



  • 軟體名稱:忍者是對殭屍
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:35.01MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
殭屍忍者反對2 清除後島的海灘,它的時間在森林找到放入系統殭屍的來源,沒有足夠的人口忍者部落產生那么多的殭屍。它必須來自在叢林深處的某個地方。 所有部落聯合他們的力量,在這永無止境的戰爭。最好的戰士和戰士每個部落團結起來,形成一個新的力量。 最令人驚奇的事情發生在你的第一次對抗殭屍的戰爭中,其中一人是不敵視忍者,他甚至比平常活死人似乎有點更加智慧型化。他決定選擇你的陣營對抗殭屍的入侵。 狼部落已經下降,他們現在是植物大戰殭屍,甚至連他們的忠實伴侶狼已經超跌,我們不認為這是可能的,但即使是動物受到詛咒。你要爭取那些誰是你的朋友的一次。你知道不來幫助,所以你單獨打這場結束一勞永逸! Ninja Against Zombies 2 After clearing out the beaches of your island, it's time to get in the forest and find the sources of thoses zombies, there is not enough population in the ninja tribes to produce that much zombies. It must come from somewhere deep in the jungle. All tribes has combined their forces in this never ending war. The best fighters and warriors of each tribes has united and form a new force. The most amazing thing happen during your first war against the zombies, one of them wasn't hostile toward the ninjas, he even seem a bit more intelligent than the usual living dead. He decide to choose your camp to fight the zombie invasion. The Wolf Tribe have fallen, they now are Zombies, and even their faithful wolf companion have fallen too, we didn't think it was possible, but even animals are affected by this curse. You'll have to fight those who were once your friends. You know help isn't coming, so you'll fight this alone and end it once and for all !


