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戴輯,男,中國科學院大學專任教師,博士生導師中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院PI,主要研究大腦高級認知功能的神經環路基礎及基於非人靈長類的腦疾病模型構建與功能解析。研究成果發表於CellNatureThe Innovation等知名學術期刊,被人民日報新華社中國青年報中國科學報等國家級媒體報導。獲評中國神經科學學會2023年度“中國神經科學重大進展”


  • 中文名:戴輯
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:神經科學



2003-09--2010-01 中國科學院生物物理研究所 博士
1999-09--2003-06 南京大學物理系 學士


2017-10~, 中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院, 副研究員(PI)
2014-10~2017-09,中國科學院心理研究所, 副研究員
2010-09~2014-09,Brown University, Postdoctoral Research Associate





[1] 戴輯, 許霄, 阿孜古麗·艾合買提江, 張波. 一種用於動物大腦定位的裝置. CN: CN213606340U, 2021-07-06.
[2] 紀文靜, 謝津, 路中華, 周暉暉, 戴輯, 高亮. 一種基於任務驅動下的自動獎勵裝置. CN: CN112293277A, 2021-02-02.
[3] 申雪峰, 孫堅原, 陳培華, 趙帥男, 柳孜俐, 王虹, 李驍健, 高亮, 戴輯. 一種果糖非酶電化學感測器及其檢測方法. CN: CN110220956B, 2020-12-29.


1. Yefei Chen, Zexuan Hong, Jingyi Wang, Kunlin Liu, JingLiu, Jianbang Lin, Shijing Feng, Tianhui Zhang, Liang Shan, Taian Liu, PinyueGuo, Yunping Lin, Tian Li, Qian Chen, Xiaodan Jiang, Anan Li, Xiang Li, YuantaoLi, Jonathan Wilde, Jin Bao, JiDai, and Zhonghua Lu. “Circuit-Specific GeneTherapy Reverses Core Symptoms in a Primate Parkinson’s Disease Model”, Cell,2023, 186 (24): 5394-5410.e18.
2. Jingyi Wang, Jianbang Lin, Yefei Chen,Jing Liu, Qiongping Zheng, Mao Deng, Ruiqi Wang, Yujing Zhang, Shijing Feng, ZhenyanXu, Weiyi Ye, Yu Hu, Jiamei Duan, Yunping Lin, Ji Dai, Yu Chen, Yuantao Li, Tao Luo, Qian Chen, and ZhonghuaLu*. “An Ultra-Compact Promoter Drives Widespread Neuronal Expression in Mouseand Monkey Brains”, Cell Reports,2023, 42:113348.
3. Panke Yu, Zhiting Zhang, Yuyin Wang, JiDai*. “Protocol for MRI-guided virus injection in macaque deep brainregions”, STAR Protocols, 2023,4:102768.
4. Chunshan Deng, Xiaojian Li, Ji Dai*.“Challenges for translating implantable brain-computer interface to medicaldevice”, The Innovation Medicine,2023, 1:100040.
5. Xinhe Liu, Lu Gan, Zhiting Zhang, Panke Yu, Ji Dai. “Probing the Processing of Facial Expressionvia Time Perception and Eye Tracking in Monkeys”, Zoological Research, 2023, 44(5):882-893.
6. Yefei Chen, Jingyi Wang, Jing Liu,Jianbang Lin, Yunping Lin, Jinyao Nie, Qi Yue, Chunshan Deng, Xiaofei Qi, YuantaoLi, Ji Dai, Zhonghua Lu.“A Novel Retrograde AAV Variant for Functional Manipulation of CorticalProjection Neurons in Mice and Monkeys”, NeuroscienceBulletin, 2023 (in press).
7. Ji Dai, Xin Cao, Yong Han, Tianbin Song, Yuming Guo, Jie Qiao.“The Innovation Medicine: An international journal of medical science”, The Innovation Medicine, 2023, 1:100001.
8. Ji Dai, “Launching from Earth”, The Innovation, 2023, 4:100430.
9. Liang Shan, Liu Yuan, Bo Zhang, JianMa, Xiao Xu, Fei Gu, Yi Jiang, JiDai. “Neural Integration of Audiovisual Sensory Inputs inMacaque Amygdala and Adjacent Regions”, NeuroscienceBulletin, 2023, 39(12):1749−1761.(Cover article)
10. Gaojia Zhang, Yan Kong,Ling Li, Dandan Xu, Yu Bao, Zhiting Zhang, Jiao Jiao, Dandan Fan, XiaojingLong, Ji Dai, Chunming Xie, ZhiqiangMeng, Zhijun Zhang. “Vitamin D-binding protein inplasma microglia-derived extracellular vesicles as a biomarker for majordepressive disorder”, Genes & Disease,2023, 11(2):1009-1021.
11. Zhiting Zhang, Liang Shan,Yuyin Wang, Wenfang Li, Minqing Jiang, Feng Liang, Shijing Feng,Zhonghua Lu, Hong Wang, JiDai. “Primate Preoptic Neurons Drive Hypothermia and ColdDefense”. The Innovation, 2023,4:100358.
12. Liang Shan, HuiHuang, Zhiting Zhang, Yuyin Wang, Fei Gu, Mingwei Lu, Wen Zhou, YiJiang, Ji Dai,“Mapping the Emergence of Visual Consciousness in the Human Brain via Brain-wideIntracranial Electrophysiology”, TheInnovation, 2022, 3:100243.
13. Ying Zhang*, Dheeraj Roy,Yi Zhu, Yefei Chen, Tomomi Aida, Yuanyuan Hou, Chenjie Shen, Nicholas Lea,Margaret Schroeder, Keith Skaggs, Heather Sullivan, Kyle Fischer, EdwardCallaway, Ian Wickersham, Ji Dai, Xiao-MingLi, Zhonghua Lu, Guoping Feng. “Targeting thalamic circuits rescuesmotor and mood deficits in PD mice”, Nature, 2022, 607: 321-329.
14. Lu Gan, Jinglong Wu, Ji Dai,Shintaro Funahashi. “The Mechanism forAllocating Limited Working Memory Resources in Multitasking”, NeuroscienceBulletin, 2022, 38(7):829-833.
15. Jiani Chen,Liang Shan, Ji Dai.“Distinct Recovery Process of Consciousness and Cognition after Anesthesia”, Neuroscience Bulletin, 2022, 38(1):110-112.
16. Yongjun Xu, Qi Wang, Zhulin An, et al., “Artificial Intelligence: APowerful Paradigm for Scientific Research”. TheInnovation, 2021, 2:100179.
17. Ji Dai. “Gaining a Better Understanding of NonhumanPrimate Research”, Science Bulletin, 2021, 66(15):1499-1501.
18. Yuxuan Yao, Ji Dai.“Naturally Occurring Parkinson’s Disease Raises the Need for Nonhuman Primatein Neurodegenerative Diseases Research”, Neuroscience Bulletin, 2021,37(8):1267-1269.
19. Tremblay S, Acker L, Afraz A, et al., “An Open Resource for Non-humanPrimate Optogenetics”. Neuron. 2020, 108(6):1075-1090.e6.
20. Chunshan Deng, Hong Yuan, Ji Dai.“Behavioral Manipulation by Optogenetics in the Nonhuman Primate”, The Neuroscientist, 2018, 24(5):526-539.
21. Ji Dai, Yi Wang. “Contrast coding in the primaryvisual cortex depends on temporal contexts”, European Journal of Neuroscience. 2018, 47(8): 947-58.
22. Bo Zhang, Ji Dai,Tao Zhang. “NeoAnalysis: A Python-Based Toolbox for Quick ElectrophysiologicalData Processing and Analysis”. BiomedicalEngineering Online. 2017, 16:129.
23. Ji Dai,Tao Zhang. “The progress of optogenetic studies in nonhumanprimates”, Progress in Biochemistry andBiophysics, 2016, 43(4): 354-360.
24. Ji Dai, Ilker Ozden, Daniel I. Brooks, FabienWagner, Travis May, Naubahar Agha, Benjamin Brush, David Borton, Arto V.Nurmikko, David L. Sheinberg “Modified toolbox for optogenetics in the nonhumanprimate”, Neurophotonics, 2015, 2(3),031202.
25. Ji Dai, Daniel I. Brooks, David L. Sheinberg.“Optogenetic and electrical microstimulation systematically bias visuospatialchoice in primates”. Current Biology,2014, 24(1):63-9.
26. Ji Daiand Yi Wang. “Representation of Surface Luminance and Contrast in PrimaryVisual Cortex”, Cerebral Cortex.2012, 22(4):776-87.


( 1 ) 側內頂葉至上丘神經通路對注意缺失症的調節作用, 主持, 部委級, 2015-10--2017-10
( 2 ) 利用光遺傳技術研究獼猴額-頂通路在注意調控中的作用, 主持, 國家級, 2017-01--2019-12
( 3 ) 中國科學院青年創新促進會會員經費, 主持, 部委級, 2017-01--2020-12
( 4 ) 面向非人靈長類的新式研究技術和方法, 主持, 市地級, 2018-11--2020-11
( 5 ) 神經信號檢測和調控新技術, 參與, 部委級, 2018-01--2022-12
( 6 ) 轉基因靈長類動物模型腦疾病研究平台, 參與, 省級, 2015-09--2020-12
( 7 ) 靈長類亞細胞解析度高速三維顯微成像系統, 參與, 省級, 2019-10--2022-09
( 8 ) 基於高通量植入式微電極陣列的腦活動信息獲取技術, 參與, 國家級, 2019-08--2021-07
( 9 ) 前額葉在多任務整合中的神經環路機制, 參與, 國家級, 2021-01--2024-12
( 10 ) 基於逆向病毒的光遺傳技術在獼猴注意機制研究中的作用, 參與, 省級, 2019-10--2022-09
( 11 ) 面向太空環境的體溫調控機理的研究, 參與, 省級, 2020-10--2023-09
( 12 ) 面孔情緒在獼猴杏仁核的神經表征, 主持, 省級, 2022-01--2024-12
( 13 ) 深圳市靈長類轉化醫學工程研究中心組建項目, 負責人, 地方任務, 2021-10--2024-09
( 14 ) 獼猴下丘腦亞區介導的體溫調控新策略研究,負責人,國家級,2024-01--2027-12


(1)Optogenetic manipulation of spatial attention and working memory in the nonhuman primate 第六屆亞大神經科學聯合會學術會議暨中國神經科學學會第十一屆全國學術會議 Ji Dai 2015-09-21
(2)Modulation of spatial working memory by optogenetic stimulation in the nonhuman primate Ji Dai,David L. Sheinberg 2014-11-15
(3)Optogenetic activation biases spatial attention and working momory in the primates Ji Dai,David L. Sheinberg 2014-10-22
(4)Establishing a standard protocol for effective integration of optogenetic methods in awake behaving non-human primate experiments Ji Dai,Daniel I. Brooks,David L. Sheinberg 2013-11-09
(5)Modulating Attention by Optogenetic Stimulation in the Non-human Primate Ji Dai,Daniel I. Brooks,David L. Sheinberg 2012-10-13
(6)The Contribution of Area LIP to Naturalistic Visual Search Daniel I. Brooks,Ji Dai,David L. Sheinberg 2012-10-13
(7)Contextual Cueing in Visual Search Through Naturalistic Scenes by Primates Daniel I. Brooks,Ji Dai,David L. Sheinberg 2012-03-07
(8)A Versatile Tool for Optogenetic Neuromodulation in Non-human Primates: The Single Coaxial Optrode I. Ozden,J. Wang,D. A. Borton,F. B. P. Wagner,B. R. M. Brush,N. S. Agha,D. I. Brooks,J. Dai,M. Diagne,D. L. Sheinberg,A. V. Nurmikko 2011-11-12
(9)Scene-based Contextual Cueing in the Rhesus Macaque Daniel I. Brooks,Ji Dai,David L. Sheinberg 2011-05-06
(10)Neural Mechanisms Underlying Luminance Responses in Primary Visual Cortex Yi Wang,Ji Dai,Ran Li,Yong Wang 2010-08-08


