



  • 中文名:我扶著大運河歌唱
  • 作者:黃亞洲
  • 譯者:北塔
  • 題材:詩集
  • 出版時間:2023年1月
  • 出版社:花山文藝出版社
  • 頁數:224 頁
  • ISBN:9787551166508
  • 定價:78.00 元




第一章 運河開始了
Chapter 1: The Canal Begins
002 運河開始了 The Canal Begins
006 大運河放歌 Song of the Grand Canal
014 運河夜遊 Night Tour on the Canal
第二章 大運河的骨關節(山東段)
Chapter 2: Joints of the Grand Canal (The stretch in Shandong
018 德州黑陶 Black Pottery of Dezhou City
022 大禹治水:具丘山 The Juqiu Hill Built by Yu the Great to Tame the Flood
026 德州扒雞 Braised Chicken of Dezhou
028 運河的肩膀 Shoulders of the Canal
032 濟寧,李白的氣味 Li Bai’s Smell in Jining City
036 浣筆泉 Spring for Washing Writing Brushes
038 孔子釣魚台 Fishing Terrace of Confucius
042 遍布植物的汶上 The Wenshang County Full of Plants
044 孤桐書院:孔子在此研習音樂 The Single Paulownia Academy Where
Confucius once Studied Music
048 微山湖 The Weishan Lake
第三章 大運河的骨關節(江蘇段)
Chapter 3: Joints of the Grand Canal (The stretch in Jiangsu
054 徐州 The Xuzhou City
058 揚州,瘦西湖 The Slender West Lake in Yangzhou City
060 張中丞廟 The Zhang Zhongcheng Temple
064 泰伯殿 The Taibo Palace
066 蘇州園林走向歐美 Suzhou Gardens Go to Europe and America
068 周莊故事 Story of Zhouzhuang Town
070 船行崑山錦溪鎮 Boating in Jinxi Town of Kunshan City
072 奧灶面 Aozao Noodles
074 拜謁歸有光墓 Pay a Respective Visit to the Tomb of Gui Youguang
076 京杭大運河現在流過盛澤 The Jinghang Grand Canal Flows Through
Shengze Town
080 盛澤鎮的先蠶祠 The Silkworm Shrine in Shengze Town
082 盛澤鎮,有一個詩人工作室 In Shengze Town, There Is a Poet’s Studio
第四章 大運河的骨關節(浙江段)
Chapter 4: Joints of the Grand Canal (The stretch in Zhejiang
086 嘉興,我的思想之城 Jiaxing, the City of My Thought
088 南湖菱 Water Chestnuts of the South Lake
092 湘家盪抒懷 Pour out My Heart on the Xiang’s Lake
094 我人生里的西塘 Xitang Town in My Life
098 聽嘉善田歌 Listen to the Field Song of Jiashan County
100 南潯:荻港漁莊 The Digang Fishing Village in Nanxun Town
102 惜別烏鎮,有點兒感傷 A Bit Sad and Reluctant in Parting with Wuzhen Town
106 濮院絲廠 The Puyuan Silk Factory
第五章 運河南端風情
Chapter 5: Feelings at the Southern End of the Grand Canal
112 廣濟橋 The Guangji Bridge
114 拱宸橋 The Gongchen Bridge
118 富義倉 Fuyicang: The Granary of Richness and Justice
120 橋西直街 The Qiaoxi Straight Street
122 中國京杭大運河博物館 The Jing-Hang Grand Canal Museum of China
126 中國刀剪劍博物館 Chinese Museum of Knives, Scissors and Swords
128 中國傘博物館 Chinese Umbrella Museum
132 大兜路歷史文化街區 Historical and Cultural Block on the Dadou Road
134 小河直街 Xiaohezhijie: The Brooklet Straight Street
136 再寫小河直街 Again Depicting The Brooklet Straight Street
140 香積寺 The Xiangji Temple
142 夜泊北新關 Berthing at the North New Pass Overnight
146 通益公紗廠舊址 The Old Site of Tongyi Cotton Mill
148 上塘河古纖道 The Ancient Track Road of the Upper Dike River
150 杭州塘河片區,環河綠化道 The Greening Road along the Dyke Canal
of Hangzhou
152 水田畈遺址 Relics of the Paddy Field
154 江墅鐵路遺址公園 Historic Site Park of Jiangshu Railway
156 榮華戲院 Ronghua Xiyuan-The Splendor Theatre
158 高家花園 The Gao’s Garden
160 賣魚橋 Maiyuqiao: The Bridge of Selling Fishes
162 陳從周故居遺址 Historic Site of Chen Congzhou’s Former House
166 勝利河美食街 Shenglihe Meishijie: Delicious Food Street along the Victory River
170 京杭大運河終端感懷 Feeling at the End of the Grand Canal
第六章 當代的船笛
Chapter 6: The Contemporary Ship Sirens
174 蘇州,斜塘老街聽評彈 Appreciating Gusu Opera in the Old Street of
Xietang in Suzhou
176 為什麼中國常熟?Why Is China always Ripe?
178 紡織品博覽會在盛澤舉辦 Textile Expos Held in Shengze
182 濮院羊毛衫市場 The Puyuan Sweater Market
186 嘉興的陶笛,泥土的愛情 Ocarina of Jiaxing, Love of Earth
190 “神潤齋”花藝,萬紫千紅 Floriculture of “Shenrun Studio”
with Innumerable Flowers of Purple and Red
192 湖筆文化節 Huzhou Writing Brush Culture Festival
194 天竺筷 The Tianzhu Chopsticks
196 相遇望宸閣 Encountering Wangchen Pavilion
200 觀舞劇《遇見大運河》 Watch the Dance Drama Meeting the Grand Canal




