- 中文名:應祖光
- 畢業院校:浙江大學力學系
- 性別:男
- 獲得榮譽:省全國力學優秀教師
曾獲省全國力學優秀教師。 長期致力於結構系統非線性隨機振動與控制理論及其套用的研究。
粘彈性阻尼結構的振動與控制、子結構模態精確綜合法及其套用、新型智慧型材料與滯遲結構等系統的非線性隨機振動與控制、基於主動的AMD與半主動的MR/ER阻尼器的隨機最優控制等。 首先得到了隨機陀螺系統的精確平穩解; 首先提出了Preisach滯遲隨機動力回響分析方法與Duhem滯遲系統隨機回響的平均法; 合作發展了基於隨機動態規劃原理與隨機平均法的最優非線性控制策略,並進一步發展了基於主動質量阻尼器、磁流變與電流變阻尼器等智慧型材料控制器的最優主動和半主動控制方法, 部分可觀系統、極小極大的魯棒與有界控制等, 首先提出了非clip的最優半主動控制策略; 發展了參激系統穩定性的廣義特徵分析法, 首先將辛算法套用於非線性系統的穩定性分析等。
1.Stochastic optimal control of structural systems。
The Open Automation and Control system Journal, 2008, 1。
Z.G. Ying(應祖光)
浙江大學學報(工學版), 2008, 42<7>
3.A minimax Optimal control strategy for uncertain quasi-Hamiltonian systems。
Journal of ZhejiangUniversity, Science A, 2008, 9<7>
Wang Yong,Ying Zuguang(應祖光),Zhu Weiqiu。
4.Optimal bounded control of hystertetic systems under external and parametrical random excitations。
Advances in Structural Engineering, 2008, 11<2>
Y. Wang,Z.G. Ying(應祖光),W.Q. Zhu
噪聲與振動控制, 2008, 28<1>
6.Optimization of time-delayed feedback control of seismically excited building structures。
Journal ofZhejiangUniversity, Science A, 2008, 9<3>
Li Xueping,Zhu Weiqiu,Ying Zuguang(應祖光)
7.A stochastic optimal control strategy for partially observable nonlinear quasi-Hamiltonian systems。
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2008, 310<1-2>
Z.G. Ying(應祖光),W.Q. Zhu。
8.Feedback control optimization for seismically excited buildings。
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2007, 20<4>
Li Xueping,Ying Zuguang(應祖光)
振動工程學報, 2007, 20<5>
計算力學學報, 2007, 24<5>
11.A bounded stochastic optimal semi-active control。
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2007, 304<3-5>
Z.G. Ying(應祖光),Y.Q. Ni,J.M. Ko。
12.Parametrically excited instability analysis of a semi-actively controlled cable。
Engineering Structures, 2007, 29<4>
Z.G. Ying(應祖光),Y.Q. Ni,J.M. Ko。
13.A stochastically averaged optimal control strategy for quasi-Hamiltonian systems with actuator saturation
Automatica, 2006, 42<9>
Z.G. Ying(應祖光),W.Q. Zhu。
14.Stochastic optimal semi-active control of hysteretic systems by using a magneto-rheological damper。
Smart Materials and Structures, 2006, 15<3>
H. Chen,W.Q. Zhu,Z.G. Ying(應祖光)
15.Parametrically excited instability of a cable under two support motions。
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2006, 6<1>
Z.G. Ying(應祖光)
16.Semi-active optimal control of linearized systems with multi-degree of freedom and application。
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2005, 279<1--2>
Z.G. Ying(應祖光),Y.Q. Ni,J.M. Ko。
17.Stochastic optimal semi-active control of nonlinear systems by using MR dampers。
Advances in Structural Engineering, 2004, 7<6>
L. Dong,Z.G. Ying(應祖光),W.Q. Zhu。
18.On stochastic optimal control of partially observable nonlinear quasi Hamiltonian systems。
Journal ofZhejiangUniversity, Science, 2004, 5<11>
Zhu Wei-qiu,Ying Zu-guang(應祖光)
19.A new stochastic optimal control strategy for hysteretic MR dampers。
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2004, 17<3>
Ying Zuguang(應祖光),Ni Yiqing,Ko Janming。
力學與實踐, 2004, 26<6>
21.Generalized Hamiltonian norm, Lyapunov exponent and stochastic stability for quasi-Hamiltonian systems。
Physics Letters A, 2004, 333<3-4>
Z.G. Ying(應祖光)
22.Non-linear stochastic optimal control for coupled-structures system of multi-degree-of-freedom。
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2004, 274<3-5>
Z.G. Ying(應祖光),Y.Q. Ni,J.M. Ko。
23.Stochastic optimal control of wind-excited tall buildings using semi-active MR-TLCDs。
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2004, 19<3>
Y.Q. Ni,Z.G. Ying(應祖光),J.Y. Wang,J.M. Ko,B.F. Spencer。
24.Stochastic optimal coupling-control of adjacent building structures。
Computers and Structures, 2003, 81<30-31>
Z.G. Ying(應祖光),Y.Q. Ni,J.M. Ko
25.Stochastic optimal control of hysteretic systems under externally and parametrically random excitations。
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2003, 16<1>
Ying Zuguang(應祖光),Zhu Weiqiu。
26.A stochastic optimal semi-active control strategy for ER/MR dampers。
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2003, 259<1>
Z.G. Ying(應祖光),W.Q. Zhu,T.T. Soong。
27.Random response of integrable Duhem hysteretic systems under non-white excitation。
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2002, 37<8>
Y.Q. Ni,Z.G. Ying(應祖光),J.M. Ko,W.Q. Zhu。
28.Random response of Preisach hysteretic systems Preisach。
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2002, 254<1>
Z.G. Ying(應祖光),W.Q. Zhu,Y.Q. Ni,J.M. Ko。
29.Stochastic averaging of Duhem hysteretic systems Duhem。
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2002, 254<1>
Z.G. Ying(應祖光),W.Q. Zhu,Y.Q. Ni,J.M. Ko。
30.Non-clipping optimal control of randomly excited nonlinear systems using semi-active ER/MR dampers
Proc. SPIE, 4696, 2002, 3。
Z.G. Ying(應祖光),Y.Q. Ni,J.M. Ko。
31.Random response analysis of Preisach hysteretic systems with symmetric weight distribution。
Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME, 2002, 69<2>
Y.Q. Ni,Z.G. Ying(應祖光),J.M. Ko。
32.Nonlinear stochastic optimal control of partially observable linear structures。
Engineering Structures, 2002, 24<3>
W.Q. Zhu,Z.G. Ying(應祖光)
33.Random seismic response analysis of adjacent buildings coupled with non-linear hysteretic dampers。
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2001, 246<3>
Y.Q. Ni,J.M. Ko,Z.G. Ying(應祖光)
34.Seismic response mitigation of adjacent high-rise structures via stochastic optimal coupling-control。
Proc. SPIE, 4330, 2001,3。
Z.G. Ying(應祖光),Y.Q. Ni,J.M. Ko。
35.An optimal nonlinear feedback control strategy for randomly excited structural systems。
Nonlinear Dynamics, 2001, 24<1>
W.Q. Zhu,Z.G. Ying(應祖光),T.T. Soong。
36.Optimal nonlinear feedback control of building structures with AMD under non-white random ground acceleration excitation。
Proc. Advances in Structural Dynamics, Hong Kong, 2000, 12
W.Q. Zhu,Z.G. Ying(應祖光),Y. Suzuki。
37.Optimal nonlinear stochastic control of hysteretic systems。
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 2000, 126<10>
W.Q. Zhu,Z.G. Ying(應祖光),Y.Q. Ni,J.M. Ko。
38.Exact stationary solutions of stochastically excited and dissipated gyroscopic systems。
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2000, 35<5>
Z.G. Ying(應祖光),W.Q. Zhu。
39.Optimal nonlinear feedback control of quasi-Hamiltonian systems。
W.Q. Zhu, Z.G. Ying(應祖光)
40.New modal synthesis techniques using mixed modes。
AIAA Journal, 1997, 35<2>
J.B. Qiu, Z.G. Ying(應祖光), L.H. Yam。
41.Exact modal synthesis techniques using residual constraint modes。
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 1997, 40<13>
J.B. Qiu, Z.G. Ying(應祖光), F.W. Williams。
計算力學學報, 1997, 14<1>
振動工程學報, 1996, 9<1>
獲2001年中國高校科技一等獎與2002年國家自然科學二等獎(主要成員)。 獲2004年浙江大學教學成果一等獎、二等獎等。並有多篇論文獲省自然科學優秀論文獎。