
徐盛玉 博士,副研究員,碩士研究生導師。留學加拿大圭爾夫大學。從事動物營養科研和教學工作,先後承擔各級科研項目8項。已在國際知名雜誌《Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology》、《Endocrinology》、《Nutrients》、《Journal of applied microbiology》、《BMC Veterinary Research》等和國核心心刊物上發表論文計40餘篇。其中論文《Micro-RNA378 (miR-378) Regulates Ovarian Estradiol Production by Targeting Aromatase》單篇他引次數124次。擔任雜誌《Journal of Proteome Research》、《Mediators of Inflammation》、《BioMed Research International》審稿人。已指導畢業碩士研究生2名,在讀碩士3名;指導碩士研究生髮表SCI論文3篇,累計影響因子9.5,已接收SCI論文1篇,發表CSCD論文5篇。


  • 中文名:徐盛玉
  • 國籍中國
  • 性別:男
  • 職稱:副研究員





2009/03 - 2011/03,加拿大圭爾夫大學,動物科學系,聯合培養博士
2005/09 - 2007/06,四川農業大學,動物營養與飼料科學專業,攻讀碩士獲碩博連讀
2001/09 - 2005/06,四川農業大學,水產養殖專業,學士


2014/10 –, 四川農業大學,動物營養研究所,副研究員
2012/08 - 2014/09,四川農業大學,動物營養研究所,助理研究員










(1)Mengmeng Xu, Long Che, Zhenguo Yang, Pan Zhang, Jiankai Shi, Jian Li, Yan Lin, Zhengfeng Fang, Lianqiang Che, Bin Feng, De Wu,Shengyu Xu*. Proteomic Analysis of Fetal Ovaries Reveals That Primordial Follicle Formation and Transition Are Differentially Regulated. BioMed Research International, 2017: 6972030. IF:2.476.(通訊作者)
(2)Mengmeng Xu, Long Che, Zhenguo Yang, Pan Zhang, Jiankai Shi, Jian Li, Yan Lin, Zhengfeng Fang, Lianqiang Che, Bin Feng, De Wu,Shengyu Xu*. Effect of high fat dietary intake during maternal gestation on offspring ovarian health in a pig model. Nutrients, 2016, 8(8): 498. IF: 3.759.(通訊作者)
(3)Shengyu Xu, Dingyue Wang, Dongsheng Zhou, Yan Lin, Lianqiang Che, Zhengfeng Fang and De Wu. Reproduction hormone and transcriptomic responses of pituitary tissue in anestrus gilt induced by nutrient restriction. Plos One, 2015, 10(11): e0143219. IF: 3.234.
(4)Mengmeng Xu, Long Che, Dingyue Wang, Zhenguo Yang, Pan Zhang, Yan Lin, Zhengfeng Fang, Lianqiang Che, Jian Li, Daiwen Chen, De Wu,Shengyu Xu*. Proteomic analysis of fetal ovary reveals that ovarian developmental potential is greater in Meishan pigs than in Yorkshire pigs. Plos One, 2015, 10(8): e0135514. IF: 3.234.(通訊作者)
(5)Shengyu Xu, Dingyue Wang, Pan Zhang, Yan Lin, Zhengfeng Fang, Lianqiang Che and De Wu. Oral administration of Lactococcus lactis-expressed recombinant porcine epidermal growth factor stimulates the development and promotes the health of small intestines in early-weaned piglets. Journal of applied microbiology, 2015, 119(1): 225-235. IF: 2.479.
(6)Shengyu Xu, Yingfei Zhao, Jie Shen, Yan Lin, Zhengfeng Fang, Lianqiang Che and De Wu. Threonine and tryptophan supplementation enhance porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome (PRRS) vaccine induced immune responses of growing pigs. Animal Science Juornal, 2015, 86(3): 294-304. IF: 1.044.
(7)Shengyu Xu†, Derek Toms†, Bo Pan, De Wu, Julang Li. Progesterone receptor expression in granulosa cells is suppressed by microRNA-378-3p. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 2015, 399(1): 95-102. (†,共同第一作者) . IF: 4.405.
(8)Shengyu Xu†, Dingyue Wang†, Yan Lin, Zhengfeng Fang, Lianqiang Che, Bai Xue and De Wu. Recombinant porcine epidermal growth 3 factor-secreting Lactococcus lactis promotes the growth performance of early-weaned piglets. BMC Veterinary Research, 2014, 10:171 (†,共同第一作者). IF: 1.743.
(9)Shengyu Xu, Jie Shen, Zhengfeng Fang, Yingfei Zhao, Yan Lin, Lianqiang Che and De Wu. Effects of dietary threonine and tryptophan supplementation on growing pigs induced by porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome vaccination. Archives of Animal Nutrition, 2014, 68(5):385-397. IF: 0.892.
(10)Shengyu Xu, Dingyue Wang, Yan Lin, Zhengfeng Fang, Lianqiang Che, De Wu. Effects and Action Pathway of Fusarium toxins on Reproduction Performance of Sows. World Nutrition Forum, 2012, 5(1): 77-86.
(11)Shengyu Xu, Katja Linher-Melville, Burton B. Yang, De Wu, and Julang Li. Micro-RNA378 (miR-378) Regulates Ovarian Estradiol Production by Targeting Aromatase. Endocrinology, 2011, 152(10): 3941 - 3951. IF: 4.459.
(12)Xu SY, Wu D, Guo HY, Zheng AR, Zhang G. The Level of Feed Intake Affects Embryo Survival and Gene Expression During Early Pregnancy in Gilts. Reproduction in Domestic Animal, 2010, 45(4): 685–693. IF: 1.606.
(13)石建凱,石曉琳,張攀,吳小玲,吳德,徐盛玉*.飼糧纖維對後備母豬卵母細胞質量的影響及其作用機制.動物營養學報, 2017, 29(8): 2630-2635.(通訊作者)
(14)許蒙蒙,車龍,徐盛玉*,吳德.哺乳動物原始卵泡的形成和發育及影響因素.畜牧獸醫學報, 2015, 46(1): 20-25.(通訊作者)
(15)張攀,許蒙蒙,林燕,方正鋒,車煉強,吳德,徐盛玉*.淺析重組乳酸乳球菌表達外源產物在養豬生產中的套用.動物營養學報, 2015, 27(12): 3677-3682.(通訊作者)


吳德,林燕,車煉強,方正鋒,徐盛玉等,豬標準化規模養殖圖冊,中國農業出版社, 32.1萬字, 2013
周小秋,張克英,羅鈞秋,陳代文,吳德,余冰,徐盛玉,王建萍等,動物營養與飼料科學研究進展,中國農業出版社, 42.6萬字, 2016


徐盛玉, 王定越,吳德,林燕,車煉強,方正鋒.一種新型多針取卵器.中國,實用新型專利, ZL 201621155028.3
林燕,吳德,張軍傑,方正鋒,車煉強,徐盛玉.一種提高公豬繁殖成績和繁殖壽命的飼料添加劑.中國,發明專利, ZL 201310060215.8


林燕,車煉強,徐盛玉,吳德,方正鋒 營養調控母豬胚胎存活與發育的機理及套用,四川省科技進步獎,三等獎, 2015.04
林燕,車煉強,徐盛玉,方正鋒,吳德 營養調控母豬胚胎存活與發育的機理及套用,成都市科學技術進步獎,二等獎, 2014.04


