- 書名:從概念到意念——25例酒店空間設計解析
- 作者:葉錚
- ISBN:9787122332707
- 頁數:330頁
- 定價:178元
- 出版社:化學工業出版社
- 出版時間:2019年1月
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:16開
導論 從概念到意念001
NO.01 平行線與東方性Parallel lines and orientalism006
NO.02 廬山風Lushan style028
NO.03 天水雲嵐Mist-shrouded place with clean steam040
NO.04 從制約出發的思考Thought from the restrictions058
NO.05 陰翳深深Deep shadow072
NO.06 寫意東方Freehand oriental style078
NO.07 回歸與重構Return and reconstruction088
NO.08 金色的盒子Golden box116
NO.09 畫卷漫步Walking on the painting scroll130
NO.10 都城魅影Urban phantom142
NO.11 隱於都城Hidden in the city168
NO.12 設計語境The context of design194
NO.13 力量與詩意的平衡Balance between the power and poetry206
NO.14 界面語言Language of interface212
NO.15 層疊的優雅Layering elegance220
NO.16 黑色中的光明Light in the darkness226
NO.17 尋找之間During searching238
NO.18 框的空間建構Spatial construction of frame246
NO.19 紅與黑的圖底秩序Figure-ground order of red and black256
NO.20 尋找場地的歸宿Find the home of site270
NO.21 簡單的優雅Simple elegance280
NO.22 粗礪中的時尚The fashion in the coarseness292
NO.23 海上遺夢The dream of Shanghai300
NO.24 “回”型空間The space of the back-shaped corridor312
NO.25 差異與平衡The difference and the balance322