- 中文名:從政治文化視角看大學生黨員的黨內參與
- 外文名:On the Participation in the Party Activities of University Students from the Political and Cultural Perspective
作者: 紹興文理學院法學院,浙江紹興312000
作者機構: Chen Hong (Low School, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing, Zhejiang 312000)
題名、責任者附註: 陳紅(1974-),女,浙江上虞人,紹興文理學院法學院副教授,碩士。
語種: Chinese 漢語
分類: 中圖分類:D262
期刊收錄: 0;ZMATH
作者簡介: 20120806
來源: 紹興文理學院學報, Journal of Shaoxing College of Arts and Sciences,2012,011
標識號: ISSN:1008-293XCN:32-1209/C
中文關鍵字: 大學生黨員 黨內參與 政治文化 主體地位 黨內民主
英文關鍵字: university student CPC member; participation into party affair; political culture; subject status; inner- party democra-cy
中文摘要 大學生黨員參與黨內事務,是其主體地位最基本、最直接、最主要的表現,它受客觀政治文化的影響,並進而影響黨內民主與和諧。文章試從阿爾蒙德政治文化理論視角,探討已成為我黨新鮮血液重要來源的大學生黨員的黨內參與的特性,分析其主體能力“缺失”原因,並提出以加強黨的組織建設實現大學生黨員的主體地位和民主權利。
英文摘要 [As the most fundamental and the most direct representation of its subject status, the participation into party affairs of CPC members among university students is affected by the objective political culture and in turn influences the democracy and harmony of inner party life. From the perspective of political culture of Almond GA, this paper firsdy presents the idea that the Communist Party of China is mainly characterized by the aforesaid participation, analyzes the key causes for the "default" of its subject status, and discusses the significance of reinforcing the party construction so as to fulfill the subject status and democratic rights of CPC members among university students.]