愛瑞克·洛切是英國指風(Fingerstyle)吉他手的領軍人物之一,而且毫無疑問是屬於最為創新的。很難去定位愛瑞克·洛切的音樂風格。總體而言,它並非民樂,也非鄉村樂,亦非搖滾或者流行樂。但每首作品都涵蓋了上述風格,同時又隱約受到古典音樂的影響。細節精緻,極盡技巧,每首歌都是令人印象深刻的融合產物。潛藏於其中的是一顆造詣極高的音樂頭腦、臻於完美的演奏技巧以及極深的音樂天賦。由於他獨特的彈奏風格,他的作品被譽為“為一場音樂復興鋪平了道路”,而他的兩張專輯《The Perc-U-Lator》(1999)和《Spin》(2000)則被奉為“現代指風之經典”。 愛瑞克·洛切還是兩本國際性雜誌《Guitar Techniques》和《Guitarist》指風專欄的常駐作家,同時出版過不少書籍。
- 中文名:愛瑞克·洛切
- 國籍:英國
- 職業:英國指風(Fingerstyle)吉他手的領軍人物之一
- 性別:男
Eric Roche is one of the UK's leading fingerstyle guitarists and, without a doubt, one of the most innovative. It's hard to place Eric Roche's music. As a whole it's not folk, it's not country and it's not rock or pop. But each track makes room for all of the above, at the same time hinting at classical influences. Full of details and finesse, every single song is an impressive mix. Underlying this is a profound musical mind, consummate technique and a depth of musical talent. His unique playing style has led to his work being described as "paving the way for an acoustic renaissance" (Guitarist magazine June 2000), while his two albums "The Perc U Lator" (1999) and "Spin" (2001) are hailed as "modern fingerstyle classics" (International Guitar Festival Association). Eric Roche writes a regular fingerstyle column in the international magazine "Guitar Techniques" and "Guitarist" while being an author of numerous books.