

《成功指南:職業性(商務)》是從英國開放大學(Open University)引進、改編的多種媒體的商務英語課程,配套教材包括《成功指南——職業性(商務)》(A Guide to Success——Pro—fessionalism in Business);《環球商務英語》(World Class English for Business)(1,2冊);錄像帶(光碟)及9盤錄音帶。


  • 書名:成功指南:職業性
  • 出版社:中央廣播電視大學出版社
  • 頁數:81頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:中央廣播電視大學出版社
  • 作者:商務英語課程組
  • 出版日期:2001年6月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:7304020911, 9787304020910




Part One: Professionalism in Business
1. Managing yourself and your team
1.1 Managing your time
1.2 Working in a team
1.3 Understanding motivation

2. Planning your work
2.1 The rational approach
2.2 Making decisions
2.3 Monitoring and evaluation
3. Understanding marketing
3.1 Customer focus
3.2 Customers and stakeholders
3.3 The marketing mix
3.4 Pricing
3.5 Communication

4. Making financial decisions
4.1 Understanding costs
4.2 What is cash flow?
4.3 Making investment decisions

5. Operating internationally
5.1 Why do companies internationalise?
5.2 Why is it complicated?
5.3 What do we mean by culture?
5.4 Adapt or standardise?
Closing Assignment

Part Two: World Class English for Business——Course Guide
Course components
The coursebooks
The cassettes
Things you need
Using the course
Organisation of the coursebooks
Language used
Audio activities



As a result of your studies, you now have a good understanding of the Englishlanguage. You are able to read and speak English at a level that enables you to work in aninternational business environment. You are also familiar with most of the words andexpressions that are commonly used in business discussions. In this Guide we are going tointroduce some business concepts and ideas that you are likely to encounter in yourprofessional life. When you have completed it, you will have the knowledge and confidenceof a business professional.We expect you to spend around two weeks studying this Guide. In such a short time we canonly offer an introduction to business concepts. We have chosen to focus on five aspects ofbusiness operations and management. First, we look at the way that ,you work within ateam. We recognise that every team and every organisation is different, but we alsobelieve that there are common issues that all business professionals encounter. The first ofthese is managing your own time. It is unlikely that you have the time to do all the thingsthat we want to do or need to do. You therefore have to learn how to organise your timeand how to set priorities. You probably also work in a team, and you need to know how tocontribute to the performance of the team. Motivation is an important contributor tosuccessful team working, and we discuss how teams and individuals can be motivated.The next subject that we introduce is that of planning. This includes planning your work,planning your business and planning your resources. Many business people operate on thebasis of instinct and experience. We believe, however, that you are likely to be moresuccessful if you understand the process of planning and decision-making. We thereforeintroduce you to a rational model for planning. We follow this with a discussion of theprinciples that underlie decision-making.Successful business operations also includeregular performance evaluation, and we discuss how you can achieve this.


