- 軟體名稱:心靈感應測試
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體大小:482.56KB
你有未來千里眼巨星嗎?你覺得你有通靈的能力嗎? 心靈感應測試,並找出如果你有一個超凡脫俗的連線! 很簡單,你將被要求正確確定設備選擇。 如果你是不正確的,你的防污將增加(所有時間高抗條紋括弧內)。 如果你是正確的,恭喜!您是千里眼巨星!你的連勝將增加(所有時間在括弧中)高連勝。 嘗試,以獲得最高的連勝? 這個快速測試,證明你的心靈感應能力,給你的朋友! Are you the next Clairvoyant Superstar Do you feel you have Psychic abilities Take the Telepathy Test and find out if you have an otherworldly connection! Quite simply, you will be asked to correctly determine the number selected by your device. If you are incorrect, your anti-streak will increase (all-time high anti-streak in brackets). If you are correct, congrats! You are a clairvoyant superstar! Your streak will increase (all-time high streak in brackets). Try to get the highest streak Prove your Telepathic Abilities to your friends with this quick test!