



  • 軟體名稱:情感性社會網路
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:13.91MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.2.1及以上
標記你的情緒無處不在,與您的朋友分享。 Emotizer是一種新的情感性社會網路,讓你的收藏夾,地點,人物,對象,夢想和想法,並將其連結到你的情緒,感覺內。 你所有的情緒在24色調的色彩和音樂的音調,組成你的情緒的個人云。 特點 - 您可以標記自己的情緒,並將其連結到一個特定的地方,事件,人物或對象 - 您可以與您的朋友分享你的情感和注釋添加到您的朋友的情緒 - 您可以通過其他的情感世界和匹配你的心情發現本地和數字的地方 - 了解自己,通過自己的情緒:隨時更新的實時統計 - 解鎖eMotivations情緒徽章添加到您的個人云。 在1.3版本中的新功能 -的iOS 4.2兼容(iPhone3克) - 小錯誤修正 - 速度提高 - eFriend組管理: - 您可以管理的團體和朋友 - 你可以分享你的情感與單個/多個朋友和團體 - 提出新的友誼,從你周圍的地圖和情感: > - 查找上Emotizer的朋友 - 你可能認識的 類似的情緒 - 人 - 推送通知 - 情感編輯/可移動 EMOTIZE你的生活! 數以千計的情緒畫的世界。加入Emotizer和你的情緒永遠留下痕跡! 該應用程式可在下列語言版本,根據你的iOS的語言: - 英語 - 義大利 接下來的語言: - 德語,俄語,西班牙語,法語,葡萄牙語,日語,中國 下一步的功能,可在未來的版本中: - 標記照片,音樂,視頻,應用程式和網址 -在twitter上分享 - 情感信息 - 情緒調查 - 新的語言 - 添加/更改個人資料照片 Tag your emotions everywhere and share them with your friends. Emotizer is a new emotional social network that allows you to bookmark places, people, objects, dreams and thoughts and link them to the emotions you're feeling within. All your emotions in 24 shades of color and musical tones to compose your emotional personal cloud. FEATURES - You can tag your emotion and link them to a specific place, event, person or object - You can share your emotion with your friends and add comments to your friend's emotions - You can see the world through other's emotions and discover local and digital places matching your mood - Know yourself through your emotions: real time statistics always updated - Unlock the eMotivations to add emotional badges to your personal cloud. NEW IN VERSION 1.3 - iOS 4.2 compatibility (iPhone 3g) - Minor bug fixes - Speed improvement - eFriend's groups management: >- you can manage groups and friends >- you can share your emotions with single/multiple friends and groups - ask new friendship from map and emotion around you: >- Find a friend on Emotizer >- People you may know >- People with similar emotions - push notifications - emotions editable/removable EMOTIZE YOUR LIFE! Thousands of emotions are painting the world. Join Emotizer and leave a trace of your emotions forever! The app is available in the following languages, based on the language of your iOS: - English - Italian Next languages: - German, Russian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese Next features, available in future versions: - tagging photo, music, video, app and url - sharing on twitter - emotional message - emotional surveys - new languages - add/change profile photo


