

男,上海交通大學副教授、博士生導師,2013年畢業於西安交通大學能源與動力工程學院,獲學士/博士學位(本碩博連讀)。指導學生獲2014年第七屆全國大學生節能減排大賽獎項、校級優秀論文和省級優秀論文,入選 “智島計畫”人才項目。已授權職務發明專利10餘項,發表SCI期刊論文30餘篇(1篇ESI論文),撰寫英文專著章節3章,負責科研項目10多項。擔任Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media(國際期刊)副主編/編委,擔任Advances in Mechanical Engineering、Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry、Energy Expoitation & Exploration等SCI期刊客座編輯。研究方向為高效儲熱及可再生能源利用、多孔介質傳輸、能源經濟分析與能源政策、低碳能源等。


  • 中文名:徐會金
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校:西安交通大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士(動力工程及工程熱物理) 
  • 專業方向:動力工程及工程熱物理 


2013-2017 中國石油大學 (China University of Petroleum),儲運與建築工程學院,講師,碩士生導師
2014-2016 上海交通大學 (Shanghai Jiao Tong University),機械與動力工程學院,博士後
2016-2017 加州大學 (University of California),機械工程系,研究助理
2018- 上海交通大學 (Shanghai Jiao Tong University),中英國際低碳學院,副教授,博士生導師
2003-2013,西安交通大學 (Xi'an Jiaotong University),能源與動力工程學院,本碩博連讀,大學本科(Bachelor)、博士 (動力工程及工程熱物理, PhD)


1. 儲熱多孔介質熱化學反應和耦合熱質傳遞機理研究 (Thermochemical Reaction and Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer Mechanism in Heat Storage Porous Media),國家自然基金(面上),負責人
2. 熱化學儲熱多孔材料在太陽能集熱中的套用 (Application of Thermochemical Heat Storage Porous Materials in Solar Energy Collection),上海市國際合作項目,負責人
3. 納米流體在金屬泡沫內的強化傳熱及沉積研究 (Enhanced heat transfer and deposition of nanofluids in metal foam),國家自然基金(青年),負責人
4. 上海交大-愛丁堡大學種子基金 (SJTU-UoE Seed Funding),負責人
5. 熱化學儲熱系統的熱力學分析 (Thermodynamic Analysis of Thermochemical Heat Storage System),自主創新項目,負責人
6. 多孔泡沫相變傳熱強化及蓄熱最佳化 (Heat transfer enhancement and thermal storage optimization of porous foam),博士後一等基金,負責人
7. 納米顆粒和多孔介質強化太陽能相變儲熱研究 (Enhanced Solar Phase Change Heat Storage by Nanoparticles and Porous Medium),山東省優秀中青年獎勵基金,負責人


H.J. Xu, C.Y. Zhao. Analytical considerations on optimization of cascaded heat transfer process for thermal storage system with principles of thermodynamics, Renewable Energy, 132, 2019, 826-845.
H.J. Xu, et al.. Review on Heat Conduction, Heat Convection, Thermal Radiation and Phase Change Heat Transfer of Nanofluids in Porous Media: Fundamentals and Applications. Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, in press.
H.J. Xu, C.Y. Zhao, K. Vafai. Analysis of Double Slip Model for a Partially Filled Porous Microchannel- an Exact Solution. European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids 68 (2018) 1–9.
H.J. Xu, Z.B. Xing. The lattice Boltzmann modeling on the nanofluid natural convective transport in a cavity filled with a porous foam, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 89(2017), 73-82.
H.J. Xu. Convective Heat Transfer in a Porous-Medium Micro-Annulus with Effects of the Boundary Slip and the Heat-Flux Asymmetry: An Exact Solution, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 120 (2017) 337-353.
H.J. Xu. Performance evaluation of multi-layered porous-medium micro heat exchangers with effects of slip condition and thermal non-equilibrium. Applied Thermal Engineering 116 (2017) 516–527.
H.J. Xu, C.Y. Zhao. Thermal performance of cascaded thermal storage with phase-change materials (PCMs). Part I: steady cases. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 106 (2017): 932-944.
H.J. Xu, C.Y. Zhao. Thermal performance of cascaded thermal storage with phase-change materials (PCMs). Part II: unsteady cases. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 106(2017): 945-957.
H.J. Xu, C.Y. Zhao. Thermal efficiency analysis of the cascaded latent heat cold storage with multi-stage heat engine model. Renewable Energy 86 (2016): 228-237.
H.J. Xu, C.Y. Zhao, Z.G. Xu. Analytical considerations of slip flow and heat transfer through microfoams in mini/microchannels with asymmetric wall heat fluxes. Applied Thermal Engineering 93 (2016): 15-16.
H.J. Xu, et al.. Flow and heat transfer characteristics of nanofluid flowing through metal foams. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 83 (2015): 399-407.
H.J. Xu, L. Gong, C.Y. Zhao, Y.H. Yang, Z.G. Xu. Analytical considerations of local thermal non-equilibrium conditions for thermal transport in metal foams. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 95(2015): 73-87.
H.J. Xu, L. Gong, C.Y. Zhao, Y. Yin. Non-equilibrium thermal response of porous media in unsteady heat conduction with sinusoidally-changing boundary temperature. Journal of Heat Transfer 137(2015): 112601.1-9.
H.J. Xu, C.Y. Zhao. Thermodynamic analysis and optimization of cascaded latent heat storage system for energy efficient utilization. Energy 90 (2015): 1662-1673.
Lin Guo, H.J. Xu*, et al.. Influence of wall roughness models on fluid flow and heat transfer in microchannels. Applied Thermal Engineering 84(2015) 399-408.
H.J. Xu, et al.. Numerical investigation on self-coupling heat transfer in a counter-flow double-pipe heat exchanger filled with metallic foams. Applied Thermal Engineering 2014, 66(1-2), 43-54.
H.J. Xu, et al.. Non-equilibrium heat transfer in metal-foam solar collector with no-slip boundary condition. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 76(2014): 357-365.
H.J. Xu, et al.. Analytical solution of forced convective heat transfer in tubes partially filled with metallic foam using the two-equation model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2011, 54(17-18), 3846-3855.
H.J. Xu, et al.. Thermal transport analysis in parallel-plate channel filled with open-celled metallic foams. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 2011, 38(7), 868-873.
H.J. Xu, et al.. Thermal modeling of forced convection in a parallel plate channel partially filled with metallic foams. Journal of Heat Transfer 2011, 133 (9), 092603.1-092603.9.


1. 國際多孔介質專題評論 Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media: An International Journal副主編/編委
2. 國際知名雜誌Applied Energy, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Applied Thermal Engineering, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, International Journal of Refrigeration, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Science Bulletin, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry等SCI期刊審稿人


1. 徐會金 (Huijin Xu),段欣悅,王富強,黃善波,徐明海,一種用於測量流體截面平均溫度的金屬泡沫混合器 (A metal foam mixer for measuring the average temperature of the cross-section fluid), 發明專利 (China Patents)
2. 徐會金 (Huijin Xu),趙長穎徐治國,一種高速射流裝置的環狀金屬泡沫直孔噴嘴 (A straight-hole nozzle with annular metal foam for high speed jet device), 發明專利 (China Patents)
3. 徐會金 (Huijin Xu),鞏亮,黃善波,羅璇,徐明海,趙長穎,一種利用LNG冷能的多層式平板冷凝器 (A multilayer flat plate condenser using LNG cryogenic energy), 發明專利 (China Patents)
4. 徐會金 (Huijin Xu),趙長穎,一種採用金屬泡沫的梯級相變蓄熱放熱一體化裝置 (A integrated device for cascade phase change heat storage and heat release using metal foams), 發明專利 (China Patents)
5. 徐會金 (Huijin Xu),趙長穎,徐治國,一種以金屬泡沫均勻分配流體流量的多通道結構 (A multi-channel structure for uniformly distributing fluid flow by metal foams), 發明專利 (China Patents)




