


  • 中文名:從心理逆境和網路成癮看大學生逆商教育
  • 作者:金自如[1] 金自康[2]
  • 語種:Chinese 漢語
  • 分類:中圖分類:R395.6 G641
論文題名: 英文題名:From the Psychological Adversity and Network Addiction to Analyze the Adversity Intelligence Quotient Education of College Student
作者機構: [1]南京工程學院通信工程學院,江蘇南京211167 [2]南京信息工程大學校團委,江蘇南京210044
題名、責任者附註: JIN Zi-ru,JIN Zi-kang (1. College of Information and Communication Engineering, Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China; 2. Communist Youth League Committee, Nanjing Information Engineering University, Nanjing 210044, China)
期刊收錄: 0
作者簡介: 金自如(1976-),女,南京工程學院通信工程學院助教;金自康(1972-),男,南京信息工程大學校團委書記,講師。
期刊收錄: 江蘇省哲學社會科學基金項目“高校逆商教育與就業互動關係的研究與實踐”(07SJD880015)
來源: 煤炭高等教育, Meitan Higher Education,2008,001
標識號: ISSN:1004-8154CN:32-1365/G4
中文關鍵字: 心理逆境 網路成癮 逆商教育 大學生心理健康
英文關鍵字: Psychological Adversity; network addiction; Adversity Intelligence Quotient Education; college student's psychological health
中文摘要 大學生面臨的心理逆境層出不窮,與之相應的應對方式卻令人堪憂。有的採取一種極端的自傷或傷人的方式;有的終日陷入“無聊”、“鬱悶”的旋渦不能自拔;隨著網路的普及,也有相當一部分學生從網路中尋求壓力釋放的途徑而形成網路成癮。面對這樣的現實,對大學生實施逆商教育是大學生心理健康教育和大學生素質培養的一個不容忽視的方面。
英文摘要 [The psychological adversity those college students facing emerges in endlessly, but we worried about the answer way to against it. Someone take an extreme self--injury way or to hurt other feeling; someone is “bored” all day or in the “depressed” swirl can not extricate themselves; With the popularization of the network, some of them want to release the pressure by seeking help to the network and become addictions. In the face of such reality, we should implement the Adversity Intelligence Quotient Education, which is one aspect of the college student psychological health education and quality education that can't be ignored.]


