



  • 中文名:懲戒公園
  • 外文名:Punishment Park
  • 導演:彼得·沃特金斯
  • 主演:Jim Bohan
  • 片長:88 分鐘
  • 上映時間:1973年03月14日


"Punishment Park" is a pseudo-documentary purporting to be a film crews's news coverage of the team of soldiers escorting a group of hippies, draft dodgers, and anti-establishment types across the desert in a type of capture the flag game. The soldiers vow not to interfere with the rebels' progress and merely shepherd them along to their destination. At that point, having obtained their goal, they will be released. The film crew's coverage is meant to insure that the military's intentions are honorable. As the representatives of the 60's counter-culture get nearer to passing this arbitrary test, the soldiers become increasingly hostile, attempting to force the hippies out of their pacifist behavior. A lot of this film appears improvised and in several scene real tempers seem to flare as some of the "acting" got overaggressive. This is a interesting exercise in situational ethics. The cinema-veritie style, hand-held camera, and ambiguous demands of the director - would the actors be able to maintain their roles given the hazing they were taking - pushed some to the brink. The cast's emotions are clearly on the surface. Unfortunately this film has gone completely underground and is next to impossible to find. It would offer a captivating document of the distrust that existed between soldiers willfully serving in the military and those persons who opposed the war peacefully.
70年代初,隨著越戰升級以及國內抗議聲音日隆,尼克森總統啟動了50年代制定的麥克倫國內安全法(McCarran Act)以應對國內的緊急事故,並建立秘密的隔離營,它可以不經國會的批准甚至不經任何審判也不需要任何證據就可以直接將那些反戰分子、激進分子甚至和平主義者投進監獄。在加州西南方的廣袤的沙漠中,就有這樣的隔離營,在隔離營里的犯人必須穿越沙漠,到達大熊山國家公園附近的基地“懲戒公園”,如在限定時間內不能到達,面臨的是鉗閉關禁和懲罰……


這是英國導演彼得·沃特金斯(Peter Watkins)標誌性的“仿紀錄片”(faux documentary)中最著名的作品,電影拍攝完畢之後如同他的大部分爭議性作品一樣被禁,直到1973年才在英國重新上映。彼得·沃特金斯生於1935年,在英國皇家戲劇藝術學院畢業後,以業餘身份拍攝過多部紀錄片,並開始向傳統電影規範發出挑戰,1964年為BBC拍攝的Culloden為他贏來一片好評,開創一種接近真實生活的紀錄片風格的電影,但由於影片對政府政策的公開譴責,BBC被迫將此片禁映。此後的《戰爭遊戲》等影片也遭遇相同命運。在《懲戒公園》之後,他還拍攝了一部挪威畫家和版畫家的同名傳記《愛德華·孟克》(Edvard Munch),影片受到伯格曼的讚許,謂之“天才之作”,《衛報》甚至將它與《公民凱恩》相提並論。


Jim Bohan .... Sheriff's Department captain
Paul Alelyanes .... Policeman
Carmen Argenziano .... Jay Kaufman
Stan Armsted .... Charles Robbins
Harold Beaulieu .... Desert militant
Patrick Boland .... Defendant
Kerry Cannon .... Policeman
Danny Conlon .... National Guardsman
Sandy Cox .... Stenographer
Van Daniels .... County Sheriff
Bob Franklin .... Policeman
Fred Franklyn .... Prof. Daly
Gladys Golden .... Mrs. Jergens
Sanford Golden .... Sen. Harris
Rolando González .... Desert semi-militant


