華南農業大學土壤農業化學專業畢業,1983至今在華南農業大學資源環境學院工作。其間,1991-1993年在法國海外府拒市料科技局訪問學者,1999-2003年在“法國發展與合作研究院熱帶土壤生態乃舟章和與生物多樣性研究中心”從事土壤污染的環境效應研究;2003年獲得法國巴黎6大環境科學博士淚埋擊學位, 2005-2006年在法國巴放灶朽黎第7大學地學部水文地球化學實驗室任客座挨才祝教授。現與法國發展與合作研究院以及巴黎6大、7大、12大等院校保持密切的合作關係體駝享。目前參加了國家重點科技支撐項目(子課地犁題),國土資源部行業公益項目,耕地質量等級監測、廣東省土地整治規劃等。
Yong-Tao Li, Corrine Rouland, Marc Benedetti, Fang-bai Li, Anne Pando,Patrick Lavelle, Jun Dai* Microbial biomass, enzyme and mineralization activity in relation to soil organic C, N and P turnover influenced by acid metal stress. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. (in press)
Dai J., Becquer T., Rouiller J.H., Reversat G., Berhard-Reversat F, Lavelle P. Influence of heavy metals (zinc, cadmium, lead and copper) to some micro-biological characteristics of soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 2004, 25,99–109
Dai J., Becquer T., Rouiller J.H., Reversat G., Bernhard-Reversat F, Lavelle P.Heavy metal accumulation by two earthworm species and its relationship to total and DTPA-extractable metals in soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2004, 36,91–98
Becquer T, Dai J., Quantinc C., Lavelle P. Sources of bioavailable trace metals for earthworms from a Zn-, Pb- and Cd-contaminated soil, Soil Biology and Biochemistry,2005,37,1564-1568.
Becquer T, Dai J., Quantinc C., Lavelle P. Sources of bioavailable trace metals for earthworms from a Zn-, Pb- and Cd-contaminated soil, Soil Biology and Biochemistry,2005,37,1564-1568.