- 中文名:戴凌龍
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:重慶
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:清華大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:無線通信
- 性別:男
- 發表論文數目:60餘篇(截至2019年7月)
先後於2003年、2006年、2011年在浙江大學信息與電子工程學系、電信科學技術研究院、清華大學電子工程系獲工學學士、碩士、博士學位。2011年至2013年在清華大學電子工程系做博士後,2013年7月起留校任教,研究方向為寬頻無線通信。目前擔任國際核心期刊IEEE Transactions on Communications編委、IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology編委、IEEE Communications Letters編委、IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications毫米波通信專刊客座編委、IEEE Wireless Communications非正交多址接入技術專刊客座主編、IEEE通信學會5G信號處理技術特別小組共同主席。
2007.09 – 2011.06 清華大學 電子工程系 博士
2003.09 – 2006.06 電信科學技術研究院 碩士
1999.09 – 2003.06 浙江大學 信息與電子工程學系 學士
2003.09 – 2006.06 電信科學技術研究院 碩士
1999.09 – 2003.06 浙江大學 信息與電子工程學系 學士
2013.07 - 今 清華大學 電子工程系 副教授、博士生導師
2013.07 - 2016.06 清華大學 電子工程系 助理教授、博士生導師
2011.06 - 2013.06 清華大學 電子工程系 博士後
2006.08 - 2007.08 大唐-飛利浦聯合研發中心 硬體工程師
- 國際核心期刊IEEE Transactions on Communications編委
- 國際核心期刊IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology編委
- 國際核心期刊IEEE Communications Letters編委
- 國際核心期刊IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications毫米波通信專刊客座編委
- 國際核心期刊IEEE Wireless Communications非正交多址接入技術專刊客座主編
- IEEE通信學會5G信號處理技術特別小組共同主席
- IEEE ICC、GLOBECOM等多個權威國際會議技術委員會委員
目前共發表(含錄用)SCI收錄IEEE系列期刊論文60餘篇,EI收錄IEEE系列國際會議論文30餘篇,期刊論文主要發表於IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications(第一/通訊作者論文共10篇)、IEEE Wireless Communications、IEEE Communications Magazine、IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing、IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications、IEEE Transactions on Communications、IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology等權威國際期刊,國際會議論文主要發表於IEEE ICC、IEEE GLOBECOM等權威國際會議。出版英文專著(mmWave Massive MIMO: A Paradigm for 5G)一本, 已獲國家發明專利授權13項。
[J53] W. Shen,L. Dai , B. Shim, Z. Wang, and R. W. Heath, “Channel feedback based on AoD-adaptive subspace codebook in FDD massive MIMO systems,” submitted for publication.
[J52] Y. Yang,L. Dai, T. Mir, R. MacKenzie, and M. Hao, “Optimal deployment of small cells for maximizing average sum rate in ultra-dense networks,” submitted for publication.
[J51] W. Shen,L. Dai, Y. Yang, Y. Li, and Z. Wang, “Codebook design for channel feedback in lens-based millimeter-wave massive MIMO systems,” submitted for publication.
[J50] R. Jiao,L. Dai, T. Mir, J. Zhang, and J. Li, “On the performance of NOMA-based cooperative relaying systems over Rician fading channels,” submitted for publication.
[J49] J. Zhang,L. Dai, R. Jiao, X. Li, and Y. Liu, “Performance analysis of relay assisted cooperative non-orthogonal multiple access systems,” submitted for publication.
[J48] X. Gao,L. Dai, and A. M. Sayeed, “Low RF-complexity technologies for 5G millimeter-wave MIMO systems with large antenna arrays,” submitted for publication.
[J47] T. Xie,L. Dai, X. Gao, M. Z. Shakir, and J. Li, “Geometric mean decomposition based hybrid precoding for mmWave massive MIMO systems,” submitted for publication.
[J46] J. Zhang,L. Dai, Z. He, S. Jin, and X. Li, “Performance analysis of mixed-ADC massive MIMO systems over Rician fading channels,” to appear inIEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 2017 (IF: 4.138).
[J45] W. Shen,L. Dai, Y. Zhang, J. Li, and Zhaocheng Wang, “On the performance of channel statistics-based codebook for massive MIMO channel feedback,” to appear inIEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.. (IF: 2.642).
[J44] X. Gao,L. Dai, Y. Zhang, T. Xie, X. Dai, and Z. Wang, “Fast channel tracking for terahertz beamspace massive MIMO systems,” to appear inIEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.. (IF: 2.642)
[J43] X. Zhu,L. Dai, Z. Wang, and X. Wang, “Weighted graph coloring based pilot decontamination for multi-cell massive MIMO systems,”IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 2829-2834, Mar. 2017. (IF: 2.642)
[J42] Y. Yang, Y. Zhang,L. Dai, J. Li, S. Mumtaz, and J. Rodriguezi, “Transmission capacity analysis of relay-assisted device-to-device overlay/underlay communication,”IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 380-389, Feb. 2017. (IF: 4.708)
[J41] Z. Gao,L. Dai, C. Qi, C. Yuen, and Z. Wang, “Near-optimal signal detector based on structured compressive sensing for massive SM-MIMO,”IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 1860-1865, Feb. 2017. (IF: 2.642)
[J40] Y. Zhang, Y. Yang, andL. Dai, “Energy efficiency maximization for device-to-device communication underlaying cellular networks on multiple bands,”IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 7682-7691, Nov. 2016.
[J39] B. Wang,L. Dai, T. Mir, and J. Li, “Dynamic compressive sensing based multi-user detection for uplink grant-free NOMA,”IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 2320-2323, Nov. 2016.
[J38] J. Zhang,L. Dai, X. Zhang, E. Bjornson, and Z. Wang, “Achievable rate of Rician large-scale MIMO channels with transceiver hardware impairments,”IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 8800-8806, Oct. 2016. (IF: 2.642)
[J37] W. Shen,L. Dai, Y. Shi, B. Shim, and Z. Wang, “Joint channel training and feedback for FDD massive MIMO systems,”IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 8762-8767, Oct. 2016. (IF: 2.642)
[J36] Z. Gao,L. Dai, Z. Wang, S. Chen, and L. Hanzo, “Compressive sensing based multi-user detector for large-scale SM-MIMO uplink,”IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 8725-8730, Oct. 2016. (IF: 2.642)
[J35] X. Gao,L. Dai, C. Yuen, and Z. Wang, “Turbo-like beamforming based on tabu search algorithm for millimeter-wave massive MIMO systems,”IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 5731-5737, Jul. 2016. (IF: 2.642)
[J34] B. Wang,L. Dai, T. Mir, and Z. Wang, “Joint user activity and data detection based on structured compressive sensing for NOMA,”IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 1473-1476, Jul. 2016.
[J33] Z. Gao,L. Dai, C. Hu, and Z. Wang, “Channel estimation for millimeter-Wave massive MIMO with hybrid precoding over frequency-selective fading channels,”IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1259-1262, Jun. 2016.
[J32] X. Gao,L. Dai, Z. Chen, Z. Wang, and Z. Zhang, “Near-optimal beam selection for beamspace mmWave massive MIMO systems,”IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 1054-1057, May 2016.
[J31] J. Zhang,L. Dai, S. Sun, and Z. Wang, “On the spectral efficiency of massive MIMO systems with low-resolution ADCs,”IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 842-845, May 2016.
[J30] X. Gao,L. Dai, S. Han, C.-L. I, and R. W. Heath, “Energy-efficient hybrid analog and digital precoding for mmWave MIMO systems with large antenna arrays,”IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 998-1009, Apr. 2016. (IF: 4.138)
[J29] Z. Ding,L. Dai, and H. V. Poor, “MIMO-NOMA design for small packet transmission in the Internet of things,”IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 1393-1405, Apr. 2016.
[J28] T. Xie,L. Dai, X. Gao, X. Dai, and Y. Zhao, “Low-complexity SSOR-based precoding for massive MIMO systems,”IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 744-747, Apr. 2016.
[J27] Z. Gao,L. Dai, W. Dai, B. Shim, and Z. Wang, “Structured compressive sensing based spatio-temporal joint channel estimation for FDD massive MIMO,”IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 601-617, Feb. 2016.
[J26] Z. Gao,L. Dai, Z. Wang, and S. Chen, “Spatially common sparsity based adaptive channel estimation and feedback for FDD massive MIMO”,IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 63, no. 23, pp. 6169-6183, Dec. 2015. (IF: 3.198)
[J25] W. Shen,L. Dai, B. Shim, S. Mumtaz, and Z. Wang, “Joint CSIT acquisition based on low-rank matrix completion for FDD massive MIMO systems,”IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 2178-2181, Dec. 2015.
[J24]L. Dai, X. Gao, X. Su, S. Han, C.-L. I, and Z. Wang, “Low-complexity soft-output signal detection based on Gauss-Seidel method for uplink multi-user large-scale MIMO Systems,”IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 4839-4845, Oct. 2015. (IF: 2.642)
[J23] Z. Gao,L. Dai, D. Mi, Z. Wang, M. A. Imran,and M. Z. Shakir, “MmWave massive MIMO based wireless backhaul for 5G ultra-dense network,”IEEE Wireless Commun., vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 13-21, Oct. 2015. (IF: 6.524)
[J22] X. Zhu,L. Dai, and Z. Wang, “Graph coloring based pilot allocation to mitigate pilot contamination for multi-cell massive MIMO systems,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 1842-1845, Oct. 2015.
[J21] W. Shen,L. Dai, X. Zhu, and Z. Wang, “Compressive sensing based differential channel feedback for massive MIMO,”Electron. Lett.vol. 51, no. 22, pp. 1824-1826, Oct. 2015.
[J20] Z. Gao,L. Dai, C. Yuen, and Z. Wang, “Asymptotic orthogonality analysis of time-domain sparse massive MIMO channels,”IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 1826-1829, Oct. 2015.
[J19]L. Dai, B. Wang, Y. Yuan, S. Han, C.-L. I, and Z. Wang, “Non-orthogonal multiple access for 5G: Solutions, challenges, opportunities, and future research trends,”IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 74-81, Sep. 2015. (IF: 4.460)
[J18] J. Zhang,L. Dai, Y. Han, Y. Zhang, and Z. Wang, “On the ergodic capacity of MIMO free-space optical systems over turbulence channels,”IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 1925-1934, Sep. 2015. (IF: 4.138)
[J17] X. Gao,L. Dai, Y. Hu, Y. Zhang, and Z. Wang, “Low-complexity signal detection for large-scale MIMO in optical wireless communications,”IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 1903-1912, Sep. 2015. (IF: 4.138)
[J16] J. Zhang,L. Dai, W. H. Gerstacker, and Z. Wang, “Effective capacity of communication systems over κ-µ shadowed fading channels,”Electron. Lett.,vol. 51, no. 19, pp. 1540-1542, Sep. 2015.
[J15] J. Zhang,L. Dai, Y. Zhang, and Z. Wang, “Unified performance analysis of mixed radio fequency/free-space optical dual-hop transmission systems,”IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 33, no. 11, pp. 2286-2293, June 2015. (IF: 2.862)
[J14] W. Shen,L. Dai, Z. Gao, and Z. Wang, “Spatially correlated channel estimation based on block iterative support detection for massive MIMO,”Electron. Lett., vol. 51, no.7, pp. 587-588, Apr. 2015.
[J13] X. Gao,L. Dai, Y. Ma, and Z. Wang, “Low-complexity near-optimal signal detection for uplink large-scale MIMO systems,”Electron. Lett., vol. 50, no. 18, pp. 1326-1328, Aug. 2014.
[J12] Z. Gao,L. Dai, Z. Lu, C. Yuen, and Z. Wang, “Super-resolution sparse MIMO-OFDM channel estimation based on spatial and temporal correlations,”IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 1266-1269, Jul. 2014.
[J11] Z. Gao,L. Dai, and Z. Wang, “Structured compressive sensing based superimposed pilot design in downlink large-scale MIMO systems,”Electron. Lett., vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 896-898, Jun. 2014.
[J10]L. Dai, Z. Xu, and Z. Wang, “Flexible multi-block OFDM transmission for high-Speed fiber-wireless networks,”IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 31, no. 12, pp. 788-796, Dec. 2013. (IF: 4.138)
[J9]L. Dai, J. Wang, Z. Wang, P. Tsiaflakis, and M. Moonen, “Spectrum- and energy-efficient OFDM based on simultaneous multi-channel reconstruction,”IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 61, no. 23, pp. 6047-6059, Dec. 2013. (IF: 3.198)
[J8]L. Dai, Z. Wang, and Z. Yang, “Compressive sensing based time domain synchronous OFDM transmission for vehicular communications,”IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 31, no. 9, pp. no. 460-469, Sep. 2013. (IF: 4.138)
[J7]L. Dai, Z. Wang, and Z. Yang, “Spectrally efficient time-frequency training OFDM for mobile large-scale MIMO systems,”IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 251-263, Feb. 2013. (IF: 4.138)
[J6]L. Dai, C. Zhang, Z. Xu, and Z. Wang, “Spectrum-efficient coherent optical OFDM for transport networks,”IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 62-74, Jan. 2013. (IF: 4.138)
[J5]L. Dai, Z. Wang, C. Pan, and S. Chen, “Wireless positioning using TDS-OFDM signals in single-frequency networks,”IEEE Trans. Broadcast., vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 236-246, Jun. 2012. (IF: 2.652)
[J4]L. Dai, Z. Wang, and Z. Yang, “Next-generation digital television terrestrial broadcasting systems: Key technologies and research trends,”IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 150-158, Jun. 2012. (IF: 4.460)
[J3]L. Dai, Z. Wang, and Z. Yang, “Time-frequency training OFDM with high spectral efficiency and reliable performance in high speed environments,”IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 695-707, May 2012. (IF: 4.138)
[J2]L. Dai, and Z. Wang, “Time-frequency training OFDM,”Electron. Lett., vol. 47, no. 20, pp. 1128-1129, Sep. 2011.
[J1]L. Dai, Z. Wang, and S. Chen, “A novel uplink multiple access scheme based on TDS-FDMA,”IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 757-761, Mar. 2011. (IF: 2.762)
曾獲2009年清華大學優秀學生幹部、2010年清華大學綜合優秀一等獎學金、2010年GE科技創新大賽全國一等獎、2011年第16屆清華大學研究生學術新秀、2011年清華大學優秀博士學位論文獎、2011年清華大學優秀博士畢業生、2012年北京市優秀博士學位論文獎、2013年IEEE ICC國際會議最佳論文獎、2013年全國優秀博士學位論文提名獎、2013年清華大學優秀博士後、2014年IEEE ICC國際會議最佳論文獎、2014年國際無線電科學聯盟青年科學家獎、2015年權威國際期刊IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting年度唯一最佳論文獎、2015年IEEE RADIO國際會議青年科學家獎、2016年亞太電波科學大會青年科學家獎、2016年WCSP最佳論文獎、2016年IEEE Communications Letters模範審稿人、2016年中國通信學會科學技術獎(自然科學類)二等獎(第一完成人)等多項國際國內獎項。
(2)2016年IEEE Transactions on Communications模範審稿人
(3)2016年IEEE Communications Letters模範審稿人
(6)2015年IEEE RADIO青年科學家獎
(7)2015 年IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting年度唯一最佳論文獎
(8) 2014年第31屆國際無線電科學聯盟青年科學家獎
(9) 2014年國際通信大會最佳論文獎
(10) 2013年全國優秀博士學位論文提名獎
(11) 2013年國際通信大會最佳論文獎
(12) 2013年清華大學骨幹人才支持計畫
(13) 2013年清華大學優秀博士後
(14) 2012年中國博士後科學基金特別資助
(15) 2012年北京市優秀博士學位論文獎
(16) 2011年清華大學優秀博士畢業生
(17) 2011年清華大學第16屆研究生學術新秀
(18) 2010年GE科技創新大賽全國一等獎
(19) 2010年清華大學綜合優秀一等獎學金
(20) 2009年清華大學優秀學生幹部