
[18] 趙明, 陳石, 房立華*, David Yuen. 基於U形卷積神經網路的震相識別與到時拾取方法研究. 地球物理學報. 2019, 62(8): 3034-3042. doi: 10.6038/cjg2019M0495.
[19] 房立華*, 吳建平, 蘇金蓉, 王毛毛, 蔣策, 范莉苹, 王未來, 王長在, 譚夏露. 四川九寨溝Ms7.0 地震主震及其餘震序列精定位研究. 科學通報. 2018, 63: 649-662. doi: 10.1360/N972017-01184.
[20] 王長在, 吳建平, 楊婷, 王未來, 范莉苹, 房立華*. 太原盆地及周邊地區雙差層析成像. 地球物理學報. 2018, 61(3): 963-974. doi: 10.6038/cjg2018L0114.
[21] 譚夏露, 房立華*, 王未來, 吳建平. 安寧河—則木河斷裂帶及周邊地區Rayleigh波群速度背景噪聲成像研究. 中國地震. 2018, 34(3): 400-413.
[22] Lihua Fang, Zhongliang Wu*, Kuan Song. SeismOlympics. Seismological Research Letters. 2017, 88(6): 1429-1430. doi: 10.1785/0220170134.
[23] 房立華, 吳建平, 王未來, 楊婷, 王長在. 2014年新疆于田Ms7.3級地震序列重定位. 地球物理學報. 2015, 58(3): 802-808. doi:10.6038/cjg20150310.
[24] Lihua Fang, Jianping Wu, Jie Liu, Jia Cheng, Changsheng Jiang, Libo Han, Yushi Wang, Kun Chen, Xu Zhao, Zhongliang Wu. Preliminary Report on the 22 November 2014 Mw6.1/Ms6.3 Kangding Earthquake, Western Sichuan, China. Seismological Research Letters. 2015, 86(6): 1603-1613. doi:10.1785/0220150006.
[25] Lihua Fang, Jianping Wu, Weilai Wang, Wenkang Du, Jinrong Su, Changzai Wang, Ting Yang, Yan Cai. Aftershock Observation and Analysis of the 2013 Ms7.0 Lushan Earthquake. Seismological Research Letters. 2015, 86(4): 1135-1142. doi:10.1785/0220140186.
[26] 呂作勇, 楊傳成, 房立華*. 廣東地震台網近震定位精度的經驗性GT準則. 震災防禦技術. 2014, 9(增刊): 657-664. doi: 10.11899/zzfy2014s112.
[27] 房立華, 吳建平, 王未來, 呂作勇, 王長在, 楊婷, 鐘世軍. 雲南魯甸Ms6.5地震餘震重定位及其發震構造研究. 地震地質. 2014, 36(4): 1173-1185. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967. 2014.04.019.
[28] Lihua Fang, Jianping Wu, Changzai Wang, Weilai Wang, Ting Yang. Relocation of the 2012 Ms6.6 Xinjiang Xinyuan earthquake sequence. Science China: Earth Sciences. 2014, 57(2): 216-220. doi: 10.1007/s11430-013-4755-6.
[29] Lihua Fang, Changsheng Jiang, Hui Jiang, Shengfeng Zhang, Zhongliang Wu. An aftershock of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake? In: Wu Z. et al. (Ed), Earthquake phenomenology from the field: The April 20, 2013, Lushan Earthquake. SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences. 2014, 47-58, doi: 10.1007/978-981-4585-15-6_5.
[30] Lihua Fang, Jianping Wu, Weilai Wang, Zuoyong Lv, Changzai Wang, Ting Yang, Yan Cai. Relocation of the mainshock and aftershock sequences of Ms7.0 Sichuan Lushan earthquake. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2013, 58(28-29): 3451-3459, doi: 10.1007/s11434-013-6000-2.
[31] 房立華,吳建平, 王未來, 王長在, 楊婷. 華北地區勒夫波噪聲層析成像研究. 地球物理學報. 2013, 56(7): 2268-2279. doi: 10.6038/cjg20130714.
[32] 房立華,吳建平,張天中,黃靜,王長在,楊婷等.2011年雲南盈江Ms5.8地震及其餘震序列重定位.地震學報. 2011.33(2): 262-267.
[33] Lihua Fang, Jianping Wu, Zhifeng Ding, Giuliano Francesco Panza. High resolution Rayleigh wave group velocity tomography in North-China from ambient seismic noise. Geophysical Journal International. 2010, 181(2): 1171-1182. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010. 04571.x.
[34] Lihua Fang, Jianping Wu, Zhifeng Ding, Weilai Wang, Giuliano Francesco Panza. Crustal velocity structures beneath North China revealed by ambient noise tomography. Earthquake Science. 2010, 23: 477-486. doi: 10.1007/s11589-010-0746-2.
[35] 房立華, 吳建平, 呂作勇. 華北地區基於噪聲的瑞利面波群速度層析成像. 地球物理學報. 2009, 52(3): 663-671.
[36] 房立華, 吳建平. 背景噪聲頻散曲線測定及其在華北地區的套用. 地震學報. 2009, 31(5): 544-554.
[37] 房立華, 吳建平. 傾斜界面和各向異性介質對接收函式的影響. 地球物理學進展. 2009, 24(1): 42-50.
[38] Changzai Wang, Jianping Wu, Lihua Fang, Yaning Liu, Jing Liu, Yan Cai, Boren Li. P-wave velocity structure beneath reservoirs and surrounding areas in the lower jinsha river. Earthquake Science. 2023.36(1): 64-75. doi:10.1016/j.eqs.2023.02.003.
[39] Jun Zhu, Zefeng Li, Lihua Fang. USTC-pickers: a unified set of seismic phase pickers transfer learned for China. Earthquake Science. 2023, 36(2): 1-18. doi: 10.1016/j.eqs.2023.0001.
[40] Weilai Wang, Guangyao Cai, Jianping Wu, Lihua Fang. The lithospheric S-wave velocity structure beneath the NE Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding craton basins. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2023, 10. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.1066265.
[41] Ming Zhao, Zhuowei Xiao, Shi Chen, Lihua Fang. Diting: a large-scale Chinese seismic benchmark dataset for artificial intelligence in seismology. Earthquake Science. 2023 36(2): 1-11.
[42] 馮萬鵬, 何驍慧, 張逸鵬, 房立華, Sergey Samsonov, 張培震. 2022年青海門源Mw6.6地震的發震斷層及孕震構造模式. 科學通報. 2023, 67(2-3): 254-270. doi: 10.1360/TB-2022-0154.
[43] 張喆, 房立華, 許力生. 2022年四川瀘定Ms6.8級地震震源基本特徵,地球物理學報,2023,doi:10.6038/cjg2022Q0757.
[44] 李傳友, 孫凱, 馬駿, 李俊傑, 梁明劍, 房立華. 四川瀘定6.8級地震--鮮水河斷裂帶磨西段局部發起、全段參與的一次複雜事件. 地震地質. 2022, 44(6): 1648-1666. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2022.06.017.
[45] 張蘇祥, 盛書中, 席彪, 房立華, 呂堅, 王甘嬌, 張瀟. 基於改進的DBSCAN算法自動識別斷層方法研究及其在唐山地區的套用. 地震地質. 2022, 44(6): 1615-1633. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2022.06.015.
[46] 劉媛, 顏利君, 廖詩榮, 楊佳佳, 龐瑤, 蔣策, 房立華. 實時智慧型地震處理系統在2020年四川石渠M5.6地震序列中的套用. 地質論評. 2022, 68(4): 1375-1381. doi: 10.16509/j.georeview.2022.05.021.
[47] 呂明哲, 陳克傑, 柴海山, 耿江輝, 張生鵬, 房立華. 聯合InSAR和高頻GNSS位移波形反演2022年青海門源M6.9地震同震破裂過程. 地球物理學報. 2022, 65(12): 4725-4738. doi: 10.6038/cjg2022Q0304.
[48] Daniel T. Trugman, Lihua Fang, Jonathan Ajo‐Franklin, Avinash Nayak, Zefeng Li. Preface to the Focus Section on Big Data Problems in Seismology. Seismological Research Letters. 2022, 93(5): 2423–2425. doi: 10.1785/0220220219.
[49] Yijian Zhou, Han Yue, Shiyong Zhou, Lihua Fang, Yun Zhou, Lisheng Xu, Ziming Liu, Teng Wang, Li Zhao, Abhijit Ghosh. Microseismicity along Xiaojiang Fault Zone (Southeastern Tibetan Plateau) and the characterization of interseismic fault behavior. Tectonophysics. 2022, 833. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229364.
[50] Ting Yang, Stephen Monna, Lihua Fang. Seismic imaging of the crust and uppermost mantle structure in the Qinling orogenic belt and its surroundings: geodynamic implications. Tectonophysics. 2022, 843. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229619.
[51] Yun Zhou, Lingsheng Xu, Jianping Wu, Chunlai Li, Lihua Fang, Zhengyang Pan. Seismicity of the repeating earthquake clusters in the northern Xiaojiang fault zone and its implications. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2022,10. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.917635.
[52] Tian Feng, Miao Zhang, Lisheng Xu, Jianping Wu, Lihua Fang. Machine Learning‐Based Earthquake Catalog and Tomography Characterize the Middle‐Northern Section of the Xiaojiang Fault Zone. Seismological Research Letters. 2022, 93(5):2484-2497. doi: 10.1785/0220220116.
[53] Yan Zhang, Lihua Fang, Zhifeng Ding, Fabio Romanelli, Zhongliang Wu. NDSHA applied to China. In: G. F. Panza et al (Ed), Earthquakes and Sustainable Infrastructure: Neodeterministic (NDSHA) Approach Guarantees Prevention Rather Than Cure. 2022, 515-524. Elsevier. Doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-823503-4.00036-1.
[54] Xiaoge Liu, Wenbin Xu, Zilong He, Lihua Fang, Zhidan Chen. Aseismic Slip and Cascade Triggering Process of Foreshocks Leading to the 2021 Mw 6.1 Yangbi Earthquake. Seismological Research Letters. 2022, 93(3): 1413-1428. doi: 10.1785/0220210263.
[55] Long Zhang, Jun Su, Weilai Wang, Lihua Fang, Jianping Wu. Deep fault slip characteristics in the Xianshuihe-Anninghe-Daliangshan Fault junction region (eastern Tibet) revealed by repeating micro-earthquakes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2022, 227(1-3). doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2022.105115.
[56] Zongchao Li, Jize Sun, Lihua Fang, Xueliang Chen, Mengtan Gao, Quanbo Luo, Guochen Wang, Qingfeng Ding, Jian Ma, Qi Li. Reproducing the Spatial Characteristics of High‐Frequency Ground Motions for the 1850 M 7.5 Xichang Earthquake. Seismological Research Letters. 2022, 93(1): 100-117. doi: 10.1785/0220210076.
[57] Yijian Zhou, Han Yue, Lihua Fang, Shiyong Zhou, Li Zhao, Abhijit Ghosh. An Earthquake Detection and Location Architecture for Continuous Seismograms: Phase Picking, Association, Location, and Matched Filter (PALM). Seismological Research Letters. 2022, 93(1): 413–425. doi: 10.1785/0220210111.
[58] Xihui Shao, Huajian Yao, Ying Liu, Hongfeng Yang, Baofeng Tian, Lihua Fang. Shallow crustal velocity structures revealed by active source tomography and fault activities of the Mianning–Xichang segment of the Anninghe fault zone, Southwest China. Earth and Planetary Physics. 2022, 6(2), 204–212. doi: 10.26464/epp2022010.
[59] Zhihui Zou, Hua-Wei Zhou, Fansheng Lin, Lihua Fang, Sanzhong Li. High-resolution teleseismic tomographic crustal imaging for potential seismogenic segment of the central Tan-Lu Fault Zone, East China. Tectonophysics. 2022, 823. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229196.
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[80] Yuqiang Li, Dun Wang, Shenghui Xu, Lihua Fang, Yifang Cheng, Gang Luo, Bing Yan, Enescu Bogdan, Jim Mori. Thrust and growing conjugate strike-slip faults in the 17 June 2018 Mjma 6.1 (Mw 5.5) Osaka, Japan earthquake sequence. Seismological Research Letters. 2019, 90(6): 2132-2141. doi: 10.1785/0220190122.
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[82] Xiaohang Wang, Caijun Xu, Yangmao Wen, Shuai Wang, Guangyu Xu, Zhuohui Xiao, Lihua Fang. The 2016 Mw 6.0 Hutubi earthquake: A blind thrust event along the northern Tian Shan front. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2019, 173: 79-87. doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.01.011.
[83] 王耀, 姚華建, 房立華, 吳建平. 利用區域地震體波走時評價華北地區三維地殼速度結構模型. 地震學報. 2019, 41(2): 139-154. doi: 10.11939/jass.20180057.
[84]Yiquan Li, Dongtao Wei, Hao Tian, Dong Jia, Lihua Fang, Bing Yan, Ao Luo. The 3-D Structural Model of an Out-of-Sequence Earthquake in China: Implication for the Reactivation of Positive Inversion Structures Along the Northern Tianshan Fold-and-Thrust Belt. Tectonics. 2018, 37(12): 4359-4376. doi: 10.1029/2018TC005075.
[85] Yihai Yang, Chuntao Liang, Lihua Fang, Jinrong Su, Qian Hua. A Comprehensive Analysis on the Stress Field and Seismic Anisotropy in Eastern Tibet. Tectonics. 2018, 37(6):1648-1657. doi: 10.1029/2018TC005011.
[86] Zhiqiang Liu, Chuntao Liang, Qian Hua, Ying Li, Yihai Yang, Fujun He, Lihua Fang. The seismic potential in the seismic gap between the Wenchuan and Lushan earthquakes revealed by the joint inversion of receiver functions and ambient noise data. Tectonics. 2018, 37(11): 4226-4238. doi: 10.1029/2018TC005151.
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[88] Guoyan Jiang, Yangmao Wen, Kang Li, Lihua Fang, Caijun Xu, Yong Zhang, Xiwei Xu. A NE-Trending Oblique-Slip Fault Responsible for the 2016 Zaduo Earthquake (Qinghai, China) Revealed by InSAR Data. Pure and Applied Geophysics. 2018, 175(12): 4275-4288. doi: 10.1007/s00024-018-1948-0.
[89] Libo Han, Jia Cheng, Yanru An, Lihua Fang, Changsheng Jiang, Bo Chen, Zhongliang Wu, Jie Liu, Xiwei Xu, Ruifeng Liu, Zhixiang Yao, Changzai Wang, Yushi Wang. Preliminary Report on the 8 August 2017 Ms7.0 Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, China. Earthquake. Seismological Research Letters. 2018, 89(2A): 557-569. doi: 10.1785/0220170158.
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[91] Chao Zhang, Huajian Yao, Qinya Liu, Ping Zhang, Yanhua O. Yuan, Jikun Feng, Lihua Fang. Linear array ambient noise adjoint tomography reveals intense crust-mantle interactions in North China Craton. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2018, 123(1): 368-383. doi: 10.1002/2017JB015019.
[92] Wenbin Xu, Guangcai Feng, Lingsen Meng, Ailin Zhang, Jean Paul Ampuero, Roland Bürgmann, Lihua Fang. Transpressional Rupture Cascade of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake, New Zealand. Journal of Geophysical Research:Solid Earth. 2018, 123(3): 2396-2409. doi: 10.1002/2017JB015168.
[93] Zujun Xie, Yong Zheng, Huajian Yao, Lihua Fang, Yong Zhang, Chengli Liu, Maomao Wang, Bin Shan, Huiping Zhang, Junjie Ren, Lingyun Ji, Meiqin Song. Preliminary analysis on the source properties and seismogenic structure of the 2017 Ms7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake. Science China Earth Sciences. 2018, 61(3):339–352. doi: 10.1007/s11430-017-9161-y.
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(1) 人工智慧地震學:基於人工智慧的地震數據處理算法和系統研發(檢測、定位、震源機制反演、地震分類等),及其在區域台網和大震序列中的套用
(2) 深部結構成像:採用背景噪聲成像、體波走時和接收函式等方法對斷裂帶和殼幔速度結構進行高解析度成像
(3) 基於密集地震台陣的淺層速度結構成像和活動斷層探測
(4) 非常規震動信號的監測、識別與定位


[1] Seismological Research Letters副主編
[2] Earthquake Science副主編
[3] Earthquake Research Advances、《地震學報》、《地球與行星科學論評》、《地震地磁觀測與研究》等期刊編委
[4] 中國地震科學實驗場副首席科學家
[5] 中國地震局地震震源物理重點實驗室副主任
[6] 中國地震學會青年科技工作委員會主任
[7] 世界青年地球科學家聯盟中國委員會副秘書長
[8] 中國地震學會地震人工智慧專業委員會副主任
[9] 中國地質學會青年工作委員會副主任
[10] 中國地球物理學會智慧型地球物理專業委員會委員
[11] 中國地球物理學會青年工作委員會委員
[12] 中國地震學會地殼深部探測專業委員會委員
[13] 中國地震局測震學科技術協調組成員


