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  • 中文名:徐霞
  • 國籍中國
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 職業:教師 







1. 研究生課程《工程倫理》、《食品酶學》
2. 本科生課程《食品化學實驗》碑府榆


1. 浙江工業大學第二屆教師教學創新大賽二等獎,2022.01
2. 食品科學與工程學院青年教師教學創新大賽二等獎,2021.11



1. 浙江工業大學2021屆畢業論文(設計)優秀指導教師
2. 浙江工業大學2020年度優秀本科生導師
3. 浙江工業大學2018/2019學年校級優秀符愉班拘膠艱主任


1. 全國大學生食品工程虛擬仿真大賽總決賽三等獎,2018.08
2. 首屆浙江省飲品創新創意大賽二等獎,2020.12
3. 浙江工業大學第八屆大學生節能減排競賽二等獎,2020.06
4. ”農夫山泉杯“浙江大學第三屆食品科技競賽產品研發類二等獎,2020.12



1. 國家重點研發計畫項目子課題,船載冷艙綠色無氨氟蒸發無相變載冷技術與裝備研發;
2. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,基於可控納米組裝體的SERS適體感測器超靈敏快速檢測赭麴黴毒素A的研究;
4. 浙江省自然科學基金一般項目,魚類新鮮度的多彩可視化納米感測體系及其機理研究;
5. 中國博士後科學基金特別資助拔遷講項目,銀殼增強的二元納米組裝體超靈敏SERS 檢測赭麴黴毒素A;
6. 中國博士後科學基金面上資助項目,赭麴黴毒素 A 檢測用新型 SERS 適體感測器構建的基礎研究;
7. 浙江省公益性技術套用研究計畫項目,糧油食品中真菌毒素快速檢測用SERS生物感測關鍵技術的研究。


1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,基於Pickering納米乳液脂質誘導肌動球蛋白凝膠的空間位阻效應及其機制;
2. 浙江省“領雁”研發攻關計畫項目,遠洋漁業高效捕撈與船載加工一體化智慧型裝備;
3. 浙江省重點研發計畫項目,典型貝類加工廢棄物資源化禁閥檔綜合利用與聯產堡刪尋槓技術研究-貝類加工副產物綜合利用。



1. Xia Xu, Xiaotian Wu, Yuting Ding, Xuxia Zhou*. Multicolorimetric sensing of histamine in fishes based on enzymatic etching of gold nanorods. Food Control, 2021, 127: 108143. (IF=5.548, JCR1區)
2. Xia Xu, Xiaoitan Wu, Shunqian Zhuang, Yucong Zhang, Yuting Ding, Xuxia Zhou*. Colorimetric biosensor based on magnetic enzyme and gold nanorods for visual detection of fish freshness. Biosensors, 2022,12(2),135. (IF=5.519, JCR1區)
3. Xia Xu, Hong Chen, Qi Zhang, Fei Lyu, Yuting Ding*, Xuxia Zhou*. Effects of oil droplet size and interfacial protein film on the properties of fish myofibrillar proteins-oil composite gels, Molecules, 2020, 25(2), 289. (IF=4.411, JCR2區)
4. Xia Xu, Chengnan Xu, Yibin Ying*. Aptasensor for simple detection of ochratoxin A based on side-by-side assembly of gold nanorods, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 50437-50443. (IF=3.361, JCR2區)
5. Xia Xu, Xiangjiang Liu, Yanbin Li, Yibin Ying*. A simple and rapid optical biosensor for detection of aflatoxin B1 based on competitive dispersion of gold nanorods, Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2013. 47: 361-367. (IF=10.618, JCR1區)
6. Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*, Yanbin Li. One-step and label-free detection of alpha-fetoprotein based on aggregation of gold nanorods, Sensors and Actuators: B, Chemical. 2012.175:194-200. (IF=7.460, JCR1區)
7. Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*, Microbial biosensors for environmental monitoring and food analysis, Food Reviews International, 2011. 27(3): 300-329. (IF=6.478, JCR1區)
8. Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*. Gold nanorod assembly based optical aptasensor for one-step detection of ochratoxin A, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2014, ASABE 2014, Montreal, Quebec Canada, 2014.7.13-7.16. (EI收錄)
9. Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*, Yanbin Li. A simple, competitive biosensor for rapid detection of aflatoxin B1 based on aggregation of gold nanorods, Sensors, 2012 IEEE. IEEE, Taipei, 2012.10.28-10.31. (EI收錄)
10. Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*, Yanbin Li. Gold Nanorods based LSPR biosensor for label-free detection of alpha-fetoprotein,Eurosensors XXV, Procedure Engineering, Athens, Greece, 2011.9.4-9.7. (EI收錄)


1. 徐霞(1/3),基於納米組裝結構的SERS適體感測器的構建方法及其套用, 中國,ZL201710433533.2, 2019.03.01授權.
2. 徐霞(3/7),一種以貝殼為鈣源製備納米乳酸鈣的方法, 中國, ZL201910446778.8, 2021.10.15授權.
3. 徐霞(3/7),一種以貝殼為原料納米檸檬酸鈣的製備方法, 中國, ZL201910447769.0, 2021.10.15授權.
4. Xia Xu(10/11),Continuous on-board processing of seafood after fishing on the sea, 美國, US10231465B2, 2019.03.19授權.
5. Xia Xu(10/11)Continuous drying for Antarctic Krill and processing of shelled Antartic Krill on board,美國, US9936711B1, 2018.04.10授權.


1. “海洋漁獲物源頭品質保真與船載加工關鍵技術及套用”,2020年中國食品工業協會科學技術獎特等獎(11/13)
2. “海洋精準捕撈與海上移動乾制加工新技術及套用”,2018年中國商業聯合會科技進步獎特等獎(7/13)
3. “禽肉製品加工及其質量安全控制關鍵技術研究”,2018年中國商業聯合會科學技術一等獎(10/10)


3. 浙江省重點研發計畫項目,典型貝類加工廢棄物資源化綜合利用與聯產技術研究-貝類加工副產物綜合利用。



1. Xia Xu, Xiaotian Wu, Yuting Ding, Xuxia Zhou*. Multicolorimetric sensing of histamine in fishes based on enzymatic etching of gold nanorods. Food Control, 2021, 127: 108143. (IF=5.548, JCR1區)
2. Xia Xu, Xiaoitan Wu, Shunqian Zhuang, Yucong Zhang, Yuting Ding, Xuxia Zhou*. Colorimetric biosensor based on magnetic enzyme and gold nanorods for visual detection of fish freshness. Biosensors, 2022,12(2),135. (IF=5.519, JCR1區)
3. Xia Xu, Hong Chen, Qi Zhang, Fei Lyu, Yuting Ding*, Xuxia Zhou*. Effects of oil droplet size and interfacial protein film on the properties of fish myofibrillar proteins-oil composite gels, Molecules, 2020, 25(2), 289. (IF=4.411, JCR2區)
4. Xia Xu, Chengnan Xu, Yibin Ying*. Aptasensor for simple detection of ochratoxin A based on side-by-side assembly of gold nanorods, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 50437-50443. (IF=3.361, JCR2區)
5. Xia Xu, Xiangjiang Liu, Yanbin Li, Yibin Ying*. A simple and rapid optical biosensor for detection of aflatoxin B1 based on competitive dispersion of gold nanorods, Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2013. 47: 361-367. (IF=10.618, JCR1區)
6. Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*, Yanbin Li. One-step and label-free detection of alpha-fetoprotein based on aggregation of gold nanorods, Sensors and Actuators: B, Chemical. 2012.175:194-200. (IF=7.460, JCR1區)
7. Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*, Microbial biosensors for environmental monitoring and food analysis, Food Reviews International, 2011. 27(3): 300-329. (IF=6.478, JCR1區)
8. Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*. Gold nanorod assembly based optical aptasensor for one-step detection of ochratoxin A, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2014, ASABE 2014, Montreal, Quebec Canada, 2014.7.13-7.16. (EI收錄)
9. Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*, Yanbin Li. A simple, competitive biosensor for rapid detection of aflatoxin B1 based on aggregation of gold nanorods, Sensors, 2012 IEEE. IEEE, Taipei, 2012.10.28-10.31. (EI收錄)
10. Xia Xu, Yibin Ying*, Yanbin Li. Gold Nanorods based LSPR biosensor for label-free detection of alpha-fetoprotein,Eurosensors XXV, Procedure Engineering, Athens, Greece, 2011.9.4-9.7. (EI收錄)


1. 徐霞(1/3),基於納米組裝結構的SERS適體感測器的構建方法及其套用, 中國,ZL201710433533.2, 2019.03.01授權.
2. 徐霞(3/7),一種以貝殼為鈣源製備納米乳酸鈣的方法, 中國, ZL201910446778.8, 2021.10.15授權.
3. 徐霞(3/7),一種以貝殼為原料納米檸檬酸鈣的製備方法, 中國, ZL201910447769.0, 2021.10.15授權.
4. Xia Xu(10/11),Continuous on-board processing of seafood after fishing on the sea, 美國, US10231465B2, 2019.03.19授權.
5. Xia Xu(10/11)Continuous drying for Antarctic Krill and processing of shelled Antartic Krill on board,美國, US9936711B1, 2018.04.10授權.


1. “海洋漁獲物源頭品質保真與船載加工關鍵技術及套用”,2020年中國食品工業協會科學技術獎特等獎(11/13)
2. “海洋精準捕撈與海上移動乾制加工新技術及套用”,2018年中國商業聯合會科技進步獎特等獎(7/13)
3. “禽肉製品加工及其質量安全控制關鍵技術研究”,2018年中國商業聯合會科學技術一等獎(10/10)




