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  • 中文名:急診醫學
  • 作者:[美]C.基思·斯通,李春盛
  • 出版時間:2020年
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • ISBN:9787030652065 
  • 類別:教材
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂


本教材以目前在歐美國家廣泛使用的新版急診醫學教材 CURRENT DIAGNOSIS & TRENTMENT: EMERGENCY MEDICINE 為藍本,結合我國現行的急診醫學教學大綱及急診專科醫師規範化培訓大綱要求摘編而成。全書共分 45 章,約 22.5 萬單詞,圖 194 幅。根據出版社要求同時配習題和答案以便學生自學和複習。內容基本涵蓋急診醫學的方方面面,在忠於原著的基礎上,篇幅儘量刪減,但保留原著的精華和風格,主要是側重於臨床實用,力求使學生在學習急診醫學專業英語的同時,了解國外急診醫學相關內容的診斷治療。


Chapter 1 Approach To the Emergency Department Patient 1
1.1 What Is Emergency Medicine? 1
1.2 Unique Aspects Of Emergency Medicine Practice 1
1.3 Principles of Emergency Medicine 1
1.4 Conclusion 2
Chapter 2 Pre-hospital Emergency Services 3
2.1 Components of an Emergency Medical Services System 3
2.2 EMS Delivery During Natural Disasters and Terrorist Attacks 9
2.3 Future of EMS 10
Chapter 3 Disaster Medicine 11
3.1 Overview of Disaster Medicine 11
3.2 Disaster Cycle 11
3.3 Categories of Disaster And Mass Casualty Events 12
3.4 Operational Issues in Disasters 14
3.5 Disaster Preparedness in The United States 15
3.6 Disaster Preparedness in China 18
3.7 Prehospital Disaster Planning 19
3.8 Hospital and Emergency Department Disaster Management 20
3.9 The Specialty Management of Hazardous Materials and Radiation 21
Chapter 4 Emergency Bedside Ultrasound 23
4.1 Emergency Bedside Ultrasound Basic 23
4.2 Primary Indication 26
Chapter 5 Emergency Procedures 39
5.1 Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacing 39
5.2 Orotracheal Intubation, and Nasotracheal Intubation 39
5.3 Cricothyrotomy 41
5.4 Central Venous Catheterization 42
5.5 Radial Artery Puncture: For Blood Gas and pH Analysis 47
5.6 Nasogastric Intubation: for Gastric Evacuation or Lavage 47
5.7 Thoracentesis 48
5.8 Tube Thoracostomy: Insertion of a Chest Tube 49
5.9 Abdominal Paracentesis 50
5.10 Insertion of Indwelling (Foley) Urinary Catheter 51
5.11 Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma 52
Chapter 6 Procedural Sedation and Analgesia 55
6.1 Basics of Procedural-Sedation and Analgesia 55
6.2 Agents For Procedural 57
6.3 Reversal Agents 58
Chapter 7 Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support 60
7.1 Overview of Cardiac Arrest 60
7.2 Adult Basic Life Support 60
7.3 Adult Advanced Life Support 64
7.4 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Infants and Children 69
Chapter 8 Compromised Airway 71
8.1 Immediate Management of the Compromised Airway 71
8.2 Principles of Intubation 75
8.3 Nonsurgical Devices and Techniques for Managing the Difficult Airway 75
Chapter 9 Shock 78
9.1 Introduction 78
9.2 Pathophysiology 78
9.3 Etiology 78
9.4 Initial evaluation 79
9.5 Therapy 79
9.6 Specific Shock 79
Chapter 10 The Multiply Injured Patient 83
10.1 Immediate Management of Life-Threatening Problems 83
10.2 Initial Assessment 83
10.3 Hemorrhagic Shock 86
Chapter 11 Respiratory Distress 88
11.1 Immediate Management of Life-Threatening Problems 88
11.2 Cardiac Arrest 88
11.3 Severe Upper Airway Obstruction 88
11.4 Altered Mental Status with Shallow Breathing 90
11.5 Tension Pneumothorax 90
11.6 Massive Aspiration 90
11.7 Severe Pulmonary Edema 91
11.8 Severe Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 91
11.9 Further Diagnostic Evaluation 92
Chapter 12 Chest Pain 95
12.1 Immediate Management of Life-Threatening Problems 95
12.2 Management of Specific Disorders Causing Chest Pain 101
Chapter 13 Abdominal Pain 105
13.1 Immediate Management of Life-Threatening Problems 105
13.2 Further Evaluation of the Patient with Abdominal Pain 105
13.3 Management of Specific Disorders Causing Abdominal Pain 113
13.4 Conditions Causing Acute Abdominal Pain That Are Not Amenable to Surgery 120
Chapter 14 Gastrointestinal Bleeding 121
14.1 Immediate Management of Life-Threatening Bleeding 121
14.2 Further Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Bleeding 124
14.3 Emergency Treatment of Specific Disorders Causing Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding 125
14.4 Emergency Treatment of Specific Disorders Causing Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding 127
Chapter 15 Coma 130
15.1 Immediate Management of Life-Threatening Problems 130
15.2 Further Evaluation of the Comatose Patient 131
15.3 Emergency Treatment of Specific Disorders Causing Coma (Structural Lesions) 132
15.4 Metabolic Encephalopathies 133
15.5 Other Disorders Causing Coma 135
Chapter 16 Syncope 136
16.1 Immediate Management of Life-Threatening Problems Causing Syncope 136
16.2 Valuation of The Conscious Patient with a History of Syncope 136
16.3 Energency Evaluation of Specific Disorders Causing Syncope 137
Chapter 17 Seizures 140
17.1 Life-Threatening Problems 140
17.2 Evaluation of The Conscious 142
Chapter 18 Headache 144
Definition 144
18.1 Etiology 144
18.2 Pathogenesis 144
18.3 Signs and Symptoms 144
18.4 Diagnosis 146
18.5 Treatments 148
Chapter 19 Arthritis and Back Pain 151
19.1 Evaluation of the Patient With Acute Arthritis 151
19.2 Emergency Treatment of Specific Conditions Causing Acute Arthritis 151
19.3 Evaluation of The Patient With Acute Back Pain 155
19.4 Emergency Treatment of Specific Conditions Causing Back Pain 157
Chapter 20 Head Injuries 160
20.1 Immediate Management of Life-Threatening Problems 160
20.2 Management


