


  • 中文名:微積分=Calculus.I:英文
  • 出版時間:2017年12月1日
  • 出版社:華中科技大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787568028394




Chapter 1 Functions(1)
1.1 Preliminary knowledge(1)
1.1.1 Inequalities and their properties(1)
1.1.2 Absolute value and its properties(5)
1.1.3 The range of variable(8)
1.2 Functions(10)
1.2.1 Concept of functions(10)
1.2.2 Features of a function(12)
1.2.3 Inverse functions(16)
1.2.4 Composite functions(19)
1.2.5 Elementary functions(20)
1.2.6 Nonelementary functions(30)
1.2.7 Implicit functions(33)
Exercise 1(33)
Chapter 2 Limit and Continuity(36)
2.1 Limit(36)
2.1.1 Definition of a sequence(36)
2.1.2 Descriptive definition of limit of a sequence(36)
2.1.3 Quantitative definition of limit of a sequence(38)
2.2 Limits of functions(39)
2.2.1 Definition of finite limits of functions as x→x0(39)
2.2.2 Definition of infinite limits of functions as x→x0(42)
2.2.3 Limits of functions as independent variable tending to infinity(44)
2.2.4 Left limit and right limit(47)
2.2.5 The properties of limits of functions(48)
2.2.6 Operation rules of limits(50)
2.2.7 Criteria of existence of limits and two important limits (54)
2.2.8 Infinitesimal, infinity and their basic properties(58)
2.2.9 Simple application of limit in economics(62)
2.3 Continuity of functions(64)
2.3.1 Continuity(64)
2.3.2 Discontinuous points of a function(68)
2.3.3 Operations and properties of continuous functions(69)
2.3.4 Continuity of elementary functions(72)
2.3.5 Continuity of the inverse functions(73)
2.3.6 Properties of continuous functions on closed interval(73)
Exercise 2(76)
Chapter 3 Derivative and differential(80)
3.1 Concept of derivative(80)
3.1.1 Introduction of derivative(80)
3.1.2 Definition of derivative(82)
3.1.3 Lefthand derivative and righthand derivative(84)
3.1.4 The relationship between differentiability and continuity of functions(85)
3.1.5 Applying the definition of derivative to find derivatives(87)
3.1.6 Geometric interpretation of derivative(91)
3.2 Rules of finding derivatives(91)
3.2.1 Four arithmetic operation rules of derivatives(91)
3.2.2 Derivative rules of composite functions(93)
3.2.3 Derivative rules of inverse functions(95)
3.2.4 Derivative rules of implicit functions(96)
3.2.5 Derivative rules of function with parametric forms(97)
3.2.6 Some special derivative rules(98)
3.2.7 Basic differentiation formulas(100)
3.2.8 Derivatives of higher order(102)
3.3 Differentials of functions(104)
3.3.1 Definition of differentials(104)
3.3.2 The equations of a tangent and a normal(107)
3.3.3 Formulas and operation rule of differentials(109)
3.3.4 Application of differentials in approximating values(111)
Exercise 3(112)
Chapter 4 The mean value theorems and application of derivatives(116)
4.1 The mean value theorems(116)
4.1.1 Rolle’s theorem(116)
4.1.2 Lagrange’s theorem(118)
4.1.3 Cauchy’s theorem(121)
4.2 L’Hospital’s rule(123)
4.2.1 Evaluating limits of indeterminate forms of the type 00(124)
4.2.2 Evaluating the limits of indeterminate forms of the type ∞∞(126)
4.2.3 Evaluating the limits of other indeterminate forms(127)
4.3 Taylor formula(129)
4.4 Discuss properties of functions by derivatives(136)
4.4.1 Monotonicity of functions(136)
4.4.2 Concavity and Convexity(140)
4.5 Extreme values(143)
4.6 Absolute maxima (minima) and its application(148)
4.6.1 Absolute maxima (minima)(148)
4.6.2 Applied problems of absolute maxima (minima)(150)
4.7 Graphing(152)
4.7.1 Asymptotes lines of curves(152)
4.7.2 Sophisticated graphing(154)
4.8 Application of derivatives in economics(158)
4.8.1 Marginal analysis(158)
4.8.2 Elasticity of function(164)
Exercise 4(169)
Chapter 5 Indefinite integrals(173)
5.1 Antiderivative and indefinite integral(173)
5.1.1 Concept of antiderivatives(173)
5.1.2 Concept of indefinite integrals(175)
5.2 Fundamental integral formulas(177)
5.3 Integral methods of substitution(180)
5.3.1 The first kind of substitution(180)
5.3.2 The second kind of substitution(185)
5.4 Integration by parts(189)
5.5 Evaluate indefinite integrals of some special type(194)
5.5.1 Integrals of rational functions(194)
5.5.2 Integrals of irrational functions(198)
5.5.3 Integrals of trigonometric functions(199)
5.5.4 Integral of piecewise defined function(201)
Exercise 5(202)
Chapter 6 Definite integrals(205)
6.1 Definition of definite integrals(205)
6.1.1 Two examples for definite integrals(205)
6.1.2 Definition of definite integrals(207)
6.1.3 Geometric meaning of definite integrals(211)
6.2 Basic properties of definite integrals(212)
6.3 Fundamental theorem of calculus(219)
6.3.1 A function of upper limit of integral(219)
6.3.2 NewtonLeibniz formula(222)
6.4 Integration by substitution and by parts for definite integrals(224)
6.4.1 Integration by substitution for definite integrals(225)
6.4.2 Integration by parts for definite integrals(229)
6.5 Improper integrals(231)
6.5.1 Improper integrals on infinite intervals(231)
6.5.2 Improper integrals of unbounded functions(239)
6.6 Application of integrals(241)
6.6.1 Computing areas of plan figures(241)
6.6.2 Volume of a solid of revolution(245)
6.6.3 Some economic applications of integrals(247)
Exercise 6(249)
Answers to exercises(256)
Answers to exercise1(256)
Answers to exercise2(257)
Answers to exercise3(257)
Answers to exercise4(259)
Answers to exercise5(261)
Answers to exercise6(262)

