其英文名字叫《Warspear Online》一個畫面簡單的線上網路遊戲,雲集世界各地的玩家,而該遊戲的廠家是由AIGRIND有限責任公司。 All rights reserved.保留所有權利,這個公司名字你不太熟悉,但說到這個公司的《俄羅斯方塊》我想大家應該很熟悉。而如今的《戰矛線上》已轉賣給安卓公司在運營。Warspear線上是一個跨平台的行動網路遊戲(MMORPG)為智慧型手機。
Enter the game and dive into the unique game world with its own history, full of adventures and abilities.
Here you’ll communicate with players from around the world, find new good friends to test in battle, pleasant acquaintances.
Colorful graphics, optimized for abilities of various smartphones, allows enjoying the gameplay without screen twitching.
Upon creation of a character, you can select not just gender, faction and class, but haircut and hair color as well; during further gameplay the character will obtain various items and weapons which change the looks as well.
Intense gameplay with real-time fighting (unlike turn-based battle system) won’t let you get bored and make you immerse yourself in the world of Warspear Online, full of surprises and dangers.
All of that is possible due to the moder technologies which haven’t been used before in development of mobile games for smartphones.
Warspear Online is a complete world where one can become a hero, earn respect and find new friends. Warspear
This world will be always at hand – for all you need for that is a phone and Internet access.
game designed in classic fantasy genre;
colorful graphics and original game world;
unlikeness of characters and possibility to tune them to your whim, changing their looks depending on equipment they are wearing;
intensive gameplay, based on addictive real-time battles;
trading with other players;
communication in multichannel game chat;
ability to form groups to complete game quests together;
access to game world from virtually any location, mobility.
platform: iPhone / Android / Symbian S60 / Windows Mobile / Windows網路機器人平台:塞班S60系統/ / /窗子移動/窗子 screen resolution: 176x208 and higher螢幕解析度:176 x208甚至更高 free space: about 10Mb自由空間:大約10 Mb free RAM: not less than 15Mb空閒記憶體:不少於15 Mb device should have Internet access裝置應該有網路